G'moring user

g'moring user
hope you slept well
tell me what are you going to DO today.

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probably just play pokemon platnium till i have to go get an oil change, then go to work and play more pokemon. once i go home ill feed my fish and play pokemon and watch youtube till i fall asleep

ash ketchum finally won.

Work, eat, watch futurama on hulu, bed my wife, go to sleep. Pic is wife

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do homework, put texturizer in my hair, play the new warframe mainline and figure out how to get this cute chick from my math lecture to notice me

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Aimlessly surf the web and wallow in apathy.

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oh yeah i heard about that. been meaning to watch sun and moon, it looks so much better in terms of animation quality compared to the other seasons and some of the jokes are actually funny

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My girlfriend and I along with another couple we're very close friends with are big into abdl, so today and tomorrow we're having a 'littles weekend' type thing.
Yeah, it's very degenerate, but I'm looking forward to it.

what's that?

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This, user.

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Try and get my tags renewed at the DMV.

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Probably some soldering, then laundry. Whichever I get around to first. Then ill go out to do some tests if I finish what I'm working on today (not the bike).

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wow. ok.
now i know.

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One of the worst things to be into, imo. Very shameful and very difficult to get over that. There's no getting rid of it, either - you can keep it away for a while, but it keeps coming back. Like a cockroach.
But hey, life's too short to care.

Kinda sounds like a meme but work on my demos so I can escape the crushing reality of my poverty


D...do....do you guys poop in them or what

>life's too short
tru :-/

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Some people do, but that's a bit much for my lot. We might wet them sometimes - that's the fullest extent of our degeneracy.
No bullshit, they're just comfy.

Getting baby powdered up by someone else does sound kind of nice.

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You have no idea. Big soft fluffy underwear, fuzzy stuffed animals, poofy pillows, and the smell of baby powder and clean laundry. It's the best.
So, I told you my plans - what are yours?

DMV Dude. Fawk tha system!

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Fuck the DMV, I had to spend six hours there the other day just for a friend to get his license.

lelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelleele stop making these threads i am going to fucking find you and kill you

You have 2 choices
1. stop making these threads
2. run the risk of me finding you because i swear on my life i will try my hardest to kill you

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kill myself

Lol faggot

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Some Apex, work on some D&D stuff, research for first day of work Monday