is it legal to own a mac 10/mac 11 in america? what would be the advantages/disadvantages of owning one compared to an ar 15
Is it legal to own a mac 10/mac 11 in america...
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You can have one, but you have to pay a special dispensation for a weapon capable of automatic fire. Such dispensations usually cost somewhere in the range of $10,000, and even so aren't permitted for open carry. You'd only be permitted to load or use it at a private firing range, and in no capacity would it be legal to use it for self defense or defense of home or property.
Machine pistols tend to be "spray and pray" weapons. They are horrendously inaccurate, and are more useful as suppressing fire than with intent to cause actual harm. They chew threw ammunition like crazy and the spirit of them is generally "Fuck everything within 10 feet of that thing over there." Low caliber ammunition used in machine pistols tends to be rather expensive, as well, and they require a great deal of care and maintenance after use, since gunpowder residue is corrosive.
AR-15s and other long rifles have the advantage that the ammunition is relatively cheap and easy to find, and there are lots of different loadouts and calibers that can be utilized for different situations.
They are legal. Not good for a distance shot but they have a place. I'd almost get the repair section of them particular item and make a nfa item. Without the nfa.
Just my 2 cents
advantages. you could enter the lucrative world of 1980s drug dealer impersonation. you would get to lecture people who call it an uzi. um, at least it's not a mosin.
gr8 b8 m8
Nothing is illegal if you have enough money.
they are legal as long as it was manufactured and registered before the 1986 full auto ban.
only advantage would be they can go full auto whereas an ar 15 does not.
otherwise they suck. being a pistol it will be less accurate. also all open bolt firearms are a terrible design and have issues
Such a great weapon such a simple design anyone with a tiny bit of machine shop experience could make one.
Who cares if it's illegal
a mac 10 would be considered an nfa item so while its not technically illegal you'd have to go through a load of paperwork, time, and money to get your hands on one legally.
comparing it to an ar 15 is like comparing apples to oranges
I believe there are semi-automatic versions available as well, but owning a full-fun one would take some work. As for functionality, you don't care since you're interested in THIS gun so why not just pop pop pop pop and practice that itchy trigga nigga a gat is a gat
>capable of automatic fire
how come they dont treat ar 15's the same way then?
AR-15s aren't capable of automatic fire, generally.
cuz ar 15's aren't automatic unless you illegally modify them
neither are mac 10's sound like some liberal faggot who thinks everybody obeys gun bad you throw tantrums over donald trump even though he's a bigger anti gun moron then obama was
No Gay R15 owner will ever be as cool as Snake with his scoped suppressed Mac10.
my guess is,mac 10's arent scary and big enough for the libtards and trump to whine about them
what a faggot,a scope on a mac 10.that silencer is also bigger then the gun itself.these are the types of idiots i picture when people say they are gun owners but own gun safes
mac 10's come automatic from factory, you aren't making a lot of sense
also not liberal
Anything that was made pre-1994 before the assault weapons ban came into effect is completely legal to own, the only downside is one is going to cost you around $10,000
There are semi-automatic variants of it, but generally yeah, Mac-10 and Mac-11 are full auto.
A client of mine (I’m a construction pm) bought a suppressed MP5. Paid $55k and it took 16 months from decision to having in his hands. He is also a lawyer which made filings and background checks easier but that still took a few months.
well then maybe i should of specified the semi auto variant of it,because im assuming the full auto is illegal and considering the direction america is going(bunch of anti gun retards.including donald trump) i doubt that will ever change
And they're not transferable. They cannot be given to immediate family, they cannot be passed down to your children when they come of age, and they cannot be sold.
Kiss my ass punk.
nah the full auto is legal, its a nfa item though
>paid $55k
wow,would a semi auto mac 10 cost about the same? because forget it,i can get an ak or an ar for a hell of alot cheaper then that,ive just always thought mac 10's were pretty cool and i figured if i bought it id get it semi auto for the sake of being more legal and less ive seen mac 10's shot in full auto and it seems like it isnt worth it considering how fast an entire clip can go
Gun trust. Most buyers set it up to not own “personally”
A scope on a MAC-10? You'd be lucky if the bullet even hits the same grid square.
yeah ive looked up the whole nfa thing before.and honestly,im not trusting the state of automatic firearms in america today.politics wise,if trump gets a 2nd term all that shit is gonna be banned probably
he's already proven he's anti gun and republicans dont care enough to stop him
Wrong but good bait.
Semi-automatic versions are legal to own.
Comparing the 2 is apples to oranges.
Really depends on what you want to use them for.
I would choose a 9mm AR Pistol personally unless size was a huge concern.
