if a white person mocked religion the way kanye west is,would people criticize him for it?
If a white person mocked religion the way kanye west is,would people criticize him for it?
at least coping with that family is expressed with this delusion instead of what happened to poor old bruce.
Richard Dawkins.
learn the difference between religion and science you retard
oh wait,that atheist fag? your still a retard for thinking atheism is a religion
white people @ islam
white people @ judaism
white people @ christianity (when they're catholic/protestant)
white people @ catholicism (when they're christian/protestant)
white people @ protestants (literally everybody)
>calling people retards
How is Kanye mocking religion? His album seems to be completely serious.
Science is a religion, dipshit
dayum kanye y u so fat tho
Atheists treat atheism like a religion, that's why so many make that comparison
But it happens all the time
Are white people that sheltered that they dont know shit or are you just pretending to be retarded so you can play the victim?
This too
>pretending to be retarded so you can play the victim?
>pretending to be retarded so you can play the victim?
You just described naziism faster than any sociologist or historian
Too bad we can't fix the retard Neanderthal DNA in your black ass.
Cry some more
i don't think he is mocking anything. pretty sure he is just an idiot
Your racial trait is bitching and moaning. Even with handouts your race can't pull itself out of the gutter it lives in. Subhuman trash.
Not even a nigger but good to know you cant stop thinking about them, cuck
Keep crying
No; if a white person behaved like this much of an obnoxious Jesus freak, they would probably be elected to represent an Alabama district in the House of Representatives and then turn out to have pressured their mistress into getting an abortion.
>americans actually believe this
>americans think science is a cult
>americans think dinosaurs and humans co-existed like the flitstones
>americans think the universe is only 6000 years old