My parents used to give me and my sister genital inspections twice a month. Ask me anything

My parents used to give me and my sister genital inspections twice a month. Ask me anything.

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Are you ok?

For the most part, although I hate my mother and she is not invited to most family get togethers, and I'm glad my father is dead. Other than that, sure.

Tell us about the genital inspections.

What is your favorite color of racecar?

How did your sister feel about them?

What gender are you?

How old were you when it stopped. Was it both parents that did this to you? Are they medical professionals?

What did your father die of?

ever told anybody about that?

My father would mostly do mine, and my mother would do my sister's. They would involve dropping my pants, starting around 10 I would have to pull my foreskin back and he would check that I was clean. He would record notes of my development, size, pubic hair growth etc. Then I would turn around and bend over, and he would check my anus for cleanliness. If he noticed anything weird he would take me to a doctor, rashes etc.

Red :)

She is weirded out, but more ok than me. They kept detailed notes about our development, and she has since read hers, although I'm too scared to read mine.

They aren't medical professionals at all. Both did it although it was mostly my father doing me and my mother doing my sister. I was 14 when it stopped, I got angry and told them to fuck off. My sister is a year older, and they stopped inspecting her at the same time.


Nope, way too ashamed.

Did you see your sister naked?

Pretty often, but not really during the inspections. We were somewhat casual about nudity coming in and out of the shower, but I think I've only seen her nude closeup once.

did you ever want to fuck your sister

What they checked your sister?
Did your father touch her?

why do you think they did that? just a thought but, seems like they just catch that shit up from crazy karen next door or something

No more than anyone else I don't think, maybe when I was at peak horniness I thought about it but I don't nowadays.

He inspected her a few times if my mother was away, and vice versa my mother inspected me a few times. They would check for the same things on her, puberty related stuff, breast growth, cleanliness. There was never any sexual touching of her that I know of.

I don't know all the reasons, but I do know my father hated that I wasn't circumcised and that's why he always wanted to check under my foreskin to make sure I was clean.

What race are you?

Is your sister a slut now?

I'm white (so is she, siblings and whatnot). I don't think she's a slut, she has only had a few boyfriends in her life and is pretty committed to the current one.

what happened if you failed inspection?

He would either clean me or ask me to do it myself. It's gross to think about, but apparently kids suck at wiping, who would've thunk. There were no punishments, just reminders.

Did he often check your prostate?

No doc, my dick has always been slightly crooked with a brown mole. It says so in my dad's penis inspection notes from march 5th 1997.

OP confirmed full of shit nobody I know ever wanted to fuck their sister including myself

Nope, he would just check the outside. My sister never got her prostate checked either :p

Kek. My sister knows within 2 weeks when she started growing hairs around her asshole, and I'm sure it's written in my notes somewhere too. Thank god they kept them, I don't know how we would survive without!

It's not something I dwelled on, but when I was a teen and wanted to fuck everything that moved, sure I considered it.

Doesn't really sound like there was any abuse. Were your parents neat freaks,germaphobes?
I've thought about doing this to my fascinated by sexual development. To see if son's dick looks like mine, daughter's vag looks like her mother's and just to watch the labia develop and change shape

Present your genitals to us for inspection.

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Germaphobes for sure. I think it was abuse, but I can't pinpoint any specific times. I would seriously recommend against it though, I hate my parents for doing it and my sister does too. My mother doesn't get to be around for anything accept Christmas lunch, and even then we make sure she is never ever alone with children.

Ask and you shall receive! Jesus fucking Christ this feels weird.

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Snickety snooty I'm coming to inspect that booty

Kek. If they were going to do it I wish they had been fun about it, instead it was super clinical and awkward. Always the correct anatomical names and shit, it was weird.

Not only would my wife not be okay with it but in this day and age is probably go to prison. Those are the two big reasons I'll never get to do it.

If you actually did do it you probably would deserve to go to prison tbh. I sometimes think about reporting my mother, but I would want my sister to be onboard since her notes would be evidence too and I don't think she wants them getting into anyone else's hands.

Like how so?

>Son are you ready for your annual rectal inspection ?

Nigger, trim that shit. Should have let parents continue inspection. They would have at least told you to trim. Faggot.
On the girl side, I approved , mom's probably told her how to wipe and shit. Front to back etc to avoid infections. They were looking out for you, ungrateful bastard.

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I get it though
My stepdad did similar shit
Except my mother mentioned it and referred to it as molestation
Was like 30 years ago so it doesn't bother me much anymore

My penis was always a penis, never a dick or a cock. My butthole didn't exist, it's an "anus". It was always testicles, penis, anus etc.

They never told me to trim. Pubic hair isn't dirty or bad, it's natural. Mothers should teach their young daughters to wipe I agree, but continuing to look at their assholes until they are 15 is not on.

I'm glad you are safe now user.

More than likely they had multiple STDs and wanted to check and make sure they were not passing them on unsuspectingly and if signs showed they wanted to get them treated due to the fact of STD's going untreated could cause life long debilitating illness and even could make them unable to have children of their own in later life. That or they were just weirdos either way OP is a fag.

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Do you think that's actually a possibility? I know for sure they weren't have sex with me, and I'm 99% sure they weren't with my sister, but I guess it's possible. I've never been tested, but maybe I should.

