He’s done for
He’s done for
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I'm from another country and try not to pay too much attention to America and their political turmoil. I see this thread multiple times a day and never know when it will be true. Is Trump actually going to be impeached or is it just a pipedream for fanatics who need to talk about him?
Cholesterol will get him before it wraps
last part pretty much they're just asshurt and like to make it known a lot.
Kek ignore reality
Strictly a pipe dream. Even if the house impeaches him, the senate will acquit him. Just like Clinton in 1999.
>the senate will acquit him
Protip... The senate knows this
The season finale is coming, I'm sure it'll go off with a bang and someone getting voted off the island.
Can't wait for season 2.
for some time
I am not well versed politically. When you say this, you basically mean that he'll be voted out, but voted back in?
The walls are closing in bois!
He'll be voted out by the lil fish, but then the big boys will then put a stop to their shinanagins and it'll die there if history holds true
>He’s done for
>I see this thread multiple times a day
I've seen this every day on multiple boards since 2016
He's not done until 2024
Too fat to pitch
not voted out... one part of congress will find that he committed crimes and vote to impeach him (remove him from office). the other part of congress will hold trial and find him not guilty of the crimes the first part said he committed. He will then remain president pending next year's election.
This answered my question, thank you. So long story short, Trump will remain in office and anything else I hear is just baseless rambling from hopefuls who want him out?
I used to believe there was a limit to the incompetence of the democrats.
I now believe there is no thing so sure, the democrats can't fuck it up.
It's going nowhere
>NSC Official Tim Morrison To Schiff: Nothing Illegal In Trump-Zelensky Call
Trump haters should prepare to be disappointed once again
Correct !
He's in for 5 more years. The scum fucks on the left can't stop it.
Ok, thank you. I'm surprised I actually got an answer beyond telling me that you've fucked my mother or that I'm some sort of fag. I'm a little smarter now.
When trumpies pretend kek. Pretty obvious ;^)
Trump can't even go out in public without getting booed. Scared.
Clearly wasn't obvious, because it was a legitimate question of mine, but ok hahaha
Zomg trump made aid to Ukraine contingent on Ukraine investigating their payouts to a sitting US VPs family
Squid quo trolls!!!!! Zomg
What are you going to do when he wins again?
Are you going to a cry-in?
Are you going to another Scream At The Sky event?
Will you need more therapy puppies and Play-Doh?
Hopefully they off themselves and therefore raise the collective iq in the country
And all it took was several years of fake news, an environment of anti-intellectualism, and 24/7 identity politics..
.and he’s still the only adult candidate running
get a room faggots ;^)
he won't win again, only the exceptionally deluded actually believe that, everyone else is just trolling and you're too inbred to realise.
I'd go farther than that and say the impeachment is going to help him long term.
The who point is to get the redacted grand jury info in the Mueller report. Despite what the media is blasting, they really don't have shit right now.
If there's an actual, understandable, serious crime in there, he might be in trouble. I don't think there is though. Redaction is a great way to cover up incompetence.
Otherwise, all the noise you hear about impeachment is wildly misinterpreted ( on purpose). I don't know a single Trump supporter that also doesn't support impeachment (I'm an infantry veteran, if you know what that is you probably know what my social circle is like).
The consensus among them is, put up or shut up. If you have real, damning evidence, lay it out so you can actually remove him.
Either way, it'll be interesting to watch.
>he won't win again, only the exceptionally deluded actually believe that,
just like the first time
he will, he definitely will, this is why dems are scared and creating bullshit from thin air, it's all theater
Squid troll quo!!! Muh Russia! Muh Ukraine.
Muh no evidence!!!!!
example: delusion
Like muh Russia, the dems are just sitting on all their ‘evidence’ - you know.
Muh Russia controls trump
Muh Russia controls my mind
cute love in you two. investigations underway faggots, sorry reality upsets you. ;^)
people read the tard letter he sent and will still vote for him?
when your brain is just boomer memes kek, get this on a shirt faggot
Bright guy, huh.
"im not so easily triggered unlike you libtards"
"stop say trunp bad :c"
Trump uncovers Obama era corruption by a sitting VP/Ukraine payouts
Zomg investigate the Putin agent zomg
And vote for who?
Mayor Buttsex?
Yes, delusion is thinking Warren, Biden, or Sanders would beat trump.
I’m more enjoying the boomerang
What happens when trump campaigns on the dems covering up their VP Biden era corruption by unsuccessfully impeaching trump?
What’s worse?
Or investigating corruption?
the old jewish guy is pretty sick
hes actually presented plans and also how to do em too
but you guys are triggered by big noses so it doesnt even matter :^)
Impeachment means nothing in this case. If congress votes to impeach it then goes to the Senate for vote. The Senate supports President Trump so it will die there. This is just a political move hoping it helps them in next years election. They know they don’t stand a chance
Congress can’t do shit except complain. The Senate has to impeach and they ain’t gonna
>Mentally ill emotionally dysregulated gender confused autistically screeching libtard
That's no way to go through life. Donald j Trump is going to be the man of your nightmares until January 20th 2025. Maybe you should embrace it in some way that way you can cope better.
but sanders is beating trump in tons of red states, blue states will back sanders, and independant states are sanders lifeblood
and trumps just going to look like the idiot he is on stage vs someone whos actually a straight shooter but knows what theyre talking about
weve no chance if its butt guy or handsy joe bc theyre retarded centrist hillary clones who just say 'things now good', but if its bernie, trumps in for a run for his money :3
It’s done everyday. Biden did it. Obama did. Bernie and warren are doing it right now. It’s just that cnn isn’t telling you so you don’t know what to be mad at
I wouldn't say uncovered. More like, he actually objected to blatant political pay for play and the media's eyes bugged out as they did a "don't look behind the curtain!"
