Pic and timestamp for proof

Pic and timestamp for proof

I was raped last night at a haloween party (femanon/cumdumpster), the guy put xanax in my drink and fucked my while I slept in my own bed. I am on the pill but he did not use a condom and came inside me.

what are the odds I have herpes or syphilis or something?

do i have to go to the doc with no symptoms?

also how many men would do this?

please note that i live in Australia so the time zones are different

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Fucking time zones are so fucking confusing.

Show me your tits with that timestamp you unwanted cumbucket

show your dick first fag

Timestamp looks legit. Post tits and then we may proceed.

>get raped
>ask b for advice

What's wrong with you? If real, confront the fucker and ask and say if he doesn tell the truth you go to the cops. Then after he either lies or tells the truth. Go to the cops and ruin his life for being a degenerate.

"...I was raped last night..."

Good. You're a whore. You deserved it. That's why women exist. For men to use and abuse. Too bad they were not rougher with you.

gonna answer questions in order from 1 - 3

1. herpes b v common in everyone worth going to doctors. Syphillis not as common but if owrried go get checked theres no harm in being safe.

2. yes go to the doc and do an sti and blood test within a week to get tested and on meds for anyhting that you could have contracted

3. probs not most men, you should always go to parties with a mate just incase this shit happens

Go to the doctor, you can get a rape kit to prove what happened if you want to take legal action. You have to do it now since it was recent.

Back to work slave. Dont you have some money to make to feed the welfare state and Tyrones baby?

yeah like why come to /b go report it to the docs and they will keep it user unless youre just attention seeking or get some mates to go fuck the cunt up

Yeah IKR. FML.

I've gotta work for whores like her can pop out babies.

>july 13th

Go to police and tell a doctor. Hope you didn’t shower.

Legit? I'm drunk and coming down from a night of cocaine use and I can see the BS here. Oh, and it's been mighty cold for fucking July, you tards.

no it doesn't the date is clearly July 13.
Australia may have a different time zone, but it doesn't have a different month zone.

This. If you're not larping, well, use you're brain or listen to this user here. Also checked.

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>>Not knowing how month zones work

>>Being this new...

the rules were technically followed

Timestamp is from July, learn to troll better you fucking retard

you sound kind of psyched to have just been raped

>you sound kind of psyched to have just been raped

That says july you retard

>July 13

Find a beta and emotionally abuse him until you feel better. You'll be fine because people will cater to you as long as you look good

>That says july you retard
time zones bro

>i live in Australia so the time zones are different
Apparently pens work differently in Australia too. Learn to shoop properly, faggot

Because of the tilt of the earth axis, the seasons are different for the Northern and Southern hemisphere. When it's winter in the US, it is summer in Australia and vice versa.
When it's november 1st for us, it's July 13th for them.

>timezones mean I'm actually 4 months behind everyone else

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Funny because I raped a girl last night after the club!

Was he a nigger?

That is completely incorrect. The date is the same globally


Is it tho?

Hello. This is Sup Forums and I am Donald Trump. I would post a pic for proof, but the Whitehouse IP address is blocked bigly from posting pics here.
Listen. The rape was deserved. I and my fellow Republican alt right Americans hate you women, and think you should be brutalised. We do. We really do.
So, listen here, Tom Boychan? I believe your sign says?
Tom Boychan. Listen. We all think you're great. We really do.
And we don't like how much this upsets you. I don't like it more than anyone. Truly.
But you, you have to understand, this is what happens. And it's great.
What part of Austria did you say you were from?

Donald "President" Trump

You are wrong. I am from the Netherlands, which is on the Eastern hemisphere. The date here is February 30th

> ">>Being this new " ;
when replying to : nice trips
without checking divine numbers
󠛡>>> being even more new.

Maybe OP should post another pic containing the post number and her face

Use you are brain.

is this real? i want to say "I'm sorry that happened to you" but this is Sup Forums and i'm sure you'd rather i call you a whore

You were asleep when it happened, so the rape doesn't count

We Americans think they should be 'brutalized'.
Besides, Trump would have said "think you should be treated extremely 'brutely'. Very very brutely." His vocabulary does not include "brutalised" no matter how you spell it.
Nice try, britbongs.

S. Hemisphere fag reporting. can confirm.

Wait... Are you saying that isn't really Donald Trump?
Next you'll be saying OP isn't really Tomboy Chan.

Timezones don't transport you months through time. Gtfo with your lying as, faggot!

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Kek 'n' check

troll thread
saw july 13
cant believe i entertained it as a real thread temporarily

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He's not? They're not?!?


Post tits

Since it was your own bed I’m assuming you threw the party at your residence. So you likely invited this guy to the party....your fault.

Also trollololol


this thread is a fuckin gold mine


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you are what people think of when they say incel

I don't belive you no sane straight man on the planet would willingly out his dick into you

Op is in Australia can't you read you fucking mong

This is OP

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North Korea checking in and I can tell you this is wrong I live is central hemisphere and it's currently 8 January

>the rules were technically followed
rules require current date/time

what the fuck did you just say to me you little bitch?

If you were raped go to the hospital they can clean you out and help you properly.

You seem to be just letting this slide on his behalf. If you were raped against your will GO TO THE HOSPITAL AND CONTACT THE POLICE.

Go to the professionals instead of attention whoring on a board for of retards.

You should go to the doctor even with no symptoms. Have you showered? Or have the clothes from last night? Go get a kit done if you haven't showered. Take those clothes too. Better safe than sorry

i can confirm its july in aussie land

Shes going to need to go a The'Rapist as well.

WTF ever faggot, you can see a condom in the background. xanax in your moms beer. how dare you rape her? I hope someone does this to you soon.

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For some1 who was raped you dont seem to upset. You look more or less happy, seems like you get off thinking that you were raped.

This is a guy

Apparently not gay enough for you not to comment

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I know this is actually the rapist bragging.

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Why are you smiling if you were raped, dude?

Wait what the fuck it's not July for you northern hemisphere peeps??? What the fuck lol what's the date in america then?

Tell me where its july right now

July 13, 2019 was a Saturday. Good one!

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