Your thoughts on England?

Your thoughts on England?

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people are dying of air pollution but it's still better than le american middle school ironic white genocide anime club meme

Really hope this is fake.

America is the shit have fun living in your flat sprawling suburb with a handful of sunny days a year

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It'd be a great country if the government bothered to invest in its own people and allow them to start businesses etc. But rents and rates are cripplingly high to offset the fact that massive orgs and billionaires don't pay tax.

I fucking hate it here

>imagine a city less crowded
Yeah, it's called moving.

From NZ.
Spent 13 months there in early 20s.
Hated just about everything about it.
Bought tickets home on a Friday whim, had gf drop me at airport Monday. She may still be there - my decision was not well received ha ha

I'm an American and love it here but the lack of sun in England is very enticing.


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London is a fucking shit hole full of blacks, pakis and middle/upper class who all want more of the cunts

>never been

This is fake, a crowed city?

From Brazil, went to London once
Really cool place, but the food is so fucking expensive and bland

I don't think it means what you think it means.

Made me look, it means exactly what I think it does.

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I stay in hotels in the UK a lot. All of them think they are high class shit when in reality they are all crummy old buildings that should have been knocked down ages ago. Also they never have a power plug next to the bed, the closest one is always like 5 meters away wtf man.

Also I was in birmingham and it felt like I was in Karachi...

the country has lost its glory ages ago

As a resident Paki I can confirm what Trip has stated. My goal is to bang a true cockney chav while she’s reciting June Brown’s lines from east enders

London is gr8

Love it.

I believe it is an incorrect spelling of Crowded

How many steps are you from achieving this goal?

I’ve fucked chav sloots, and a cockney normie. Got one chick to say “my head’s feelin like it’s got a circular saw going through it”. But no combo yet

So you love England
except for the lack of Sun (you don't like that)
but the rain attracts you.
I am confused.

That's an interesting fetish you have there.

i would get the fuck out of there asap

England is lost to muslims
White kids are raped in an industrial scale, happened more than once. Everybody shup up by fear.
Muslim mayors
Come on.
I was watching the movie about Churchill the other day. Looks like another country.
England is lot.


Dude you're Brazillian, all food everywhere else is going to taste bland to you

Only people that are brainwashed by mainstream media think school shootings are an epidemic. Congrats.

>people are dying of air pollution

No, no they're not

Brazilian food is horrible.

They are in China. When is Greta going to pay them a visit?

>My goal is to bang a true cockney chav
There you go partner, have at it

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Yeah, it's a very "knife" city.

hey look another fox news gargling faggot who knows nothing
>I was watching the movie about Churchill the other day. Looks like another country.
things tend to change after 50+ years tard sorry

>industrial scale
>more than once

is retardation mandatory for you stormfags and leavers?

Idk but I met a few English hikers this year. They were pretty cool people in all honesty.

Your are infested with muslims and that's a verified fact. But you are probably the paki from above, so go on pushing your agenda.

No I think what he’s said is that
A. He’s an amerifat
B. He loves it here - meaning the US
C. The lack of sunshine in the UK is enticing - meaning he’s a basement dweller with a sun aversion so he likes places that aren’t sunny

>that's a verified fact
verified by some racist incel on his youtube channel?
sorry tard you're done please leave.

hey paki can't you read?

One step away. I’ll get her the dialogue I want recited

>England is lost to muslims
That's a little hyperbolic.
>White kids are raped in an industrial scale
Any sources on that?
>England is lo[s]t
More hyperbole.

Paki go get fucked by indians shit source but you can go google the research yourself

Maybe child rape is more of a cottage industry

Most chav, from my experience, tend to be thin from their ADHD-fuelled petty crimes and/or activities.

Sup Forumscel kys, your tard rees have been noted


Your MPs are fucking more kids than the Pakis britbong. Wesminster paedophile dossier ring a bell?

You must be one of those incel proud boy faggots. topkek

Why is it that you white nationalist/supremacist types are hate-filled retards.
Seething over the interweb isn't going to achieve your dreams.

Have you traveled to Brazil? Because if you haven't your opinion is worthless, retards think that the food you eat at thematic restaurants taste the same as the real deal.
Same goes for Japanese restaurants, they always make shit with different ingredients.

would love to visit it someday

ive been to a brazilian restaurant before.
no wait no wait it was the fuckin toilet!

sorry i get them confused because they are the same

From Ireland and studying in England, fucking hate it, the food is shit and the people where I am are wankers(some lovely people too though)

Can't wait to be home

How are rents high due to billionaires who don't pay taxes. Also funny how you say the country should allow people to start businesses and the complain that businesses don't pay tax. You stimulate new businesses by being business friendly.

