If butchering of girls was legal and meat from them was be able to buy in stores, would you eat it?

If butchering of girls was legal and meat from them was be able to buy in stores, would you eat it?
Also would you work in girl meat processing facility?
How would you organise entire process? (from meat decision to dispose of waste)

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What. The. Fuck.

I would buy those tiny tities for burgers

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Calm down there leather face....

Why would u want a shortage of women to fuck

If you could be a faggot like OP, How much of a faggot would you be?

This is definitely the wrong board, psychopath.
This is the FITNESS board, not /gif/ keep it fitness related.
Jesus fuck, the degenerates are out in force.
Mods,janitors, please clean this shit up.

Girls have 30% fat. Pigs, quite fatty meat, have 10-20% Are you crazy? How could you eat so fatty meat? It is bad for your health.

I'm barely getting any pussy as is, why the hell would I want to reduce my chances even more?

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Kek 'n' check

The purge. November 4th USA only. Rape will be legal. Have some subhumans.

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dont have anything better to do than asking dumb questions huh. how pathetic things can the human mind think upon

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you're basically discrediting philosophy, the father of all other sciences
asking questions, no matter how dumb they seem, is how we grow as a species
so fuck you

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You beautiful genius. Long live and prosper friend.

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this isnt growth but plain autism.
even my dog helps the advancement of his species by taking a shit

We've had this thread so many times before, and the answer is always Yes OP, now go away.

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Why wouldn't I give it a try ?

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I wouldn't be calling anyone subhuman if I looked like any of those guys

Women would be worth much more alive. Using them for meat is a bad idea.

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interesting fetish but seems like a waste. I'd just buy the whole, living girl then make them go to university / get a job and or just be a stripper to make me some $$$

not into guro really but am looking for some crazies to keep me up . wife is gone for the weekend :D
wickr wifeyisout

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You can make money from selling your gf/sister to processing unit