What's Sup Forums drinking tonight, the holiest of nights (Thursday)?

What's Sup Forums drinking tonight, the holiest of nights (Thursday)?

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The fuck is Henny?

Would love a kraken rum and coke.

Drinking one tree hard cider tonight. I hate cider but this shxt is good.

black folk drink

cider is awesome


cognac is to classy for black people

I'm clearly not black folk.

getting fuckin' c l a w e d tonight

didnt care much for it though

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then why do you drink henny nigger?

Jesus. What is with people and white claw? There's nothing trendier than this shit. It's a fuckin' vodka soda.

Was OP talkin'. No idea what Henny was. If you're going to drink classy shit, don't call it "Henny."

Checked and also that was bate. fuckin hate white claw im a whiskey dude

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its the new fireball,all the drunken college chicks love it

i dont get why people say its healthier though,alot of those hard seltzers have more sugar and carbs then just mixing vodka with sparkling water and getting the same thing as a white claw

lol what is this,some shitty craft brewery that miller bought out?

It has nothing to do with being healthier. It's because it "feels" healthier. It's simple and "clean". Health is the new age religion.

Fucking kids these days

Alcohol master race reporting.

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SJ and coke

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god tier

It's just a fad really I used to bartend in Austin fuckin normie drinks change like the weather

Hennessy Cognac

Champagne !

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fuckin lol,sailor jerry is shit tier.didnt they change the way they make it and people say its worse now then it used to be

Bombay Sapphire here

Oktoberfest Yuengling. Was hoping it would put me in high spirits (and it did momentarily) but now I'm in depressed drunk mode about it being another Halloween without someone I care about snuggled next to me watching horror flicks and binging on candy. Feels bad, man.

Don't know about the change. Usual drink is even Williams on ice.

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Are you a kid or just stupid henny was ruined by niggers flashing it in their monkey videos for decades

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i doubt you can even drink,dont you have some more trick or treating to do kid.this is an adult related subject

Captain and Coke here

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Adult rated subject you're on b you stupid faggot go sit in your bean bag chair and sip your overpriced trendy shite

>This whole thread

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What do you mix it with I need a good gin drink

Independent brewery in St. Louis called 4Hands. Actually pretty fucking good

Glenfiddich 21


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Overrated. Belvedere and Ketel One are better.

Hard cider and sweet vermouth

this but the costco version.

had some stone ruination earlier and now burnett's vodka lol
kraken is rough man I've had some times with that shit

Box wine.

Boiled Whiskey Tastes Fucking Disgusting But I'll Drink To That ::::::::::::::::DDDDDDDDDDD

Why would you boil whiskey?

Better than alcohol

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Heading out to the izakaya after work for my Friday ritual with the wife. It'll be the house brand karakuchi nihonshu (dry sake to you folks) and chicken bits on sticks. Pic related. May continue at home with a bottle of Ichinokura dry (it's cheap but decently tasty), Jozen pink (double the price but very nice), or I might switch to Captain and coke.

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Baczewski Vodka

Bulletproof Wine, same as it ever was. One can of Diet Coke, one can of strawberry seltzer, one shot of Everclear.

What in the absolute living fuck did you just ask me? Did you dare.. fucking DARE question my monthly ritual of boiling Whiskey, and then immediately drinking it regardless of temperature? Fuck you, nigger. I'm going to genuinely force you to drink some of my boiled whiskey. Faggot

>be me
>age 19
>have a sneeze fetish
>little to no porn of it
>decide the best thing to do is to take things into my own hands
>observe my victims' sneeze patterns
>plant suspicious jars directly where they will sneeze
>continue collecting unsuspecting girls' sneeze spray for a good 3 weeks
>it's filled to the top, stinks to high hell. exactly what i'm looking for
i'm thirsty anyway

Heyyy!...he was behind of this

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