Heck, even a 9mm glock 17 with a 33 round magazine would suit most jobs better. Unless you needed to shoot mag after mag after mag of 9mm, then maybe the Mac 10 would be a good choice.
For one, you're comparing a nig-tier spray&pray smg to a fairly reliable and battle-tested rifle platform.
semi auto would probably run much less, still prohibitively expensive though. not worth it imo
regardless,the only reason i want to buy a mac 10 is because i think there isnt enough variety of assault rifles in america
i mean,besides an ak 47 or ar 15 what else is there
MACs are generally the cheapest full auto guns you can buy, they generally go for about 6k now i think. the other common cheap full auto gun is a reising model 50.
i agree tbh
Have you ever even owned a gun before?
>ar pistol
ive looked at those before but
1.its been about 50/50 on people who tell me there worth getting and people who say there retarded and not worth it
2.they seem louder then buying the full sized versions of an ar 15 or ak 47
How is he wrong?
probably the atf
AR-15 is civilian garbage. Plastic trash. Mac 10 all steel lasts forever.
>9mm glock
why buy an ar 15 pistol when i can buy a 9mm glock instead
bunch of fucking retards
made before 1986? fine to own, just pay out your ass for one.
new automatic fire? legal too with FFL and SOT status
mac 10 and Mac 11 style weapons that are semiautomatic? no problem
Customization options?
Likely around $20k-$25k for full auto. If you’re paying a lawyer for filings and legal then add another $5k or so.
Autos are fun for a day of shooting every once in a while. I’ve shot full autos a few times and usually dump $500+ in ammo alone.
Unless you have fuck you money just stick to semi-auto
If you like machine pistol style look into AR pistols. AK style pistols are meh imo, fun but kind of suck to shoot.
I'm going to assume something like the G3, G36 or even the FNFAL would be pretty expensive and rare in the US?
I like to do clip dumps from my rooty tooty point and shooties. Sometimes I'll even tape two clips together and pretend I'm in nam while I shoot at paper targets of Charlie.
>ar pistols
yeah,ive looked at both ar pistols and ak pistols but my issue with ar pistols is that annoying tube at the end and the fact they seem louder then full size ar 15's
AR-9 is cool for a fun gun, but I would rather the Palmetto AK-V
regular AR pistols are fun and way better ballistics, just more expensive to shoot
I also really want a 300 blackout pistol...
Suppressor stamp $200.
Suppressor + threaded barrel $1200+
they are louder and look at all the pistol braces that are out now...not just buffer tube covers anymore
G36 is near unobtanium, you need to get a rare HK civilian rifle that was only imported in small numbers 15 years ago then swap out almost all of the furniture and modify a ton of parts
Dummy question, why is small caliber ammo more expensive?
ok,but then id be spending more when i can just get a full size ar 15.i guess if you want to act like your favorite rapper in a music video stuff like ak pistols or ar pistols seem cool.but i dont know,they dont seem very practical in real life when you compare it to a full sized assault rifle
I guess it's ultimately not a huge issue, but the correct term would have been "mag", which is short for magazine. But again, it's not a huge issue.
either way,dont get me not hating on ar or ak 47 pistols to only issues ive had was how loud they seem and the buffer tube on the ar 15 pistol which somebody said you can buy pistol braces for it
Its legal, just gotta do paperwork. But it is.
>among the cheapest full autos to get
>.45 is fun
>brrrt is REALLY fun
>its small
>can get based shoulder holster
>super easy to suppress .45, basically no effort... but thats more money
>its expensive, a lot more than an AR15
>paperwork takes a while
>brrrt isnt exactly practical
>AR15 would be much more accurate at anything beyond brick throwing range.
>smaller aftermarket
>harder to find
Are the AKs with the handle built into the wooden furniture worth it?
>brick throwing range
Want automatic brick thrower now. Like actual clay bricks
It's not, compared to, like 30-06 ammo. But you burn through it a lot faster, and 9mm is a lot cheaper than the 380 ammo a Mac 10 would use.
Remington is a reasonably good ammo manufacturer. You can get cheaper ammo from someone like TulAmmo, but the odds of a round that will jam or fail to fire is much higher.
Last time I bought TulAmmo I averaged about 1/10 failure to fire. Remington was more like 1/40. I had best odds with Winchester (at least for rifle ammo) at about 1/80. I went through 4 boxes of ammo before I had a misfire.
380 from Remington is about 33 cents per round. 9mm is about 20 cents per round. 30-06 is about 75 cents per round. But, again, you're gonna fire way more low caliber ammo than high caliber, because it's more comfortable to shoot. Pistol ammo you tend to try to empty the clip with relative accuracy as fast as you can, whereas with a long rifle you're focused on making your shot hit exactly where you want every time. Pistol you're generally working at a target at less than 40 yards, whereas long rifle you're kind of wasting your time unless you're shooting at something at 75 yards or farther, at which point you need some precision.
