My friends keep dying. I’m 26 and now 14 of my friends are dead from a mix of drug overdoses, car accidents, and suicide. I’m tired of going to funerals
My friends keep dying. I’m 26 and now 14 of my friends are dead from a mix of drug overdoses, car accidents...
Lmao so stop going faggot
I feel you op, got some friends going down that path aswell I'm younger than you (21) but i've started just removing ppl like that out of my life you probably should to OP
I wish I had the courage
To kill myself
That's a superpower.
Just like Death Note.
Facebook >>add friend => DEAD.
user if this is real then I'm so sorry for your loss.
I never even had 14 friends. But i lost 2 of the best friends a guy could ever have man. I don't think i can stay strong enough for a third.
My buddy said as human beings we are incapable of understanding gods plan. But it's there for a reason.
Don't know if it helps. Im not super religious but it probably saved my life.
Life can be a real bitch user. Sometimes i think hell is earth. And the way to make it upstairs is just to fight for survival down here.
Take care bro
14 friends or 14 people you went to school with?
When I was 26 I had 5 friends. I feel as if you’re exaggerating the word friends or maybe I just didn’t have as many friends as other people.
Hmm can you add me on Facebook op?
Kek your friends are really bad at the living game. They must have been massive fucking losers.
Or maybe it’s just you? Maybe you make people want to kill themselves.
Can I have their steam accounts?
What does doubting Op's story gain you? You either take him at his word or you won't believe him no matter what he says. So why bother being so indecisive or indifferent? Stop being such a bitch, user. If you don't believe him then call him out on his bs. No wonder you only had a few friends.
Sounds like you need to roll with a better group of people or be that friend that steps in and gets these people help.
are you some type of suicide squad or what?
Get better friends
I’m not doubting it, I asked a question. There is a reason Eli Roth invented the question mark.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
You don't read much do you,faggot.
Eli Roth Deez nutz nigger!
>first world problems
if you are from usa leave contry. usa is cancer anyway
I'm sorry for your loss, user. Shit's hard. My Grandfathers are likely going to pass this year, and I don't know how to feel about it. I haven't really connected with them much as of late, so I'm stuck in a weird spot of dread and numbness to the thought. I know it's cruel, but I honestly am unsure how I ahould feel. I think of fond memories and get sad, but they fade quickly and I don't feel anything.
Life is if anything a fickle mess. I hope your friends get better and go clean, and I hope you can find a way to move on from the pain the others deaths have cost you. Prayers are with you, user.
name the jew and get a better/healthier class of friends
Humans are pathetic
> You don't read much do you faggot
That's there to keep Sup Forums from getting in shit with the internet police.
Stories here are likely just as true as they are false all you do is decide whether or not you want to believe them or not. If your decision is to default on everything being falsehoods, why nother spending time lurking here at all? If nothing here is real why do you spend time here rather then playing a fantasy game or doing anything else, user? Why browse a site of stories if everything is fiction?
Stop hanging out with druggos.
Problem solved.
The problem isn't death, the problem is your druggo friends, dumb cunt.
Holy fucking shut dude, you have more than 14 friends?!?!
Sorry for you, user. Keep yourself together, this is not the end yet.
and the shit hole country you live in is....?
> I'm not doubting it, I asked a question.
is the same as saying
> I am not question it, but am simply checking it's credibility.
I don't know how you typed that sentence without you brain melting out your ears. That's the literal definition of doubt user.
As someone who laces his city's cocaine supply with fet, get better friends. These mongrels need to be destroyed in order purify the white race so we can raise the 4th riech.
Americans call everyone their friend. He probably also has 6 different people that he refers to as "bff"
lol wut ?
Look on the bright side, Im sure there is a guinness record that can be won here
Yea right nigga you got like 3-4 friends max. user was right, those are school acquaintances
Why are you such a KIKE
wtf? you cunts are arguing over this?
>all my wot
Stop going, send get better soon cards.
Cocaine is primarily used by white. You’d need to do that to crack to get blacks - and yes, I know cocaine is used to make crack, but that would destroy the fet in the process.
> 14 friends
I call bs
Then join them user
I have 6, actually. When I was in highschool I had 13 we regularly hung out as a group played games together at eachother places, and often went out together. Even for awhile after school was over. We still keep in touch from time to time over social, but we're mostly busy with our own lives now. I often miss the simplicity of those times, now looking back.
user just because you lived life like a closet school shooter doesn't mean every other faggot on this site did.
Not any more.
Heyy!...nice Elon
Your friends shouldn't play Fortnite.
Kek, right? 12 good friend from high school. 30 odd friend group from college, 6 friends from post grad. I’d go to anyone of their funerals. It’s like these people think if your not in contact everyday your not friends with people, just because people are introverts doesn’t mean extroverts don’t exists
And op never stayed in the thread 1 minute
Ive stopped attending funerals after my 5th friend died
I'm 26 as well and I'm a heroin addict. I can commiserate with you, many people have died from overdose or street violence. Fortunately my best life long friends don't do drugs and you learn to not get too close to anyone in the dope game. They inevitably end up dead in a fast food restaurant's bathroom from an OD or shot to pieces on the street or in their car. I recently moved halfway across the country to get away from that shit in southern California, but I got a call yesterday saying my friend that was in a jail in mexico last I'd heard of him had been gunned down in National City for a dispute over money, a couple weeks after he was released. Its a fucking shame. So many bright young souls are snuffed out by this shit. A lot of junkies are low-life retards that won't be missed, but a good amount are good people with potential that have fallen on hard times or got caught up in the excitement of the outlaw life.
I don’t even attend funerals of family members. Stop complaining.
I live in Chicago
I was born in Chicago. I left at 18.
Best decision I ever made.
My ex was a junky for a year and then I helped her stay clean for another year. Her junky ex-bf died in that year.
If she made it, you can make it. She didn't have any support or friends. She figured she couldn't be a part time junky, and so she had to quit. I remember her begging me for opiods, and she ended up stealing and eating all the pain pills I had one bad night. Shit was crazy but she's still clean and got her kids back, too
If she can do it, so can you
Sucks being poor
There's always a type of funeral you have to attend, but won't be bothered by it a single bit.
Join the fray.
Why the fuck do you have that many friends in the first place? That's your problem. It's bringing you down.