As a white person, allow me to be the first to say I'm sorry, black people

As a white person, allow me to be the first to say I'm sorry, black people.

I'm sorry, hispanic people.

I'm sorry, Asian people.

But most of all, I'm sorry Jewish people.

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Sorry for what? I am a Mexi Fag and I blame my ancestors especially the ones on San Salvador Island where Columbus landed...if those dumb ass natives hadn’t been so enthralled by the Spanish with their lisping, green eyed effeminate ways and just done what normal humans do and just up and killed and destroyed and cut the heads off of those motherfukers then history would have been different. Yes they had arms(guns) but their were only like 60 of them and their were 1000s of natives...the chief just should have waited until the dead of night and climbed their ships and cut their heads off and ate their brains...and Columbus would have just been an explorer who disappeared

Speak only for yourself.

That's harsh. You think you'd be better off?

Hey, buddy. I know you're feeling down because of the other races. As an empathetic human being we all get that way sometimes when we see their history and their potential. I know it makes you feel like you should do something, or at the very least say something. After all, veganism is on the rise. We're supposed to be past the attitudes of the old days. You don't have to do anything, though. They're just as nature intended. As long as you give them opportunity to serve and hold you up, you've done your job so buck up, champ. You're gonna be okay and so are they.

No faggot I’m speaking for you too

Gisele is so hot, would kill to have her laugh at me while I jerked off

Aiit that's it for me. Good night fags

The fact that you feel the need of apologize makes it even more racist

im black and Hispanic and i just wanted to say wtf are you doing? you don't need to apologise for shit! your existence literally makes zero difference in my life good or bad

also fuck off Sup Forums baiting trash

Yeah fuck those Spanish fucks. You could look like this today! Sacrificing babies to Hakkar and shit.

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Black People: Sorry you’re lazy.
Hispanic People: Sorry you’re stupid.
Asian People: Sorry you can’t drive
Jewish People: Sorry about the whole cock clipping thing. That wasn’t my idea.
- God

If whites dont cuck themselves so much maybe they will hate other races less

Nah. You are just worthless.

Do you have a little white dick?


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she' always barefoot too, epsecially when walking on her lawn

5'11, long soles, long toes, high arches...Tom knew it was best to dump bridgette and get gisele

Don't need it don't want it.
We are just going to take it.
Brainwashed freaks.

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>oy vey goyim i'm white like you
>in the name of whites I apologize to niggers
Fuck off kike

White person here, sorry for modern civilization and giving everyone the ability to live past 30 and the ability to shitpost on the internet about stupid bullshit

Heyyy!...he was behind of this

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