ITT: only people who participated in no fap decade

ITT: only people who participated in no fap decade

we're almost free bros

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who the fuck does this?, enjoy your semen stained underwear each month

always wanted PROSTATE CANCER


The no-fap thing is the dumbest shit ever. There is no downside to fapping whatosever.

your brain for starters.

there was a thread back in january 2010
it was basically roll singles = normal life, roll dubbz = no fap for 10 weeks, tripps = no fap for 10 years and quads milhouse gets a meme or shit like this

had dubz and that was already tough as shit

Can't wait for no fap decade 2020-2030!

its common sense faggot, search up "nocturnal emmision"
>actually being a bitch and doing what the thread says to do
you should do a roll to determine if you should procreate

ya'll realize this is a psy-ops thread right? This 'no fap"

Attached: chicken dance.gif (404x328, 1.53M)

dubz get

gg mang, enjoy your life without kids

there you have it

back then, /b was shitty but not so pussy whipped as today. there was no cuck bullshit, no constant white bois black bois spam,no andy logz, chocolate milk was perma ban and people did, what the dubbz told them

What being more confident, being able to exercise harder and gaining a whole host of other benefits is somehow a psy-op? If so glowfags ftw!

dubz = getting kids, so we are both lucky


no, the dubs don't tell them to do anything, the people rolling tell themselves to do it
as for all the shit going on, install Sup Forums x, that will make Sup Forums slightly better, i'm still fucking mad at moot for removing ids though, fuck him and fuck chinkmoot

Bitch i'm on no fap millennium

I didn't expect dubs. But i will obey

They still got ids over at Sup Forums

Sup Forums =!= Sup Forums

Yeaah, but Sup Forums is lowkey ded ids or no ids muh nig.

Sup Forums is lowkey dead because they made it die off, the mods encourage stale bait and copypasta, removal of the ids was one of the worst things they can do, not to mention that they allow thread takeovers by spamming images, they don't count that as spam

>i'm still fucking mad at moot for removing ids though
Oh fucking no, how dare mootykins remove ID's from what was the most depraved part of a fucking ANONYMOUS image board.

Your mostly right about that otber shit, but who gives a crap about ids. I mean trolling was always a part of what made old Sup Forums good. Ids made that more difficult and even then the subtle art of trolling has died. Kids these days got no idea, its sad.

you obviously don't know what you're talking about faggot, first off, the ids were optional, second off they were local board ids, they weren't in anyway risking your anonymity, only thing they did was stop people from pretending to be others and samefagging, all the posts from the same id could've been filtered out incase it was a troll, it made life much easier, but a newfaggot like you wouldn't know that

There is to watching porn which is usually how people do it

Sup Forums isn't here for trolling, Sup Forums is a board for anything that isn't already a board on Sup Forums, sure trolling is part of its history however its stopping the genuine users who browse the board from having fun

Nah what kids do these days is being a dick and they think its trolling. Oldschool trolling is creative and humorous, not posting a picture of trump with hes finished written underneath.

i agree about the trolling currently going on Sup Forums however my point still stands about trolling not being crucial to Sup Forums, i prefer the trolls to leave rather than the genuine audience bringing in oc