You have 10 SECONDS to name something dumber than an American

You have 10 SECONDS to name something dumber than an American.

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Humans In general



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Sup Forums coomers

The fact that I'm an adult in Ireland, but if I was to visit my family in Florida, I'd have to wait 3 years to be an adult.



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came here to say this.
>let's have an economic civil war and import a bunch of violent third worlders


We American gods live rent free in New Arabian yuropoors head lmao


two americans!

Europeans fucking rekt by Americans as usual

Countries that lose two World Wars

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Underage b&

People who judge someone based entirely on the region of the world they happen to live in.

A nigger

People fixated on americans

15 year olds are adults in Ireland?

A cuck and a mongoloid who thinks niggers are better than white people


A professional troll.

literally every other european

A russian


america itself.

everyone else

Seriously you fucks?

The only answer is mexican

This. When Europe can solve its own problems, than we can talk about being dumb and incompetent.

Yes, because America isn't full of a bunch of Mexicans as we have this very conversation.

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someone from the USA

you realize the entire world outside of your shitty country is laughing at you and doesnt take you seriously anymore?


took the words right out of my mouth

Any European, Chinese, Canadian, Venezuelan, the list goes on

>the entire world

pic related

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Like the rest of the world banning butterknives, imploding due to debt, or having their people raped in the streets by refugees?, fuck'em anyway. 'merica don't give a shit.