How's your Halloween night?
How's your Halloween night?
spending it here
Watching a stream on The Finders cult
Was gonna watch horror films with a friend. He cancelled and I got bored from watching the shining alone. Just spent the last few hours here, gonna return these flicks tomorrow.
pretty good got to murder some kids over the internet with my demonic powers so 6/10
Good, having a fap-a-thon before Nofap November. Gooning like a mofo to some blacked porn clips.
Went to the brewpub and played go
Drinking alone. I played some Horizon 4, now I might fire up The Outer Worlds but sometimes I get to the point where I'm so drunk I forget everything that happened while I was playing and I start the game again sober and like 7 NPCs are dead and I apparently killed them.
You should take it easy on the booze, my brother.
Everyone I know was out doing something and I stayed home. Shit fucking sucks I’m a dumbass.
my friend tried to fucking scar me again!
You are correct, anonymous friend. It's tough, though. I'm very lonely and the alcohol eases that pain a bit. It's weird. I have a good job, a girlfriend and people seem to like me but I just don't have friends. I suppose it's my fault for not putting the effort in, but why don't I put the effort in? I apparently don't have to suffer, so why the self-imposed social exile? I guess I just don't like myself for some reason!
Trying to find something I lost. Absolutely shit.
It's alright, user. Remember this for next time. Social gains are important. You'll have fun, even if you're just chilling in a corner. You don't have to be the life of the party. Just drink a bit, smoke a bit, socialize a bit, and I swear good things will just start falling in your lap, sometimes literally.
Ehh.. handed out some candy, got some leftover (tomorrows breakfast i geuss) switching between clash of clans and Sup Forums
May I recommend you find /sig/ and /hlg/ on /fit/? Swing by sometime. I'll be waiting for you.
Not doing Halloween.
i carved a jack o lantern
and watched hocus pocus on tv
about to get really high and just relax
thanksgiving soon which will be nice
Classic Halloween. Post pumpkin
Link pls.
Watched Videodrome for the first time, drinking now. Pretty chill.
it looks pretty much exactly like this pumpkin does, too lazy to get my camera from downstrairs atm
Not bad. Handed out candy to kids, drank a few beers and watched some basketball. Now I'm here smoking a bowl. Hope everyone else had a good night
It was okay, i trained brazillian jiujitsu, got home and worked on my fish tank. now im just eating porkchops, listening to a podcast and browsing here
Fuck off faggot
Chill. My day off. Watching weeb shit, drinking beer. Girl just got out of work she should be home in like 30, having some spooky time together.
Honestly forgot it was Halloween today
Sounds like a good day. Post pics of the fish tank, maybe I'm just intrigued because I'm baked, but I'd like to see it nonetheless.
A little info:
This tank is a freshwater tank known as the walstad method. There is no filter, no plant fertilizer, no co2, just water, dirt, and gravel. The plants are establishing at the moment as ive planted them about 2 weeks ago which means I must wait to add fish. But there are baby snails in there eating up the algae for me! If you have any questions I’m down to talk.