Why do the democrats want open borders?
Why do the democrats want open borders?
lose weight
cause they're npcs and their media tells them to because it fuels controversy for them to make money and the politicians love illegals because they can be abused to create more democratic districts because the population goes up but the registered voters don't which leaves a ton of room to play around for gerrymandering.
have sex.
Because they want to taste muslim cock like the retard countries in euro
Canada has more restrictive immigration than the USA. We screen our immigrants based on things like skill.
Pandering to socialists and globalists, they think this is a good strategy to increase their vote count.
A Nation is the social construct of a state. Worldwide free healthcare and education. End the military and the deep state worldwide. Use the tobain tax on every transfer including crypto.
Cheap work from Mexico. Plus all the beautiful and diverse minorities to shove into rundown low income neighborhoods so they can promise them a better future as long as they vote for them. Just look at black people. Cheaper work and extra votes.
They don't. Please stop believing everything Trump tells you. The guy is a compulsive liar.
Because they want less white people.
>Black people
Pick one
Democrats don't want open borders? What are you trying to say?
Why do you post this every day?
You misunderstand. I'm talking about cheap Mexican work. I know niggers don't work and when they do they quit or get fired almost immediately. But they do live in shithole neighborhoods and enjoy their free gibzmedat money from the dems in exchange for votes. That's what I was referring to.
yeah, we know. Orange man bad. whatever.
Don't be one of these faggots that wants to turn this place brown. There are plenty of already brown countries out there you can fuck off too. If I want to be around my own, i'm running out of options
But they do. Open boarders = cheap labor. Why pay Americans a fair wage when you can pay Jose 5$ and a bottle of Corona?
because without someone to point the finger at, people will begin to realize what a problem gays and blacks are
I've been coming to Sup Forums since 2008. You people are fucking stupid. A bunch of circle-jerking pseudointellectuals. All to cover up your mental deficiency. Afraid of any competition because you know how stupid you are.
Orange man good.
Fuck me repubs are retards
Every sad sack immigrant they let in is not just one vote, but as many votes as they have family members eligible to vote in the US.
Omg you've been here since 08 AND you think you're better than other people here?
Fuck me big boy.
I just want some fuckin rational, competent leaders.
We only ever get far left or far right retards. Both are so immensely fucking retarded
yeah we're so fckng dumb, we don't even know you're better than we are. Kike spotted, gtfo and go think up your next 'how can whiteboi's compete' thread
cause your mom won't leave the boys alone. need new meat.
I'm talking about competition for socioeconomic dominance. You're worried about poor illegals. You're too stupid to realize that Asians already do better on just about every metric of success than native born Whites. Look it up.
Meanwhile, Trump focuses everything on the southern border while handing out thousands more H1B Visas to Chinese and Indian engineers and programmers. What are you more worried about, the janitor at McDonald's or the $100k+ jobs going to Asians?
Just wait and see what real demographic change looks like 20 years from now. When most of the rich people in America are Chinese or Indian. Wake the fuck up. Trump is pro-business and corporations. He doesn't give a damn about you.
We screen them too dumbass. No one is trying to illegally cross onto your glacier.
I get that, bro. That's not new. I want them all the fuck out. I know trump is NY liberal faggot at heart who gives 0 fucks about white.
Until we get a better option, we're fucked. your scenario is already happening. meanwhile, I just want a white f'n country
and inb4 any of you fgts call me a racist. that word means nothing to me, go cry somewhere else
Mexicant detected, illegal at that
obviously to ensure the steady flow of migrants nobody cares about to harvest organs from. that and a never ending supply of young brown sex slaves who naturally have the bodies of porn stars at the age of 14.
seriously, republicans have no sense of creativity.
>Open boarders
Because Mexicans are socialists and vote Democrat. Republicans want them here because cheap labor. Together they form Hypocritron, a giant unstoppable force assembled out of the US bureaucracy.
