So I have harvested female shit from a public female toilet. That is my spit mixed with their shit and piss going down the drain. I'm eating the bigger pieces.
What do I do next Sup Forums? I wanna cum soon
So I have harvested female shit from a public female toilet. That is my spit mixed with their shit and piss going down the drain. I'm eating the bigger pieces.
What do I do next Sup Forums? I wanna cum soon
What in the gotdamn fuck did you make me read with my own two eyes
idk man maybe go to therapy
Are you planning to sell it?
haha must sucks being you irl even if this is a troll thread
Shove it down your urethra
I'm open to selling. PM me bruh
Spit the shit and piss on your dick and use it as lube.
Cum now. And then enjoy your C Diff. It’s months of agonizing pain.
this is why we cant have nice things
Last time I did that I got an infection. I used a syringe that you use to give liquid medicine to kids. Had to go on antibiotics.
The fuck is wrong with you, kys.
Dafuq is wrong with you, newfriend?
The do all the same except shove it up your ass then. Then wait for you to shit it out into a cup then eat it!
I recommend a high of dosage of lead administered orally ASAP
Trust me I'm a doctor
Bullshit post timestamp with photo and a thumbs up
I've already pushed a bunch of it into my rectum.
Btw, am I at the right place? I haven't been here in about probably almost 10 years, figured I'd check on y'all.
Seems like things are going downhill over here...
can you try pluggin up ur nostrils with some doodoo? leave enough air so you can enjoy the aroma. take a close up pic
Fuck you and your thumbs up, bitch. I'll upboat your asshole with my shitty dick.
How do you know it's girl shit?
Now you are at the right place, yeah, this is normal here
You carried the poop in a purse, op?
It's ladies room waste from a place you wouldn't be bringing kids. Dont try to piss on my parade here, faggot.
Shit you probably got here in June, didnt you?
>What do I do next Sup Forums?
I guess you kill yourself.
What? was it an outhouse? How the fuck did you get it? You telling me they didn't fucking flush or some shit?
Holy shit nigger. You're gonna die. I was gonna say eat shit and die, but you already ate the shit.
Having worked in retail I can confirm most women don't flush or even attempt to ring the bowl
Also checked.
OP gonna die from dysentery
When I started saying fuck it, I thought I was gonna die too. But so far so good!! Try it man!
post greentext of how you got it and what it tastes like OP
>literally eating strangers feces
>still wears gloves
Good job user i ain't been this shook in years.
Do a close up. It looks like cookie dough. I'm calling bullshit.
Deez fuckin trips tho...
You gotta wear gloves if you dont want to smell like literal shit the next day. Fuckin n00bs.
Just die in a fire and have it in the will to post it on Sup Forums
You're the cherry top of nothing of a mound of shit... Wait no you want that
Also this.
You could get all crazy and make, oh idk...a timestamp?
This close enough?
Hi everyone, did someone mention creamy, steamy logz????
You are Sup Forums and Sup Forums is you
Huh, kinda looks like pic related
Can you please take a fucking shotgun, swallow the barrel, and pull the trigger? Please, for the good of humanity?
You flew too close to the sun, user. Just enjoy the dubs I gave you.
I gotta pop in every now and then to keep all you little fags in check.
I did a timestamp you little fuckin fags. Where is my notoriety and badge of honor for toasting an epic Sup Forums bread?
I think Sup Forums is just actual degenerate faggots now, who think that being fucked in the ass by a dude with breast implants means they're still straight.
Fuckin kids these days....
The gloves let us know you're aware that you weren't supposed to touch the poop yet you did it anyway. Fucking lol.
>What do I do next Sup Forums?
you find out how to delete your post off Sup Forums
Calling people degenerate faggots. Says the guy sneaking around Women’s toilets and collecting shit AND eating it
Fuck off you retarded niggerfaggot. You are actually fucking useless to us all unless you post a timestamped photo of you eating the shit.
>you won't
>because you're a retarded niggerfaggot