Ive fucking my best friends little sister since she was 13.
. Shes now 18 and im 24. Ive been fucking her this whole time in secret
. This is her and we are in love.
Ive fucking my best friends little sister since she was 13
any nudes?
LOL, if she ever gets pissed you're going to jail.
Shes 4'8" and tje love of my lif3
Uh... shes 19....
Thong? Kik
Ur kinda dumb assuming shit. Tbh
Uh are ur 10? Ppl havent used kik since 2011
This pic was off a "post your 10/10's" thread from earlier. Implying you have a chance with a girl that looks even half as good as the 5/10 in your pic.
How djmb are you dude. Just a jealous virgine LMFAO
Yeah... and that has to do with age and legallity how? Still sounding dumb af dude :/
Not my pic lol
Want to dip my cock in frosty and lick it for me?
Nope. Ur idea. All you lmfao!!!!!
spoken in the word of someone who doesnt know how to post more than one thread like 90% of users. Lol
I've been fucking OP's mom since 1982
Ok, you're loss
And you want to bet ten years in the pen that she didn't keep ONE pic of you two when she was underage? Because that's all it would take to put you in a cage. Enjoy the all-you-can-eat Black Cock Buffet at Rykers, faggot.
Can u not speak englush orr??? Cause acourdind to u i "loss" without you providing any burden of proof. Which lands on you for you statements. So since you never prooved... you really lost via siantific method. Have fun. You camt even provide a picture. No wonder youll never be taken seriously. Concession accepted.
Uh yeah burden of proof rests on you. Which shes was 19 in first pic:/ great country i live in
Sorry, you're not talking anyone into believing that's actually your girl. You're actually single & the only action you ever get is from your hand. Try harder next time, maybe an user with a single digit IQ may believe you, lol.
As if i care that you are reflecting youself in that post? Concession accepted
Lmao and i used to wonder why this was the virgin capital of the internet lmfao. You guys have fun living in ur fantacy
Mhmmm. Sorry your sad enough that u need to use ur hand as ur girl man. You Sup Forums guys are sad....
Yeah... u just addittod go conceeding:/
Dude its do fucking funny that you retards on thid site are so fucking lonely that u cany get a real girlXD heres me. With my wife. Same girl i married. Even if im ugly u tards cant even get laidXD
Here u go lmao. Dumbass
Mhmmm sorry ur the lonely one. Seriously feel bad for ur lonely ass.