Went out by myself wearing joker face paint. nobody talked to me. nobody cared about me...

went out by myself wearing joker face paint. nobody talked to me. nobody cared about me. might as well had not done fucking anything. i got drunk by myself and stood around awkwardly at bars, eventually i got enough courage and asked a girl who was sitting alone at the bar if she wanted a drink and she rejected it.

instead of meeting any people, let alone girls, i was called a coward and told i had "no balls" by an old coworker from a job i walked out on. it was also pouring rain the entire night, a particularly bad storm, and i walked aimlessly by myself letting the wind and rain hit my face.

It was all too perfect, all these circumstances. My life is shit and this was the peak of how lonely, empty, and dark it's been. I felt like i really was the joker. i could feel myself twisting and turning with the wind and it felt like i was drifting through oblivion

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Other urls found in this thread:


You just need to realize your life is a comedy now

> i was called a coward and told i had "no balls" by an old coworker from a job i walked out on

How did he recognize you if you were in costume?

The question is... Why is this suddenly everyone's common experience? What happened to make this the modern paradigm? How long can it last? How much further does this go before a reset event?

Bruh you gotta ask other people about themselves that's the sure fire way to get "noticed". Also stop dressing up as the fucking joker. The current incarnation of that character is literally a hollywood psa about depression

You're playing the pity card, stop feeling sorry for yourself. People are repelled by that energy.

lmao 2edgy4me faggot

OP become batman

>they said dress for the job you want
>so I dressed like a loser
>and then everybody treated me like a loser
You don't say.

You half assed a halloween costume based on a current movie, got no compliments, and your shit personality put everyone off of talking to you. You expect the world to notice you for doing nothing of note. You got what you fucking deserved.

Yeah count me out of this pity party lololol

I was only wearing face paint and I told them I was him.
It doesn't matter if I ask first. The convo will die. People are put off by me. That's why I fucking dressed as the joker because that's who I am
Literally nothing I can do. I'm not "playing" any card, you faggot, I can't help that I'm awkward and fucked up

This is a really good question. We're sowing the seeds of endless violence.

You're not the joker. You are a sad fuck. The joker in this last incarnation was a sad fuck. If anything that movie should have taught you something, it hasn't and you're acting just like he did. Learn.

Even if your horrifyingly awkward a lot of people find it cute.. are you okay posting a pic of you in your costume and I'll give u an honest opinion


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This guy.

The difference between you and the joker is that he wasn't too pussy to take control of the situation. You're just on Sup Forums complaining

you give off school shooter vibes

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Well why'd you choose the Joker, faggot? If course everyone's going to ignore you. Take a god damned hint

Good. You hit rock bottom. Now get your shit together, stop wanking, sell your shit, come up with a plan, go back to school, start doing push ups, and work until you fuck the man in the mirror.

Get off Sup Forums, stop watching anime, and do something that your friends and family would be proud of.

Yeah dumb and corny to go out looking like that.
Especially don’t wear that if you are alone, wtf, no wonder the girl refused the drink.
However if you asked 10, not just 1 you may have had a better night. It’s all a numbers game, but you can increase your chances a lot by not doing dumb stuff like wearing joker face paint and going out alone:

Larping faggot...

The Joker movie does not represent, Fucking Leftist liberal shit.

wait, so a girl rejected you fucking ONCE, and you went crying home under the rain?

So you were drunk, and dressed like a loser, and somehow now you are acting surprised people rejected you?

Bloody christ kid,can you be even more of a bitch?

>nobody talked to me
>coworker talked to me
I don't talk to randos dressed as incel clowns either buddy


It's your name Julian?

Because you faggots only rant about society as if every stranger around you isn't perfectly fucking aware of it. Do you think people work over 40 hours a week just to go to a bar to relax and have an awkward random Sup Forumstard rant to them? Try to say something positive instead of being contrarian all the damn time

Like I said, he made a fucking change in his life. He took over and made himself happy, you won't and you just want to relate so that you feel like less of a fucking loser. Don't dress up as the Joker while acting like Arthur, dick-licker

You missed the point. Life's not a tragedy, it's a comedy! And comedy is subjective! Your pain makes me laugh with delight!

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>somehow getting politics out of this
You're cringier than op

Everyone is hating me so I'm not posting a pic

I work 30 hour weekends, and go to school full-time during the week, and I go to the gym every day, and have for a year, you stupid fucking assuming faggot retard.
There were other jokers there too. I don't think it mattered what I dressed as just that I was alone and I'm weird and crazy

Learning who you are is far more important then humping someone.

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This. Exercising is nice, so is learning. Gives you two things to talk about


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And yet you dressed as the meme of the month for Halloween and wonder why your life sucks.

>There were other jokers there too

Have you considered the variables that differ and adjust accordingly?

