Literally the only reasonable, logical, and sensible choice for president

Literally the only reasonable, logical, and sensible choice for president.

So why aren't you voting for him?

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I'm a non voting felon

Why would I vote for the Asian guy from Succession to be our president?

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Because he's not.

Joe Biden is the guy. A return to normalcy, dignity, morality, and moderation. Time to clean up the mess that Hamberder is leaving behind.

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as long as he doesn't end up in prison

Because he is the Manchurian Candidate

dude is just one dead son away from a total mental break down

Goos one, thank you.

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his dementia is accelerating at a frightening pace

you think he has a chance at getting the nomination? hehe

if he could beat a democrat id vote for him

Jackie chan?

Suck it, you tiny-dicked, whiny, beta, victimhood-loving cucks. It's gonna be Biden winning in 2020, and you'll fucking like it, you sniveling tampons.

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biden will guarantee another 4 for trump

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>tfw the democrats are so divided trump is bound to win another term

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I'm registered as an independent and my state doesn't allow independents to vote in primaries.


Reminder that during one of the debates his dentures almost fell out of his mouth

Pretty sure he's a white nationalist.

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Beta is synonymous with Biden.

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But... he's Asian...

he thinks if we dont pay the whites to be lazy they will kill all the asians

seeing as how white asians relations are at an alltime high this seems super paranoid


>yellow man... not bad.exe

whites like asians. asian cooking, kung fu films, asian chicks. what's not to like?

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Can't tell if OP is a troll or an actual fucking retard

to give China power? sure sure faggot.
Even other Asians know not to vote him

Sounds like you're bad at math

bump yang2020

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