Name 1 democrat who isnt a complete retard

name 1 democrat who isnt a complete retard.

i'll wait.

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seriously, ill wait

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This. Carter. Honestly bill Clinton.

Aligning yourself with a party line is the most retarded thing. Both sides have solid points

still waiting.....

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Boy, these motherfuckers are scared.
Your bosses worries about losing their boy in office, Boris?

Under Billy C we had jobs AND blow jobs

only asking for 1....shouldnt be hard....

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seriously cant even name 1, wow....

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I thought Democrat was slang for retard

breaking my balls here guys....

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Bill Clinton was easily the worst Democratic President since the year 1900. Carter was a good man, but Ameritards couldn't handle his honesty, so they voted for Ronny Raygun.

jesus russia, fuck off.

if you guys had HALF the motivation to fix your own country that you have posting all this retarded propaganda imagine how less shit your lives would be at home

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this and

She looks like she fucks white guys.

lol, imagine actually LIVING in russia.

I would fucking kill myself.

she looks like she fucks her brother

She looks like flies camp out on her face

you guys had 8 years of obama and STILL couldnt fix your shitty 3rd world country HAHAHAHAHAHA

lol ok ivan.

How are those sanctions treating ya? are you cold?

are you hungry?

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wtf are you even talking about

FACT: russia has more nuclear warheads than usa


Russia tards actually believe that retarded shit. No wonder your country is the asshole of the world.

FACT: china can bankrupt usa's third world ass when they call in their debt.

yep, mad.

stay mad comrade, back to gulag

Fact: Russia cant meme

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russia takes what it wants. first ukraine. next will be syria and the oil fields will under russian control. thanks for leaving the middle east weak for us hahahaha

this is a photo of the most powerful man in the world.

next to him is donald trump.

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the usa owes more than $22 TRILLION is debt HAHAHAHAHAHAAH bend over rednecks, you are about to get fucked

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