I would actually beat the shit of you right now if you said that to me, in person. And you could not stop me

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>just put on a happy face and smile.

When you hit rock bottom there is only one way to go Op.

Ok now, lemme get this straight : you go to some clown movie, dressed up as a clown, clown around but nobody wants to get down so you walk around town.... On your own.....you really expected anything else to happen ? Try that shit in my hometown and you'll end up in either a police cell or hospital...I guess you were lucky but are too much of a clown to realize...

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You truly are a bitch
You do no wrong, everything it's somebody else's faut according to you.
You are so fucking pathetic, you could had the best costume in the town, and still would be rejected by everybody.

Isn't it rich?
Are we a pair?
Me here at last on the ground,
You in mid-air,
Where are the clowns?
Isn't it bliss?
Don't you approve?
One who keeps tearing around,
One who can't move,
Where are the clowns?
There ought to be clowns?
Just when I'd stopped opening doors,
Finally knowing the one that I wanted was yours
Making my entrance again with my usual flair
Sure of my lines
No one is there
Don't you love farce?
My fault, I fear
I thought that you'd want what I want
Sorry, my dear!
But where are the clowns
Send in the clowns
Don't bother, they're here
Isn't it rich?
Isn't it queer?
Losing my timing this late in my career
But where are the clowns?
There ought to be clowns
Well, maybe next year

Now overdose on something in the medicine cabinet!

this probably why no one talks to you. I'm a complete stranger om the internet and even I get a bad vibe from you

Yeah, you'd be watching your shoes the whole time, mumbling things, and teareyed as you try to muster the courage to move.
Why don't you cry under the rain a bit more, fag

Literally all you’re doing is magnetizing negativity. Grow a pair of nuts and move on in life. Stop having a fit bc of some rain and lack of attention. You’re not special so don’t act like you’re special. Act like a normal human being and be positive. Strike up a conversation with others and have fun. Stop looking for fucking validation. You sound like you care way too much. Lighten up and grow up.


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It literally is you, you retard.
You DO play the pity card, it is inherent in your self-talk and language.
You want people to see you as the misunderstood, mysterious loner in the corner and romanticise being swept off your feet by a girl that "gets you".
It will not happen in your current mindset, and with statements like "literally nothing I can do", you have unwittingly opted to give away your personal power, and probably resent the world for doing so.
The sooner you realise the world owes you nothing, and that you create your reality by the way you think and project, the sooner things can change for you.

Or, you can just blame the world around you, or people like me for pointing this out. Entirely your call. No one gives a shit about you, so you better start giving a shit about yourself a bit more or else the next 50+ years is gonna be tough for you.

>wah im lonely like a character! im prob special and diff in feeling this way, even tho i should know that movies are made to be relatable to the masses
always narcicissts with these mindsets

Watch Foght Cliub. Good movie to ponder for young males in a bleak despair. "Only when you have lost everything are you free to do anything." Or Clockwork Orange. Or watch JOKER again because you missed the message.

maybe at first but you're definitely a normalfag who would try to escalate and thats when id have to stop you
>HURrr ur not special ur not special

go back to stalking facebook photos of random girls and making threads about them faggots

You'd imagine doing it. Just like your movie hero, the best things you ever did were all in your head.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Jesus Christ, leave the computer and go in the real world. No wonder you're alone. You can only get the courage to talk to a girl if you're drunk and wearing a mask.

Go talk to someone, mate. Get some help, get some perspective.

>thats when id have to stop you
Is this kid for real? Do you speak like that IRL?
Bloody hell, this is a cringe thread, but I can't stop laughing.

The point of the Joker movie is that society is bad

>do you speak like that IRL?
>bloody hell

He talks like an anime or comic book. He just needs to socialized a bit more. But as long as he keeps being this toxic and abrasive, with this juvenile victim complex, there's no hope. Life isn't a movie dude.

The point of the Joker movie is that you need to take your meds.

joker didn't feel emptiness, he felt an overwhelming wasted or uninitiated potential, a desperate yearning that was ignored abused and snuffed out by the world.

I'm literally the Joker I'm literally the Joker I'm literally the JokerI'm literally the JokerI'm literally the JokerI'm literally the JokerI'm literally the JokerI'm literally the JokerI'm literally the JokerI'm literally the JokerI'm literally the Joker Lone Wolf Lone Wolf Lone WolfLone Wolf Lone Wolf Lone Wolf Lone Wolf Lone Wolf Lone WolfLone Wolf Lone Wolf Lone Wolf Lone Wolf

I am an anime character. I'm Garou from OPM. I'm Joker. Im a lone wolf, a loner

>waste money on stupid face paint and shitty bars
Should have just hired a hooker you retard.

