This triggers the conservative

This triggers the conservative.

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literally nobody cares about climate change

Climate crisis is the proper term now?


I don't fear an autistic child.

her eyes say fuck me

i dont know about the earth but she's getting hotter

dubs dont lie

"Global warming" didn't work so it turned into a vague term called "climate change'. That didn't work either, so now they slapped the word "crisis" on there to make it seem like an actual threat.

I wish all of these "climate crisis" faggots would just drop dead already. Stop worrying about the rest of the world and focus on China and India.

liberals pretend to care about shit they don't actually care about, at least conservatives are honest when they say they don't care

Oh please, low hanging fruit. Everything triggers conservatives.


what a boring little piece of shit kid jesus christ what a robot for the left its disgusting

I really don't care. I already think the government is useless so It really can't get worse in my eyes since I'll eventually just stop paying for taxes and giving a shit. I also don't care enough to go out of my way to recycle or pay other people too so these climate crisis people don't bother me. If anything, I probably trigger them since I ignore their whining

those puffy nips are at the peak of perfection

I just feel bad a child is being used by the political left to push socialist policies, instead of being you know a normal child.

Isn’t it weird that a foreign child is now parading America instead of I don’t know being in school in her home country? I wonder how wealthy her parents are now.

Omg, you are so jealous

When she'll grow some tits?
C'mon shes 16 already.

this, what a cuck

>look mom, I posted her FAS face again. lol tumplets BTFO

I'd LOVE to fuck her. Sure looks so hot here.

who cares about 16yo brainlet

Hopefully never, way hotter like this

>believe in climate change

how am i supposed to be triggered again?

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Less than two months until 2020 user!

People care about climate change. No need for stupid teenage spokesperson for it. I hate her

I'm so sick and tired of this... I study geography and all day long i have to listen to this bs, when the real problem should be on the enviornmental issues that we know for a fact has been caused by humans, such as plastic in the oceans. And not blame humans for an increase in the Co2 in the atmosphere, when if we look at a billion years scale, have never been as low as now. Which also a rapport presented from the ICPP, that she always refers to. I wonderif every climate activist just owns every chromosome known to man, or wtf...

theres no god

Pretty damn happy with my normal life. What’s there to be jealous about? Manipulating parents? Someone controlling my social media? Yeah she gets cool stuff, and I’ll never cross the Atlantic on a sailboat.

I can live with that.

I agree lmao


Sorry about the shitty english, im not from Gods own country

I'm not him, but I'm genuinely curious what train of thought leads to your conclusions based on the post he made?

You're blatantly illogical. It's like you are literally triggered by his post, and have an emotional reaction. Your realize this right?

Do you really believe it's easy to push/use a kid on the autism spectrum? This kid is set in her ways.

lmao, stop being conservative. Get out of the closet

Why would I get angry over something that doesn't exist.

Why you posting little boys making up stories of fake shit

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Same reason you lot do

Oh I have no doubt she believes what she says now, they have reinforced it and now she feels vindication from the media.

Its pretty easy to manipulate a child, just look at child actors or child soldiers.

you know we're not all trumptards, right?

I'm all for climate change. I'm a climate crusader. Fuck winter. It was too cold for anyone to trick or treat yesterday where I live.

Muh nigga

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There's no way the people that handle her would let her post random witticisms to a twitter account. Some committee comes up with these.

i dont know why this pic of her eating annoys the fuck out of me so much...

The little autistic girl being used by the left triggers no one.

and cringes everyone else, get a hobby dude and stop spamming that autistic brain damaged alcohol fetus all the time, you pseudo liberal pedo fuck

Haha.. she is gonna get assassinated by deep state.

Lol do you own a television? Or live somewhere that has a newspaper? You couldnt be more confused.

Dem titties in the window make me happy!

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she'll be back in swedanistan soon, forgotten about and pregnant with a muslim baby just like her jewish masters want

all the cringy gay shit you did as a kid is supposed to be done away from this level of scrutiny otherwise it follows you into adulthood. you become further maladjusted as you're constantly reminded of the phat pants you wore in public thinking you looked cool, when in reality you looked like a faggot and people hoped you got hit by a car.

what gretas parents are doing is akin to child abuse, except it's funnier because she's also retarded so it's like they're psychologically beating an asymmetrical potato child wearing phat pants

bernie 2020 my niggers

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potatoes lack a uterus

Or drumpftards and their childlike intellect

oh sweetie.. they're not scared, they disagree with you

or child porn

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I dont give a shit. I'm not having kids so why not run this bitch dry


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you can make your own knock up your cousin and get her to pop xanax and drink while pregnant

Alright little girl, what's your practical solution?

