This dude has a hot girlfriend that gives him mad pussy

>This dude has a hot girlfriend that gives him mad pussy
>You never get laid

explain yourself, Sup Forums

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I don't have sympathy points

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Oh, and I have a initially-hidden, deceptively repulsive personality.

Life Insurance money?

Attached: hannahasssss.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

What tells you that he gets to tap the poon?
What also tells you that she isn’t fucking around left and right in his back?

Money is a hell of a drug

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I promise you user this retarded dude is 100% sick of her bullshit.

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I’m not jealous or anything but something about this is so fucking wrong

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Jokes on you, I get laid on occasion.

Chances are she’s bat shit crazy but loves the dude. Probably takes good care of him but totally gets her guts beat by some young bull. Cuck by default. He probably gave her permission since he is what he is.

I wonder how big his cock is

Shes not fucked the retard. Proof she actually fucks him.

Who's got the nudes?

This lady is either sick in the head or he has a lot of money.

Gives permission what would he do to stop her. He cant fuck her. Look at him not happening.

>"How did you two meet?"
>"I saw a video about Shane on YouTube"

Bitch literally just wants attention and fame. Nothing to see here. And judging by the pics she's definitely using him for more followers and sympathy points.

Hope this little nigger is at least dumping his chromosome rich seed in every hole. I find it a damn shame when a bitch can get away with this shit without opening her holes.

how do you know hes getting mad pussy? she could fuck like a mattress for all you know.


yes, you.

I really want to know how they get busy cause he's physically a mess.

They say they are "intimate" in their videos but who knows what that means in this case.

Apparently he's hung, he says it in one of the videos. How he's small, but he's more than average in certain parts.

He won $192 million in the lottery.

Man retirement hasn't been kind to mootykins