I have trained extensively for this day. Today's the day that I roll dubs. Don't worry, guys. I won't fail you

I have trained extensively for this day. Today's the day that I roll dubs. Don't worry, guys. I won't fail you.

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if dubs yamcha dies

Well you failed Gohan, you fucking jobber

I'm cursed

>snickers to himself
You call those dubs kid?
These are dubs

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Its really not that hard

Just train hard and it pays off


>"Suck Mega Balls"

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Nice digits

I know it's not
Watch this!

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Jesus Christ out of my way incels

Now is the moment

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i never get dubs anymore

I'm not a yamcha

damn he truly aint

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Eternal Dragon! Grant me dubs!

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If no dubs everyone here is a nigger

you call that dubs? I Vegita will show you the true power of dubs!

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Dubs and y'all queer

NOW IS THE HOUR OF DUBS! Let me show you the true power of dubs!

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If dubs I’ll go study.

I think your Dub's broke Vegita...

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I Bardock will show you the original power of true dubs!

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your mom is

dam it son Goku ! you better give me dubs for this

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what are you losers doing

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I'm new to this site. What are dubs?


"This" being what?

Get the fuck out of my board you newfags, learn to lurk and Google instead of asking stupid shit reeeeeeeeeeee.

Check 'em

if dubs i poop

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You are indeed poop.

I am cool

What is a man, without dubs?

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you fail, enjoy mine

He said ree all lowercase and ended it with a period! Newfag! Kill Thee


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I have an erection! It only happens 27 times a day.So stop what you're doing and witness penis perfection! This is more important that what you have to post.

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Check em my dudes

Gohan sucks

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Yamcha doesn't though