Of course it's fake.

>government bothered to invest in its own people
That's literally socialism, you idiot.
Socialism never works (or at least for long.)
People shouldn't rely on the government to bail them out.

We can't wait for you to go home you Potato munching twat.

>business friendly
bending over like a little bitch for the big bucks


sorry I can't hear you over my free healthcare

Too busy having the sex with all your fat pig men and women, idiot of the east.

It's telling that proponents of "le white genocide meme" are always fabricating evidence.

NHS is privatised and you don't even get prescriptions free, in NI you get it all 100% free

The UK should get rid of England; Brexit is then taken care of, the rest of the UK can continue on, and England can get the financial and structural destruction it so richly deserves.

>implying basic universal services is the same as being ‘bailed out’

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>sorry I can't hear you
Probably the result of the shit healthcare, due to the heavy stress on their budget which causes lower quality and less availability.

it's good

It is.
You're just a tard frogposter.

>t. Lives in England and is blinded by pure, retarded patriotism
Yeah, sure.

If you believe some right wing retarded news to just reee against socialism sure. Free healthcare faggot, just a phone call or walk in away

>less crowed

>having a public ran firefighter service is socialism
Enjoy burning to death in a house fire if it was private as they would be running a nonfunctional skeleton crew to draw a profit, retard

>investing in your native citizens and and your nation state is socialism
I don't think you actually know what any of the economic systems are

having your taxes benefit you is 'bailing out.'
Wew lad

I didn't say anything about school shootings kek, just about OP's underage Sup Forums poster tier bait
>be american
>see the word 'school'
>immediately connect that with school shootings

>running a nonfunctional skeleton crew to draw a profit, retard

>the firefighter service is socialism
I see you have no idea what you're talking about, retard.

immigrants should be sterilized. it should be one of the requirements for citizenship

In China where they are actually crowded and pollute themselves you fucking retard. And school shootings aren't that common the only reason it goes up is because the media hyped it. Same happened after the night stalker got fame and after Ted Bundy too. I forget how autistic this board is sometimes

Nobody should be taxed. The government is a scam

>native citizens
Why not just "citizens" instead?
What do you mean by "native citizens," anyway?

I like (virtually) everything about England, and I can't imagine anywhere better.

I say that after having travelled extensively around the globe as part of my professional duties.

Most of the Countries that I haven't been in:
I would never contemplate going to voluntarily.

Attached: England Forever .jpg (1100x619, 310K)

It’s nice how it’s only whites and gingers on the billboard.

take your pills

Ok retard

Ok nigger believe what you want

But there would be anarchy, of sorts.
Society is way too complex for there not be a government to keep things balanced.

I'm glad you admitted that you are retarded.

>implying the world owes you shit for being a lazy, single, child producing, jobless moron.

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Anarchy =\= chaos
Dude society wouldn't tolerate rape, theft, and murder you don't need a government to stop people that do that. You also don't need a government to build roads and cities since private companies do that too. Anything the government provides you can find privately and often of better use like schools and healthcare meaning the government shouldn't force you to buy their shitty version if you aren't using it.
Tl;dr the government is just a shitty company that forces you to pay for shit whether you want it or not

Won't it completely unbalance the gap between rich and poor, though?
That seems like only a few would benefit.

People are motivated, ultimately, by self-interests.
If someone has enough power, in the society you described, they could be openly pedophiles and no one could (or would want to) do anything about it.

Went to London for a game at the Emirates. Seems alright. Dont know why some ppl have a thing against paki’s though. They seem like decent people.

>t. americans

Spot on. The light is blinding and the heat is boiling, the sun must be stopped.

Any places similar to Brooklyn, NY in terms of urban infrastructure? Basically if I can go get a bagel at 3 am then it's good enough for me.

ive been to brooklyn once

too many fat niggers

Well that would be the 3 am bagels to blame. Brooklyn's pretty big though, there's not a black guy in sight where I live. Just chinks as far as the eye can see.

i offered ur mom to suck my monty python and then call the doctor who because the prolapse made the it crowd call the trouble shooters but instear called the trouble makers