Fuck the Alt-Right, fuck white nationalists, fuck white people. When we POC are in control...

Fuck the Alt-Right, fuck white nationalists, fuck white people. When we POC are in control, we'll exterminate you whitebois.

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And there ends human civilisation

And you are telling this why??? Bitch

No worries. You ever see one hold down a job? After 10 mins I'll be drinking and smoking time. TBH, we keep them around in case of some massive apocalypses. We'll need man power to rebuild like we did in the early days of the US.

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Omfg this picture is hot as fuck she's perfect

This gets my little whiteboi clitty so hard seeing such a perfect white girl so eager to breed out our own race because she's in love with superior big black cock

As a white ally, I have to say that this post is based and personofcolorpilled

Lol ok, run back to your opiods and astronomically high suicide rates rural white racist xD

Low quality b8

A white person made this thread, but okay, I’ll take the bait.

Funny thing is you POC (pieces of crap, fitting given your skin tone) actually are more violent, and instead of becoming better people through slavery and coming out the better people after, with stronger community ties, better morals, and more successful, you’re just violent scum. You’ll definitely exterminate because instead of learning from the mistakes whites made in history, you’re mentally retarded, and will repeat them until the world is africa, a famine filled starving shithole.

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shhhhhh dis one racist OP

Who hurt you user?

lol good one

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Fuck crackers
Fuck niggers

Your world is coming to and end. Go back to pluto!!!

I am happy for you to take our women sir. Consider it the beginning of the huge debt us white men owe the Proud Black Man.
2020 will be the year of reparations!!

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kek stay scared lil whitey, we comin for u.

Fuck Niggers
Fuck Crackers
Fuck Subhuman Wetbackers
and fuck asian women who won’t fuck white men.

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Well your mo sure has fucked all those races so I guess you’d say that

Please do nigger, I’ll beat you down, fuck your momma, fuck your sister (all consentual mind you because they want a kid with good hair) and then they’ll grow up knowing that full black bitch isn’t shit.

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The world really needs less race baiting. It's a sign of how childish our society is that we can't lift each other up, and it's just truly dumb to need to tear each other down.

>fuck white people

You are racist.

Nigger detected

Kek u fuck niggers
that’s fukn gross

Sweet Dancing Jebus
Even in sarcasm this is an overload of cringe

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shes actually slightly below average...just a lil white pig. lol..... and u look dumb as a rock so u make a good pair!

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‘‘Twas now sarcasm m’lday

Except all your girls love white guys.

Lmfao rekt


If we all came from Blacks, therefore white folks evolved from Blacks, wouldn’t that make you niggers the prehistoric, useless ones? Everyone else evolved but you chimpanzee looking ass bitches. You were kings, but we, the so called cave dwellers, btfo your entire race. Some kangs.

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Nigger/10 made me reply.

Brave new world

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We all have hard times man.

Instructions not clear. MAGA stuck up dick.

Get back to your sweeping Sambo..

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Fuckoff nigger fucker

Honestly man I don’t think most people here actually mean it. I’m just fucking around, I don’t actually mind black folks as long as they aren’t fucking we was kangs ultra melanated kweens and dindus.

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You r realize cuckold autism only trolls white leftists

Did u cum?

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Barbarism returns...

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I've watched White Bois drink their way out of a job time and time again.

I make more than you, and have raised better and more kids than you, and fucked hotter chicks than you, I'm sure of it

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You ever make 7,000 in one month, pimp?

No, because we have education and we can hold guns properly and not like that "nigguh gangsta" grip


Yeah, stoop down to their level, good job. I'm assuming in your logic that if African Americans ever actually come to power they would treat them like we were treated? My question is what makes us better then? Not better than them, better in that situation? What happened to being humble with power? Maybe show the future, who ever they are, that maybe we took it all in stride, stepped above petty old shit we all had together. Maybe show the future we can all actually coexist and just love each other as humans?