Do you ever dance with the devil, in the pale moonlight?

best advice in thread fuck all this other virtue signaling trash

I get that. Feelsbadman

I don't think prostitutes would go near him either

OP is a Huge faggot confirmed. I'm sure painting your face as the mainstream hero of incels helped. How did u ever think that was a good idea. Not only are u socially inept, but you're fucking stupid too. If u think u got a shit hand looks like it's time to reroll you pathetic loser. Get up off your ass and stop being a pussy feeling bad for himself. You want a fucking pity party online from a bunch of anonymous incels while wearing fucking joker facepaint. That's what you made your life. What a faggot

Imagine going to the gym everyday and still being a forever alone virgin. What a fucking faggot dude


You went dressed up as the joker but didn't tell any jokes or act like an asshole. You probably looked like a scary sad clown or that dude that shot up the movie theater.

When you go out alone, you *are* the party. Everyone else is background noise. Are they even real people? Who knows? Who cares? Get drunk, talk and laugh to yourself, act like an ass to girls and laugh in their face, ask if they want to get food and leave with you, then leave. Get into a fight, lose or win it doesn't matter.

(Just thinking that sounds like jack sparrow, and that sounds about right)

You gotta fucking live, man.

Kek. Take your meds

What? But I'm also literally the Joke IRL literally.

>everything = virtue signaling
The complete autism from kids these days

>virtue signaling
don't use buzzwords if you don't understand them

OP, You just gotta have fun man. None of those other fuckers matter. Your life is about you. Live life to the fullest, and live by your rules

Build wealth or hookers.

you wore an edgelord mask out to a place where people meet people, just because you show up somewhere doesn't mean you are owed attention.

Shot done by 1 girl, do this everyday if you want a girlfriend and don't go into them thinking you will fail or succeed just talk with no pressure.

you are all alone now, welcome to the club, you now feel what everyone feels or this is a narcissistic way of feeling special and alone.

what do you want?
how are you trying to get it?
set goals that can be accomplished then work your way up.

Sup Forums, really?

pic not related

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youre just posting "advice" in this thread because you want to look like a good guy in front of everyone

ive been allone for years

This has to be bait. This just can not be real.

Can't be real I'm outta here

it is just as shitty to be alone with someone who is codependent, foster and promote all relationships not just the ones that seem to matter, in the end most people are alone, my parents live together but hate each other and just ignore each other and never say anything, that shit sucks and I don't want it for me.

so far I learned that life is what you make of it and if you wait for what you are "owed" you will wait for a while.


No one spoke to you because you're weird and awkward, you're the guy that nobody wants to have to deal with.

Spics arent cool, especially fat ones.

Be me 4 years ago, move to new town for a Sous Chef position and work usually 4 till 1 AM, get a mid shift and work 12 - 8pm fuck yeah Halloween.

Get off work and use work printer to print out John Cena face, use packing tape on both sides to make it waterproof, cut out eyes and paper punch ear holes to put in rubber bands. get Jon Cena shirt and some cheap wristbands, go to bar to meet some work friends, end up walking around waving hand in front of face everywhere and everyone wants to yell John Cena, get a few beer bought for me, feeling good go talk to server I think is cute, introduced to her Boyfriend (bummer), end up getting some mushrooms from them. play pool have a few beers then go home.

few years later meet my now girlfriend at same bar and she remembers me being there, we talk about it and hit if off.

OP is a faggot.

Hook, line and sinker

Nobody cares about the details of your boring life.

>Nobody cares about the details of your boring life.
went out by myself wearing joker face paint. nobody talked to me. nobody cared about me. might as well had not done fucking anything. i got drunk by myself and stood around awkwardly at bars, eventually i got enough courage and asked a girl who was sitting alone at the bar if she wanted a drink and she rejected it.

instead of meeting any people, let alone girls, i was called a coward and told i had "no balls" by an old coworker from a job i walked out on. it was also pouring rain the entire night, a particularly bad storm, and i walked aimlessly by myself letting the wind and rain hit my face.

It was all too perfect, all these circumstances. My life is shit and this was the peak of how lonely, empty, and dark it's been. I felt like i really was the joker. i could feel myself twisting and turning with the wind and it felt like i was drifting through oblivion

Don't go to my kid's school OP, go out in a blaze of glory fighting a gang or some shit.

God dam joker wannabees trying to pretend they arnt complete useless pussys and are the least threatening people on the planet.
You will get pitty not sympathy.

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This is 100% accurate. Too bad it was wasted on this clown.

I'm depressed as shit too (aren't most people these days?) yet even I can tell ops attitude reeks of self-pity and there would be nothing but burden to gain from spending time with him. Can't help people who are unwilling to accept responsibility and help themselves.

Don't bother replying with your gloomier-than-thou charade op, just like all other people around you I've already lost interest and am moving on