Found the hippie. Nasty muffaca

I have plenty of things about my body I'm ashamed of, but pubic hair isn't one of them. I shower everyday, it's just as clean as anywhere else down there. Maybe once you start growing some you'll change your mind.

You can pass multiple STD's form bathtubs and toilet seats. Sounds like your parents did their best to make sure you stayed clean to prevent the spread of germs and or whatever. You should wash your nasty dick and thank them.

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>I'm glad you are safe now user


I've literally pissed on my father's grave so I think that door is closed, but maybe I'll ask my mother about it. You have piqued my interest, thank you.

Amen brother

Eventually you'll get past it,even if you don't report our mother or whatever
You'll have your own kids and hopefully,!ost likely not fuck up the way your parents did

Lol. I hit a trigger point? Mine grew and I Brazil waxed it. Anus too. If you had a GF then you'd definitely trim down there. Until then, you are a cum burping faggot. Vid related. You.

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I'm triggered as fuck right now. How fucking dare you make fun of my pubes! You piece of shit!!! And then to be homophobic as well, I won't stand for it! In all seriousness, I would trim if a girl asked, but I like hairy women and don't really like getting blown so it's not an issue normally. Also that vid is fucking hilarious.

Go practice your skills...lel.
>hates blowjerbs
Faggot confirmed. Lol

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Do you have a bidet at home? Serious question. How do you manage Dingle berries clinging to asshole hair.??

I cum way too quickly to enjoy blowjobs, plus pussy just feels better imo. To be completely honest, I enjoy the cuddling part of sex more than the sex.

It's a reasonable question. We didn't have a bidet, and depending on when I was inspected sometimes my dad would make me go and clean myself better. I don't look at many kids assholes (or any), but I suspect a bit of poop is the usual, I don't think I was especially unclean or anything. Probably most adult's asses are dirty.

sounds like sexual abuse

did they finger you or rub your clit?

OP all of this sounds like normal behavior, Deal with it

I'm a guy, I probably should've mentioned. It definitely was sexual abuse, but I can't pinpoint anytime they touched me sexually. Even when I was like 11 and 12 and would get erections sometimes, my father would always just ignore them or tell me they were normal. He certainly never encouraged them. I have a hair-trigger, I orgasm very very easily and there were 3 times that I remember ejaculating during the inspections and even then he never made any sexual remarks. I just had to clean up and he explained what happened and moved on. I never saw my sister being inspected, at least not since she started puberty, but as far as I know she was never touched sexually either. I think our mother would insert her finger in her vagina, but I'm not even sure tbh.

Did it happen to you?

>did they finger you or rub your clit?
Hnnnnggggggggg cawk in hand....moar...


That's a funny sounding question.

From a botched genital inspection. do you die from that? I don't think I want to know tbh

What other weird shit did your parents do?

Not all that much, at least not that I know is weird. The only thing that immediately comes to mind is the fact that our mother eats her hair sometimes.

What does the glans look like

Don't do it. Being seen naked at that age can be very embarrassing. In front of parents it's just humiliating.

Why is she not allowed around any more? Why did you spit on Dad's grave?

I think it looks normal. Sorry about the quality, I have a chinkphone and don't really care for pictures normally.

Because she made me and my sister strip down and show her our assholes. I don't want to be around her, and I sure as shit don't want her around other children that I care about. My father was an alcoholic, and even though he never physically hurt us, it was terrifying growing up with him, couple that with the potential sexual undertones and it tends not to breed children that like you.

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Is it weird? Yes...
Is it abuse? No... Quit over reacting.

Did it get particularly embarrassing during puberty?

why are you just showing us your penis
you slut
you cute little slut

Cry louder bitch

He showed it because I asked what the glans looks like

show us what your glans looks like then buddy

You are such a massive faggot that you shun your mother just cause she saw your boy pussy. Fucking neck yourself kid.

Mine doesn't look as nice. I'm circumcised.

Forcing your children to exposed their genitalia to you is abuse.

Absolutely. I started getting erections which were embarrassing, and I've always orgasmed incredibly quickly and that happened 3 times that I remember. My father never made it sexual, even when I was ejaculating he would just explain what happened and we would move on, but it was embarrassing and awkward. My sister has told me she didn't like her pubic hair being talked about.

He asked. I'm not a slut though.


You're full of shit. The whole incest genre in porn exists for a reason. I knew Anons could be fucking stupid but damn buddy.

Having to show your asshole can be degrading. Especially when you start growing hair back there.

They stopped when you told them to fuck off. Is that forced? Do your really assume sexual undertones over medical ?

>my sister never got her prostate checked

I hope that was a joke

I only asked them to stop then because I felt strong enough to take them on if they forced me. Before then, I didn't have the option of saying no. It would have continued indefinitely for my sister if I hadn't stood up to my father, because she didn't have the power to say no. I am assuming sexual undertones even though I can't pinpoint any explicit events because medically it was completely unnecessary.


>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Believe whatever you want my dude

t. have had to show my asshole to people

You edges prove it.

Interesting read, but absolutely 100% made up. Post the "detalied noes" if true OP. INB4 you won't, because this isn't real.

It's official, abandon this thread because I'm never posting the detailed notes of my childhood genital inspections.

Do you create or post in all the tranny threads now?

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I don't know what this means?