Tfw you take off a girl's pants and she has a vagina

>tfw you take off a girl's pants and she has a vagina

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Where's the girlcock?

>tfw you take off a boy's panties and he has a vagina

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>tfw you take off OP's pants and there is nothing down there whatsoever

why would you take off a boy's panties? are you gay?

gotta help ya homies ya know

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>tfw you take off a xer's panties and xer has a headcrab

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>tfw you didn't have her sign consent form 6901-A stating your intent to remove her pants and expose her vagina
>tfw you are now a rapist

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I prefer a womens.... But i suppose OP is a Pedo faggot

>not liking girls with cute dicks

nibble on em




U wot

i think he dosent understand traps are women

Traps are guys

women can be male dude just go with it its easier that way

That doesnt make sense if “”””she””””” is a male, then its a male.

im not saying her sex isnt male
but she isnt a guy either

You want to suck dick you gay nigga

not any dick just cute girly dick

It's not gay if the dick belongs to a girl.

I don't know
but I do know where it should be...

Vaginas are gross

It's not a dick, it's just a really big clit

It's a clit that's 4 times bigger than my penis.

traps are gamers grils
women are not gamer grils
traps win

somebody give this man a ted talk because hes based as fuck

It do be like that.

Shit happens mate. You can scissor each other or play fleurette agaisnt knightsword and no shame would be had.

I didn't say it's a bad thing. I like them large.

if she has a dick it might as well be a big one thats worthy of worship

Why would she have a vagina?

because you have been tricked
you thought it was a hot girl
but she has a vagina
youre gay now


Is "goddess" okay, ma'am?

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the least she could do was tell me she has a vagina before i took her home

This. Not everyone likes that gross shit.

Sue her for misleading you

i cant work with that!

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>be you
>have sex
fake and straight

>tfw you take off your panties and there is a old men who tells you a story from an Alien who has Diarrhea and no arms to pull the pants down.

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true story

Bruh, what has the world gone to? "women" with vaginas are not real women.