Niggers are getting exterminated in California by mexicans jajajajaja!

You chimps rely on white people's tax paying money to survive.

And fuck niggers most of all.

holy shit your a faggot

>someone took the time to draw this
>someone, out there, unironically believe this

Stop believing your stormfront propaganda lil white boi

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of all occurence of larp in the history of mankind, this is the worst one

The strange thing about posts like these is that they are created by white cucks. It must be so strange to pretend like you hate black men, but secretly want to have gay homosexual sex with them.

sure fella, as long as it makes you happy

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News for you, nigger: nigger populations in America aren't growing, either. You think your head's will be safe when the Jew finishes orchestrating the reconquista?

Ya right. Yall niggas too lazy

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crackas BTFO

Fuck off pro nigger fagget, this message is spammed all the time but the causcasians outran them ever since.

>It's another black people seething because they can never amount to us thread

>so mad you are trembling
Can’t even type properly kekkek
Cope lil white boi

I spammed your moms asshole last night cracka

Please come breed my gf, master

Made me kek

Coming from the race that can't function without assistance the democrats give you food stamps, section 8, affirmative action ect ect niggers are so low IQ they dropped the national average an are too stupid to realize that the people giving them these hands out are because they know they are lesser race an creating a new working class while they wall themselves off in their gated communities

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Unfortunately I think the whites in this thread are looking at this from a poor point of view. It’s white man’s fault those poor animals were dragged here against their will and forced into hard labour and cruel conditions. It makes me sick. If I ever become rich and powerful I would like to think i’d do everything in my power to build a utopia in Africa and send as many back as I could. The educated and civil Africans that wish to stay will have their own reserves to live on like the Natives.

That's not how evolution works, we didn't evolve from black people, we share a common ancestor (and we are genetically exremely similar anyway)

You mean the debt of their fellow africans that sold them away?

You people seem to only remember one side of history.

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You think Egyptians were black?

Also jews and other slaves built that

Yeah lets hate the sucsessful people.

Black people stole and sold black people to other races. Black people kill more black people then anyone.

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>OP is white jewboi

Fuck right and left, both parties are fumb as fuck.

Go ahead on and keep thinking that, boy. We'll tie you, whip you, burn you, then hang your black ass. Your white bitches will get marked and spayed. Any suckers you have, mixed or not, will be eliminated. Just try us, BOY.

> butthurt nigger coping through pictures of a mentally ill woman
Oh wow, now I've seen everything

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White boys are so easily upset. Look at all these little Timmys quivering in anger over a bait thread

Seething wigger detected

So what's the deal with mrrasheed? Is he a troll, or I he really this deluded? Did someone change the dialogue bubbles?

I love how yall post your greatest marvel as something "black people" and compare it to something a random peasant threw together in a few days as temporary shelter as your argument for blacks being better. Blacks being ignorant as usual. I'm pretty sure Jews built those pyramids too ya nig

It's plausible that bantus built those pyramids, isn't it? The Egyptians owned slaves, the pyramids seem like a perfect task for slave labor, and congoids have been hunting and selling each other as slaved for millennia...

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i'm not an alt-right kiddy i just don't like africans or muslims, rednecks and (You)

Nigger is a slave to white pussy. Even after 150 years we’ve got them enslaved

We went from that to owning all those nations as slaves in a blink of an eye lol. Y'all at your peak got taken over by people in mud houses. Once white people took off we because the dominant race like we were destined.

>white is more intelligent
>black is stronger
So you admit that mixed race is best race?

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OP is not even black.. nice try shlomo

Go eat rat poison


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>is only capable of fucking landwhales and ugly whores
>believes niggers are better than whites

Are you fucking stupid or what OP?
Being a delusional retard and thinking black people have advantages is primitive and just as racist

>Implying Niggers can coordinate

Whites weakness is Autism
Asians weakness is Hydrogen
Mexicans weakness is Walls
Blacks weakness is Crack.