You have 10 seconds to name something dumber than an American.
You have 10 seconds to name something dumber than an American
A republican
A commie, a brazilian and a canadian
Two americans
Two Americans
... enters in a bar ...
I can't
Fat Nigger Americans working for the US Government.
an athiest
Continental europeans.
Weak, effete, stupid.
slavs / europoors / furries / vegans / activists / boomers / coomers / NEETS / hicks / welfare recipients / yahooties / commies / socialists / fascists / nazis / feminists / white knights / liberals / old people / the government
An indian
LOL, I live in the EU and I would push your shit in, fatboy.
...then the American bartender...
Putin. He will build great totaly non soviet internet. Fuckblyat.
Anyone who actually believes in religion or the supernatural.
An american nigger
That's easy. Niggers. More specifically "hood rats" or their female variants "sheboons"
Shoot them coz they were black
A brit
i forgot to mention grammar nazi's but i think i covered that with my broad term of just labeling "nazi" as a candidate for the idiot spectrum
Communism is a Jewish product, and the US is controlled by Jews.
Fuck both of them.
The asshole that posts this same thread everyday.
Everyone else.
but niggers ARE americans, dumbass.
Try again, ape.
Btw 4 less americans in another shooting in california, let's be happy about that.
Everyone else.
Stop copying me.
Hey!!! Like you wouldn't anyways,youd eat my ass like cake ladyboy
Hey!!! who would make my cheesy tots fuckface.
people that deem wealth is the number one goal in life
Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide.
t. cripplingly poorfag
u mad?
And gets put on paid administrative leave.
gays and trans
Niggers from Africa
1. Retards who ONLY point out flaws in an argument without making any points or listing sources of their claims.
2.People who make these sorts of threads. I dont give a fuck about this argument , but the stupidity from either side is super-massive to the point it creates a singularity and consumes that person's head.
Tory voter
People who make stupid threads on Sup Forums
/thread, just shut 'er down boys
There is nothing dumber because americans are the dumbest animals on earth
A Pacific Islander
The UK isn’t far behind. Fattest guy in the world is from the UK, you guys are in the Guinness book of records.
I wish my iq was that high