Be therapist

>be therapist
>one of my clients is mtf
>they constantly talk about how they're depressed and can't get a job
>they make 0 effort
>decide to guarantee him a job because i'm a nice guy
>he comes back in a few days saying he dropped it
>the boxes were too heavy
>he didn't understand the register
>makes up tons of excuses and goes back to playing final fantasy 24/7 with no stable life

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If you did your job right, that pussy could keep a job. But you suck. And that person sucks.

can you help me man?

I have no friends, I spend almost every day alone and I feel like unmotivated to move forward in life.

not a therapist but this seems to be common among mentally ill people. Maybe not the super bad schizo types but the types that are always in some sort of perceived crisis, many time of their own making due to being selfish or neglect and refusing to own up to it and having people around with a better head on their shoulders enabling them by always coming to their rescue.

Not OP, but...

If you're fapping more than 3 times a week, start moderating that to one a week at least. In fact, stop for the entirety of November.

You want friends? Look around on social media, go to the bar, join clubs, go to church, whatever. Don't be afraid to look like an idiot, user, because you'll get nowhere otherwise. Surround yourself with people who care about you and start moving forward in life with discipline, if not motivation.

Good luck.

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Next episode: "my therapist is so transphobic he won't even help me"

thanks man, i'll try that.

Wouldn't shoving someone into a picking and packing job make them even more depressed?

Don't people in those jobs want to kill themselves most of the time?

Is that the dragon reborn


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I'm on Book 5 right now and loving it!

Yeah, it's definitely a top favorite of mine. Absolute favorite series for me is Realm of the Elderlings, although I've seen pretty mixed thoughts for it.

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I am theRapist and I love helping out some trap in distress

what series?

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I've never heard of it I just finished The Lightbringer series myself and fucking loved it

Actually good advice? What?

Is it normal to go to the bar alone? I've thought about doing that but it seems creepy

Don't go to the bar alone unless you are planning to meet someone. It is super creepy to just sit there and get drunk by yourself.

Being a low t faggot therapist you don't have the perspective.
But this isn't a shock to any normal person.
Trannies are mentally unstable and loaded with female hormones.
It's always going to turn out poorly.

don't listen to that retard, he's just pushing the same weird stupid no-fap bullshit that catholics have been pushing for hundreds of years. It won't help you, you'll just be even more frustrated to no benefit. You really think saving yourself ~20 minutes a week is gonna turn your life around? It won't. Jack it as much as you feel is necessary, then go out and do things and meet people all other times.


>"stop watching porn and moderate fapping, but don't stop it altogether except during november"

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Yep that's what I've always thought. No one want to talk to the creepy guy drinking alone at the bar.