My mistake, Mac 10 uses .45 ACP. Not sure where 380 entered my head from.
45 ACP is about 30 cents per round, though. So about the same.
Why would you buy one of these. This weapon is nothing more than some sheet metal folded around the most crude bare bones of a firing assembly ever. It is so simplistic that it is full auto by nature. Just make one from spare parts off of anything.
i dont know,im just looking for something other then an ar 15 or an ak 47.i guess mac 10's technically arent considered assault rifles though
or for something smaller and more powerful then a regular 9mm handgun.would going to the way of something like an ar 15 pistol or ak 47 pistol be better
Not really worth it. You'll spend thousands jumping through red tape to get the proper license, than thousands more when you find one at auction that meets all the legal checkboxes. Ar 15s are superior weapons anyway. If you want that gangster vibe you can get a mini Am pistol for around $500. Better yet just save up for a full on Tommy gun that you can mod later.
>if you want that gangster vibe
>ar 15s are superior weapons anyway
lol,dont most people buy ar 15's because its black and cool looking? besides,if you look at things politically.i doubt within 5 years ar 15's are still gonna be availible anyway in america
A u t o m a t i c
Get that single shot shit out of here
god, you're useless
Buy pistol and buy a fun non-ar rifle.
Springfield M1A is a good rifle with good mod-ability
Their a various nuanced reasons why people choose a gun. Personally I prefer AKs and lever actions. My friends swear by Glocks. But we aren't cock guzzling faggots like you.
>fun non-ar rifle
like what? some hunting bullshit?
whatever,i bet your friends are faggots.let me guess,your one of those soyboys who owns a gun safe right? have fun with your false sense of security
better option
>pic related
pretty sure i mentioned it before,i dont care about bullshit mods.i care more about how good the weapon actually is,not how it looks
So the general consensus is that Macs are shitty overpriced toys and op is just a faggot who just wants to stand out at the range like the special little snowflake he is. Just buy a Draco pistol and go back to /LGBT/ where you belong.
The original specifications for the MAC 10 were: .45ACP, full auto, high rate of fire, compact, cheap enough to be single-use disposable, factory threaded for silencer. Accuracy, reliability, and durability were not factors. It was meant to be an assassin's weapon. Unless you are an assassin the weapon is pointless.
Than buy an ar then faggot, it's very clear that Macs are just overpriced toys.
Guns are for cowards sissy's faggots idiots and retarted assholes
No technical about it. They are machine pistols. Members of the pistol family. Find of in a weird spot though because some classify them as sub machines.
Then come fight me then fag. I'll fucking rape you in front of your parents after I backhand your soy eating ass.
No. Those are legal bending to have unpapered short barrel rifles. They use, ahem " armbraces " not buttstocks. The short barrel laws are archaic and need to be done away with anyways.
Nope. I own 4 guns, one by the bed, one in my car, one in a drawer, and the last is my cc. Each one more than capable of putting a hole in your worthless head.
whatever soyboy,you'd probably be to busy messing with your gun safe before i pull a gun out and shoot you myself
learn the difference between responsible gun owners.and liberal fags like yourself
this is why i almost always leave these threads early.they get derailed by a bunch of liberal faggots crying about how guns are bad.even though you can find more shootings in their shitty anti gun liberal states then you can in ones that believe in freedom instead of their left wing bullshit
Nice Trips.
Not like flashlights and shit. Lots of barrel, firing internals and stocks for competition/performance shooting.
M1A is the basis for many of the military’s sniper (back in the day) and more recently designated marksmen rifles.
I literally just said I don't own a safe. Maybe you're just retarded, in which case you should get to bed, you don't want to miss the shortbus in the morning and have to ride with the mean regular kids.
Kills niggers fast
Probably worth having at least a cheap gun safe around for legal reasons, even if you never bother using it for the obvious reasons.
>legal reasons
what a faggot,how about this.if you think a gun safe is important,why dont you just not own a gun to begin with.because you arent responsible enough to own one
You say that word allot, some how I feel your projecting, it's okay user. It's 2019 , no one cares that you like a plump cock up your ass.
Because it's nice to have a "legal" place to put your guns if for some reason you are expecting the police to show up with a warrant for whichever reason? Or if you have to deal with police inside of your household in some way? Gun safes are faggoty, but with the way the US is going, you might eventually have to provide proof of ownership of a gun safe to even purchase a firearm.