Human trafficking and drug smuggling. It's a lot more profitable and satisfying to make money from drugs on the side than running them through the corporate world.
Please have sex
The creator of this Deep State bot will be on the hit list once civil war breaks out.
Because Americans like you fall for this shit constantly, there has been open borders for years which the Republicans forced into law first.
So it just reinforces the belief that Americans haven't a fucking clue about anything when they cry about democrats wanting something that Republican forced into law during Reagan's tenure.
Just like how you all think a 30% world trade deal for an exclusive 5% taiwan deal is somehow much better, when it is actually worse and enables corporations to enforce cheap labour via Taiwan.
Also how you all think that increase in duty tax on imported goods is somehow good for America, while stupidly ignoring the fact that people like you are the one who is paying the price for that.
fuck off to /pol shill
also furthermore, Americans have no idea what Immigrants actually are. They all think that it is only mexicans and muslims who enter a country illegally.
But that is not what it means, immigrants can be anyone of a different nation going to yours. And the reason the US allows a good chunk of them to come over, is because they need the people to work technical and professional positions that they cannot fill with Americans. Because America is not producing those people to do so, less and less people are taking further education to become teachers, doctors etc not only through choice but because American kids are failing more at schools these days.
The US health service has 20% of it's professional staff as immigrants because they had to be brought in.
Again something the common American cannot fathom or see. And that was done by design to make Americans more dumb by the government, more dumb Americans = more ways to bend the political system to profit from it.
Why do Republicans want to convince people that Democrats want open borders?
fuck off u fake republican fatso
this. probably binge watching faux news like their orange baby king
stale boomer copypasta
Its just a political ploy to make it seem like they do. Dont underestimate the stupidity of people.
That Republicans are purposely spreading misinformation, that's like me asking "why do Republicans want to bring back slavery?"
Free choice nigga.
But they dont you dimwit. Even obama deported more illegals on his first term that bush did in 2.
Its the only way they find meaning in their garbage lives.
yep seems to be that way. like who can reach deeper in trump's anus
to replace fat republican cows with lithe immigrant poon
Seems like theyd just fuck their daughters for that
Lol so you actually made an entirely different thread LARPing?
Why are you guys so committed to this?
Why are you trying to spread so much misinformation.
Why are you trying to mislead people?
thats the new Grand Ole Pedophile
To piss off conservatives
What makes you think Ivanka is his daughter? THAT's why he talks like that about her! Duh...
>What makes you think Ivanka is his daughter?
someone leaked it
Trollin trumptards.
lithe, not a chubster jewess
New voters. Ethnic cleansing of the white population by replacement, they believe this will create a perfect brown utopia where they are in control forever. In their minds, brown people obey and are a useless slave class as long as you give them gibs.
>tips tinfoil fedora
Closed borders is anti-competition and therefore anti-capitalist.
If you believe in capitalism, you will want open borders
Why do I want to fuck this beautiful women so badly? Argh!!!
citation needed.
we want freedom, like the old days
Because you beat off to trannies.
When everyone cheers for healthcare for illegals at the democratic debates, you don't need trump to tell you what is or isn't the truth. The truth is the dems want as many illegals here as possible for when they push for voting rights for aliens. Might not be today, possibly not the next decade, but it's coming. If you are black in America you should be scared. You are about to be the weakest voting minority in history, once the dems throw you guys out after the promise of reparations fails to drum up the black vote.
she naked
We don’t? We want sensible immigration control. You can do a lot more with technology than a fence.
They don't.
But you know this.
People like you who manipulate the vulnerable make me sick.
Because they’re are done with you and the others american fag so to want to change the population a bit.
who dat? in the lower right with her
lol bait
They don't want them OPEN, just not WALLED...
anyways, who's going to pick you fruit and vegetables, I don't see white folks in the fields...
Latinos are overwhelmingly conservative you tard
melanie is the only good thing the trump presidency brough us