How do you deal with the immense frustration of being born with a fuckton of responsibility?

How do you deal with the immense frustration of being born with a fuckton of responsibility?
>be born to 70IQ brainlet ex-drug addict mother
>dad was just some dude who she met at a drug party and is now in prison
>have an older half brother who is autistic and can't take care of himself
>mom's literal career is taking care of him
>makes less than $1,000 a month doing this
>survives on section 8 housing and foodstamps
>has 0 in savings and no plans for retirement
>can barely use her phone/computer at all, gets frustrated and has a panic attack whenever something doesn't work
>brother is a fat piece of shit, literally autistic, also on foodstamps and social security
>can't be trusted to do anything, or is too lazy to do basic shit, just sits on his fatass, drinks soda, and plays his PS4
>both of them are fucked
>realize something when I was 13; I'm the only competent one in my entire fucking family
>realize I'm going to have to take care of them when my mom gets too old to care for herself and my brother
>realize no matter what, even if I don't have kids, I'm going to have dependents
>realize I'm trapped and there's no way out save for if both of them fucking die at the exact same time (if brother dies before mom, she will have no income and won't be able to care for herself. If mom dies before brother, he'll have no caregiver etc.)
>consider suicide every day
>currently 22
>in college considering career
>stay awake every night thinking about how even if I get a good career, I'll still be burdened with the bullshit of my useless family members
>all because I was born
>start to resent being born
>start to hate my family
>start to hate myself
>wish I was dead
>get mad
>get FURIOUS at the thought of having to take care of my elderly ex-druggy mother and retarded meth baby older brother
>get pissed one night and destroy my apartment
>start drinking
>drink a lot now
>buy a gun
>consider killing myself every night

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It's time to make choices. And I don't mean killing yourself.
Start by getting professional help. If that help is no good, seek other help untill you find some that works for you.

Plan for leaving them, of they're so egregiously unsalvagable, you may want to just plan for when they finally make the last wrong move. If the home is ever in jeopardy, leave.

>just leave them GET OUT
>start your own life

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Probably shouldn’t have bought that gun user, Probably gonna kill yourself (or maybe your family members..?) if you keep it around.

>if you think killing myself is the end
you are wrong

>stage 1: life on earth (the big test) thin death
>stage 2:life in Spiritual form in Spiritual place called BURZAQ "everything will be crystal clear you will remember the Promise that you made to the the creator and if you did good in life you will be in a good place and if you did bad you will be punished until judgement day come many wish to go back to fix their mistakes or do even more good deeds some even ask to let them at least go back to life to give Warning to their love ones.
>stage 3:judgement day and that is one big day
The soul and the body will reunite once and for all
>So scary and terrifying that no one speaks for forty years after its creation
everything will be replaced the sky is so terrifying the ground is smooth surface white color and we all surrounded by huge angels Layers after Layers of them each Layers is bigger thin the one before after 40 years we only start to whispers to each other after many more years we all starting to freaked out from the Shock and thin the judgement will start
we all will see these:
-your own Flying books "your life actions all the good and the bad"
-The appearance of hell
-the Pan Balance
>Everyone will fall on his knees

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Just leave man

Its not healthy for you to stick around. and try ti stop drinking, its not going to do any good for you.

And as said, they either cant or will refuse to change.

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user you have 2 paths:
1)kill yourself and /or your all family
2) seek professional help. Get out of depression. And live

>consider killing myself every night
consider not

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Section 8 homes are notorious for fires. Maybe take our insurance policies on both of them. Wait a year or two. Surely between the two of those potatoes someone left a cheap Chinese extension cord overburdened. Overnight your perpetual dependents become your salvation. You’ll have money and a tragic back story that chicks will have put pussy over. You’re welcome OP

Big brain move right there.

pfff save money, leave them to die on their own misery, your only regret might be not leave sooner.

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Just fucking walk away and build your life. They didn't step up to support you as a child, so why should you do so for them?
If you stick around, they'll drag you down and hold you back for the rest of your life.
Build your life foundations - career, wife, family, property.
maybe in ten years, when you are successful, make contact again and see if you can do anything to help.

he still care about them ?

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Go into a career that pays well and you can just pay for private care and not have to worry about them.

Any medical profession: Doctor, nurse, physician assistant
Comp sci/comp engineering

all 6 figure careers easily. Money equals freedom, plan now for a career where you make bank so you can pay for your problems to go away with private nursing care, medical assistants, private aides, caretakers, cleaning people, meal delievery, etc. You can unload 100% of the stress of caring for your mom and brother if you study for a career where you make good money.

Plan the next 10 years and then re-evaluate.

people like you who turn rage inwards, like you, really piss me off.

you would hurt yourself because someone hurt you?

be stronger dude, if you're not like them that is. ditch em.

...or drink a lot and shoot yourself

How would it be better to lash out like a child and have a temper tantrum, useless immature fucks like you should be the people in this kind of situation not OP why don’t you just kill yourself and save us the pain of reading any more of your posts

What are you talking about? The government will take care of them just like they do now.

Regardless, just move to a new city and ignore them.

a truth i've come to learn, especially in situations like these: you don't owe anyone anything. just leave them to rot and start living your life for you and you only. if they don't want their lives to be shit, they're gonna have to pull themselves up and start to change it. you can't be the one to bring about that change, and you can't keep looking after them.

You have zero responsibility to take care of them dipshit. Quit the beer and ditch them.

tbh if you dont ditch them, you will turn out just as pointless as them.

you were dealt a bad hand, time to move on from it. You have no responsibility for the sperg brother and druggy mother at all. fuck the family bond if it means dragging down your life like that