Jack o lantern rate thread
Jack o lantern rate thread
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Heres mine
Nice clean cuts, though a little extra slicing off of some corners. Still nice though, 8/10
Ooga Booga?
Very impressive! Must've taken you quite a while
Done with a chisel btw
Fag. I did my kids with a jigsaw.
I like these black ones. They’re unique and different.
Sorry, had to duck out for a minute. I'm a sucker for traditional designs in a cozy setting like this, it warms me up from the snowy haunted house I was working earlier
Nyehhhhhh, Squidgourd?
(Yes, I know the eyes are a little offset)
Hard to tell what the words are. I generally prefer carved pumpkins over painted, but I'm a big Ted Nugent fan and that's what the second one looks like it says, so I'll give it a pass
Very clever! When was the last time you had your pumpkinseed oil checked?
Lol, glad I wasn't the only one who took that the wrong way at first
This is Sup Forums ..... we don’t rate pumpkins.... we give them facials.
I like this one.
These are the ones I did this year
Sup Forums can be anything, just so happens that fetish material rises to the top, likely because it's generally banned elsewhere. Nothing wrong with wholesome every now and then
Hahaha, love it!
I should have spent more time on drawing out the brain. It doesn't look quite right to me. But This was the first year I ventured away from the templates, and tried to do something different
A can punch opener helped a ton btw
Oh wow, I figured you went the Dremel route maybe had some really fancy tools, akin to leatherworking ones. I may have to try that next year!