My gf is studying abroad in Italy. Is it likely that she will fuck behind my back...

My gf is studying abroad in Italy. Is it likely that she will fuck behind my back? Have you ever fucked Erasmus and studying-abroad girls? Do local guys hatefuck them just because they have boyfriends?

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Not necessarily hate fuck them, but they'll get their dick wet if they can. Sad thing is, you can never really trust them, bro. Hope it all works out for you. I know I banged a couple abroad women in college, I just never asked if they were with anyone, and they certainly never told me if they were

Im italian and I often fuck foreign girls behind their boyfriends. They are totally sluts when they come to study in Italy. If you want I can try to seduce your gf and see what happens

Which city are you from?

Florence. Where is she studying?

I second this, want to see the outcome

I hope you drink sulfuric acid,you filthy rat

hey leave him alone. being a loud greasy italian is enough of torture

You must be a totally cuck. Im sure your gf/wife likes to fuck bigger cocks behind your back, and you just hate the bulls but still love her.
Stupid americuck

Italian here.
We usually focus on strangers because they're much more whorish than the average Italian girl.

OP is stupid, naive and or (un)willingly a cuck.

She went in there thinking about how romantic italian men are, now she's getting a rough fuck from one

Soprattutto le americane, quando vengono in Italia sembra che non hanno mai provato un vero cazzo in vita loro. Vengono in Italia con la bava alla bocca.
Io ne ho scopate un paio, fidanzate, non ho neanche fatto fatica a rimorchiarle, ti cercano loro.

Lo sanno tutti che gli americani sono tutti dei cuck che non sanno scopare, noi italiani siamo superiori

Most girls studying abroad will fuck locals regardless of relationships

1.I dont have a gf/wife not a cuck
3.not american
This further proves people like you are cancerous tumors who have no value and arent loved by anyone and thus they fuck some whores to make up for their autism and shitty childhood

Have any of you italian bulls fucked a short blonde called ana?

10/10 will cheat, She is going to want to "explore"

No sorry, but if you want I can try to fuck her now. Give contacts

maybe you don't have a gf/wife because you think that girls are looking for values, instead of a real man who fucks the shit out of them.


I bet you are as infertile as you are delusional

I fucked a girl in college that was still dating her boyfriend back from her home town. She hadn't even been gone two weeks from him before she was begging for my cock. Their relationship was fine too, she just really wanted to fuck.

This. American living in Italy, and the women are some of the most beautiful women in the world. But they're mostly good church-going girls and hard to fuck. American chicks are way easier, especially the military ones.

kek she probably has already hooked up with at least 2 guys by now why do you even think women go to college? to get a fucking career? FUCKING KEK

I confirm this. I fucked a military's girlfriend years ago. She was a total cuckhungry slut. One-time she was on telephone talking with this cuck soldier while licking my balls.

Lmao dirty greasy wop

My girlfriend is a Chinese exchange student. She was a virgin when she arrived. Now she has my sweaty hairy body rubbing on top of her on a near daily basis. Exchange students are prime fuckmeat. They don’t have to worry about social inhibitors because they know they can leave again and daddy won’t know what they did. Pic related.

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Lol americunts should definitely open a new military base in Italy. We need more cucks here, and more slut girlfriends/wifes

cute butt

It’s time to break up. She’s replaceable, there’s a sea of women, and this studying abroad shit is bad news for a real relationship.

Dude are you me? xD

I'm Italian bro. It's not looking good for you if this is a serious post.

Dude she probably got dicked before leaving the airport.

Thanks, I enjoy it thoroughly

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Here's my story regarding the subject
>Be me
>Have 8/10 gf
>Together for 3 years
>Last 2 years living in same apartment
>Half-half rent but mostly I pay
>Want to get married and have kids
>She's arts major
>I'm physics
>Otherwise many things in common
>Fast forward some time
>We both graduate
>I go abroad to continue studying
>Get into top uni in Japan for particle physics research
>She's working on web design or some sht
>Things are great for 3 months
>Watch TV while on call
>Play vidia together etc
>She calls me
>Wants to break up
>Some bullshit reasoning I don't understand
>I'm mad but can't really do anything
>blocks me on social media
>First month is hard
>Rebound with some Japanese pussy
>Still think I can do something about gf when I go back
>3 months after breakup I go back for a 2 week trip
>Apartment is empty
>Landlord demands 3 months pay
>Ex doesn't pick up my calls
>Meet some of our common friends
>Turns out she met some dude even before we broke up
>She's living with him
>They engaged
>Fuck it
>Go back to Japan
>Fast forward 1.5 years
>Graduating my masters soon
>Don't really know what to do after
>So cucked by my ex that can't get her out of my head
>Jap girls are a joke

Moral is that long distance doesn't work and even if she tells you she loves you and you are the only one for her and she will wait for you as much as it takes, she is most likely lying and hiding how she really feels.

>please occupy my country
>calls someone a cuck

The only honest and genuine answer in the entire thread


My girlfriend cheated in South Africa with a white,guy so,I fucked her 13 year old sister when I was 19

pick one

even the best looking italians are short skinny manlets. All they have going for them is tan greasy skin, nice hair and a high metabolism

Ey homie. Im on the erasmus+ program too. Don't worry i'll fuck your girlfriend.

Yes, we do hatefuck them because they have boyfriends, because they are sluts and because once they board the plane it doesn't matter if we have knocked them up

In my country Erasmus is often jokingly called Orgasmus. All of them go there to fuuuck.

Grats on the prime jb

Hello luciano, i made one of your italian florentine girls my bitch when i studied in florence.

Cheers from an ameritard

Jesus fuck the insecurity is real on this one

Italian here, was an Erasmus student myself. Not cheating can happen, but it's very unlikely, I'd be very aware that the chances of her cheating are astronomical

Heyyy!...he was behind of this

Attached: 3141570616164156.jpg (1364x1177, 116K)

jesus christ, the insecurity in this thread

you should already have the answer - either she would or she wouldn't

the simple fact you came here to ask that question gives you the answer you already knew

Giovanni is about to nut in that pussy right now user