Panties and more panties

Panties and more panties.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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why does she have a revolver?

Photo shoot for some place called thehunt

Attached: s-l300.jpg (300x300, 16K)

The wife

Attached: 2413C836-F67D-40CA-82A9-0429612460E8.jpg (1440x1920, 514K)

And again

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Jesus Christ please keep sharing her

I have a huge panties fetish.

I've wanked with my sisters clean/dirty panties multiple times.

I've stolen multiple pairs from friends and their sisters over the years.

I convinced my ex-gf to let me use her sisters panties in bed with us once.

Shit is hooooot


Attached: bd5278bf-aefb-4c82-802a-14bde7fb4059.jpg (720x540, 33K)

>I convinced my ex-gf to let me use her sisters panties in bed with us once.

can confirm, hot af

May have one more panty shot pls hold

Attached: 173986B6-DD39-48CC-8CEE-19E438DEBF9A.jpg (3264x2448, 1.44M)

I like your style user.

Attached: 93676257-6424-4E51-9E30-15A62AE50CC1.jpg (1500x1128, 150K)

I fucking love string bikini panties

Attached: string bikini 66.jpg (667x1000, 79K)

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Found some milf on a friend's sd card.

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Take advice from the underwear.

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I don't see the point, there's nothing to protect or support. All women should go outside without any.

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You're right. Instead they should put on diapers.

Attached: 1570316181194.gif (364x364, 1.45M)

Attached: string bikini 54.jpg (1000x1333, 311K)

Nice do you have any more

Yeah I do.

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Diaper fags get the rope

Attached: AUT_0138.jpg (640x480, 100K)

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Save the rope for yourself pantyfag

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>Guys who like satin panties all upload albums of themselves on imagefap of them wearing them
>Prove me wrong

People who like satin panties put us panty lovers to shame

Attached: EE7ZOsyXYAUgIU9.jpg (1536x2048, 347K)

Anyone have any suggestions of how I can set up a station to photograph my panty collection? I want to take a pic of both the front and back of each pair individually and create an image catalog. I have a phone and that's pretty much it, no money to spend on tripods or lights and such.

Clean white bed sheet with good overhead, and indirect (sunny day window) lighting.

Hey, I might wear them, but I don't upload pics of myself.

My fetish, right here.

Attached: 1429264797031.jpg (4096x3729, 1.72M)

I don't know how consistent that will be though considering I have about 300 pairs.

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Attached: 1432648518146.webm (1920x1080, 1.09M)

That's about your only option with no money for photo lighting.

Arrange some free standing lamps around as well. You want the lighting to be indirect, so as not to cause any shadows or reflections

Attached: 1293735085962.jpg (1200x900, 224K)

fuckin sexy

Attached: 1447172482205.webm (854x480, 1.98M)

I guess. Really sucks to be a broke OCD fetishist.

A classic

>Chkd, nice dubs


Attached: chatpic.org_9b0320229045f0f4ceed050e20675560.jpg (1200x1600, 145K)

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I understand. I'm a broke photographer and made light boxes from moving boxes, cheap white bed sheets, $2 lamp hoods from the hardware store and cheap cfl lightbulbs.
Necessity is the mother of invention my friend. You'll figure it out.


Ask girls to pose in them. Say you can't offer money, but you can offer to let them pick five to keep. You won't have them anymore, but you'll have memories.

Yeah, girls just love owning someone else's dirty underwear.

Been thinking about trying to make some type of manequin to pose them. I don't think any girl would want them either as they are all used.

They don't but I do :)
Some of them were brand new when I found them though. Girls throw out brand new clothes all the time for some god forsaken reason; like... do they just let it sit in their closets, forget about them then get too fat to wear them or?

*Mostly all used*

LOVE short, full back panties!

Yeah sorry, you're never going to convince a woman to wear dirty underwear like that. It's just gross. You might be able to pay someone to take photos, but that's about it.

Attached: IMG_2458-min.jpg (4000x6000, 1.02M)

i didnt know 'Pigs In Underwear' was a thing; what a strange fetish

I know that already

Wut? Shes actually cute though.

women look the hottest when they look dainty and delicate. g-strings and thongs are a standard that fat dudes came up with in the 80's and isn't near feminine enough to be sexy, i think

Best to ignore the incels

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But there's underwear even better than panties

Attached: tumblr_op96zkqsVR1w0wsy0o1_540.gif (512x512, 1.11M)

cute? she looks like a dude in a wig, and needs to either buy some tits or drop some weight; you cant have zero tone/look bloated AND have small tits. she looks like a an archie comic.

Attached: archie.png (1024x1024, 84K)

samefag it up. now post more of her, faggot, and protect your gross kinks. do it now, cause daddy told you to.

fukkin disgusting pedo. gtfo.

tiny titties, big ass kooter, good combo, fag

Large tits are disgusting anyways

Don't do this, it makes mustard gas.

you've no idea what you're missing

Attached: tumblr_nn21g8vQWd1t158r5o1_1280.jpg (768x1024, 121K)

ex gf

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Soo...nice one Elon

Attached: 3591570616091908.jpg (1596x1112, 182K)

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