What's that, have someone else figure it out?

Congratulations! You just became part of the problem.

>Y'know ive read a few books from my echo chamber and i have to say.. these tens of thousands of peer reviewed scientists from around the world with data available to everyone in the world who wants it and data that I COULD get myself, theyre wrong. how do i know? it WAS global warming, now its called CLIMATE CHANGE. Check mate science!!!

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Yea science has never ever changed how it thinks about a problem. Once its solved, it's never revised and never ever changes. That's why we believe the earth is the center of the universe

oh great,another libtard who thinks the angry trump supporters are conservatives

Soo...nice one Elon

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That is the single most autistic post I have ever read.

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You're probably trolling but the reason that spring and fall barely exist anymore is because of climate change

The saddest thing is that you can tell she is a puppet and doesn't fully understand what she is talking about beyond "People like it when I say this, so I'm going to say it more". She's growing up thinking that she is somehow special or smart when in all reality she will be forgotten in a month or 2 and be left wondering what the hell happened

>$10 says she kills herself before 30

this is exactly what the left want. they want 16 year olds stunted, stuck looking like 12 year olds right up until they're 32 so they can legally have sex with children

this is obama's america

OK, you seem really upset. Don't do a mass shooting or anything, I didn't mean to trigger you.

Fucking ass how they made the climate change a political issue.. I was and still am a Conservative but climate change IS a fact.

How old are you

Yeah but I get my FACTS from YOUTUBE not the liberal science

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lol cringe

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CUZ I fucking knew it, your autistic screening screamed that your a fucking boomer, eat up climate change bs like you ate everrything before that you seen on the tv
Why don't u get a life you fucking tool this isn't site for old ppl go pet a dog or feed a kid or something

49 is not a boomer you retard

lol you are literally

Mad youngins I got laid more than you while at your age than you ever will you generation of literal faggots.

>Another 50 year old boomer using Sup Forums
Get a fucking life you massive retard.

23. Sorry, it took me awhile to respond, my cat just coughed up a hairball on the rug and my gf is too sick to handle it.

This holy shit it is so fucking boring

I sucked more dick today than you ever will, so stay mad you ancient homophobic scumbag.

you shoulda stayed in school you little cunt


I'm the 40+yo GenXer, you flaky little bitch. We built your goddamned internet. We have one foot in the analog and one foot in the digital.
I can skin a deer, rebuild an engine, get a database into third normal form, hack together disparate pieces of back end server technology with a patchwork of PHP, Python, and Perl, and I can do that all by 5PM.
By 9PM I will have already fucked your mom.

I was in a mosh pit while you were being conceived. I can STILL hold my own in the mosh pit even now while your scrawny little ass is standing there, arms folded, nodding gently to the band, or face glued to your phone built via Chinese wage slaves, surfing the internet that MY generation helped build.

And you know what makes me and my generation special?

Nothing. Not a goddamned thing.

Because we were bitching about the boomers before it was #trending. Many of them were the hippies that their own parents and grandparents complained about. They were the snowflakes of their era.

Humanity doesn't change. If you get up off your ass and do shit instead of complaining about getting triggered, and running off to your little hugboxes and safe spaces, you too can build a life that the next generation or two will claim you somehow stole from them.

And you'll laugh in their faces as well, or you'll shake your cane at them and scream for them to get off your lawn.

Anyway, I gotta get back to work. Stay thirsty, junior. ;-)

funny how they never respond to people who actually know what they're talking about or if they do it's just insults lol

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>I sucked more dick today
Thanks for proving my point faggot. I fucked a 20 year old in the ass once and he came all over the floor. You youngins are literal faggots what's wrong with your generation to be so cucked?

>I will have already fucked your mom.
How about you fuck me in the ass and cum in my mouth daddy

LOL faggot

>they hate her
So in swedish scare means hate? Interesting!
Would explain the Asterix and the vikings comic!

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do you have one foot in the assmad as well

geez louise

>I study Geography

Well there you go. Enough reason to shut the hell up and go fuck yourself.

I do! :)

Go pet a dog or feed a kid, that's only your good for boomer

Lol you feel bad. Owned.