I haven't seen a single MSM article on how Bidens cokehead son who got kicked outta the naval reserves (sorry Dad!) then got a spot on a multinational board for a Ukrainian money laundering front. Oh, and also a spot on a board " investing Chinese capital outside of China".
Just imagine if that guys last name was Trump instead of Biden.
British English spelling oh no. get the fuck out tard, we invented your language.
look at all the proof trumpies can offer
Hypocrite that can't pay his own staff 15 an hour but he wants the entirety all of the employer base to do it
Who needs the house or senate when you have the 2nd amendment?
>Either way, it'll be interesting to watch.
Unfortunately for the Dems, Trump has a bully pulpit to remind voters of just that
The dem message is essentially “it’s corrupt to investigate corruption”
>Will you need more therapy puppies and Play-Doh?
I saw this on the news.
It was some college campus.
They literally crawled into safe spaces with puppies and play doh, I never saw anything so pathetic
impeachment is doomed to fail not bc theres no merit, but bc of the republican majority who jack off to their god king
theres actual things to impeach him over, like his first military raid killing an 8 year old american girl, his million dollar weapons deal to the literal terrorists in saudi arabia, tons of international law breaking that every president thats currently alive should be locked up for, theres tons of fucked stuff hes done that you guys just dont care for even if its supporting people youre supposed to hate like jihad terrorists LMAO
but it wont work either way, best thatll happen is that people can say that he had a proper scandal bc of it
nothing you just sperged refutes the fact sanders is beating trump all over the place
It would be a good idea if the demstupids would do there job instead of trying to pull a coupe on there president
What, are you guys going to to continue this? I guess there is probably 3 of you. Based on the propaganda value of Sup Forums, I will guess this is a training exercise.
I have decided to haunt you bastards in my spare time.
Your goal is to keep your propaganda on the front page. it is just a matter of time until I gain the information to disrupt you more.
I will not spend much time as others will figure it out. I am well versed and well read. I see these Alinsky tactics as annoying at best.
What a bunch of fucking zero's.
there job?
a coupe?
bottom of the barrel.
which is exactly what i said.
but he do tho
see what unions can do for you? :^)
Look at the date, dipshit.
Then go open up Yahoo or NYT or WaPo and find something similar out there today.
I didn't say it wasn't common knowledge, I said the media is redirecting, hard.
>What a bunch of fucking zero's.
If Trump gets impeached, doesn't Mike "suck the cock, get the shock" Pence become president?
I really don't want to get into the middle of you two fighting...but they raised pay and cut hours.
Funny how that works.
There is an actual video, on YouTube, of Biden making US aid to Ukraine conditional on Ukraine firing a senior prosecutor who was investigating his sons ukrainian company
Its because of that we have these fake attacks on trump - dem deflection
That's an impressive lung capacity.
fitting of the delusional to see one word out of like 80 and not even finish reading the rest of the sentence
is that why you fall for breitbart headlines and cant even read the thing or check its sources to see how retarded it is? :3
I'm stealing that phrase. Fuckin kek.
nobody on the actual left is defending biden for being the right-lite elitist dumbass he is, thats just msm being stupid as shit and apolitical people being dummy uninformed
Keep begging for your free gibs they're not coming
Sanders will never win the dem nomination
Once Biden’s kamikaze campaign dies, Hillary will step and challenge what they hope is a weakened trump
oh no a VIDEO on YOUTUBE reeeeee. does not exist at all tard keep lying.
meanwhile trump can't even release a full transcript
keep begging for your wall, its not coming uwu
Still? This thread's been posted here since the first month of his presidency
>Sanders will never win the dem nomination
as an actual leftie you look as obvious of a troll as you are
at least be funny and misleading
>more tard sperge AND a meme
fucking Sup Forumscels
>It's going nowhere
>>NSC Official Tim Morrison To Schiff: Nothing Illegal In Trump-Zelensky Call
>Trump haters should prepare to be disappointed once again
what are the dems doing, why even try at this point
is it all just gaslighting?
sometimes, as in this case, one word is all that is needed.
the working class will never vote for sanders socialist ideas - let's steal from the working and give to the lazy
>This thread's been posted here since the first month of his presidency
before, and on multiple boards
never getting that nobel either
>is it all just gaslighting?
>>>NSC Official Tim Morrison To Schiff: Nothing Illegal In Trump-Zelensky Call
so did many other people, this is why I'm confused
‘If the prosecutor isn’t fired, you aren’t getting the money”
Just think - Biden can use these tricks to usher in a new Judicial System in America
Why have judges and prosecutors if you can have Biden?
I dont give a shit about your political views. Because Im pretty sure all your views are shit anyway.
Whats really retarded though is how you tack on emojis at the end of your sentences like some kind of smug punctuation in the hopes it will upset someone or make it seem like you really dont care, when its clear you care very much by the ferverent responses you throw out.
In all reality all it does is make people not give a shit about what you have to say and makes you look like a faggot.
you mean the things every other modern country supplies to better function, like not going bankrupt for a $400 or more emergency, and not having a retarded money wall keeping folks out of the last 4 years of school after the last 12 were paid for and free? aight
keep getting cucked by mr turtle bitch mcconnell
if you hate socialism so much i hope you dont like firefighters, the interstate, or the police :3
health issues only take the good people from among us
Drumpf will live to be 90, just to spite everyone
was only a matter of time, get new dialogue