Girlfriend constantly tells me if that she never met me she would've killed herself by now

Girlfriend constantly tells me if that she never met me she would've killed herself by now.........
How tf can I break up with her after that? She lives an hour away and I need to save money for my salsa business

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kill yourself...don't have to worry about breaking up with her after that

if she looks like that then come out of the closet

>salsa business

Classic relationship manipulation, she won't really do it.

She's only an hour away? You're already saving money compared to renting hookers. Now, you need to man up, have a real talk with her, and have her ass start contributing too. You're a couple, not her bankroll. Work this shit out. Not hard.

That's not a relationship, it's a hostage situation. Being trapped in a shit situation like that will slowly kill you. Odds are, she won't kill herself so it comes down to a slow death for you, or quick one at worst for her.

just ghost her

Salsa business lmfao

Send her my way....I'll take care of that for you

Say you have a cuck fetish and set up a prostitution ring. She will eventually either leave your or kill herself, problem solved

Have her move in and her tits can boost your "salsa" sales. Free marketing, hot gf, money making salsa you have no problems bro..I hate you..not really you lucky fuck

Women don't kill themselves retard just dump the bitch.

If you tried my honey habanero salsa you would cry tears of joy

If on the off chance she did an hero I would drive off the Grand Canyon. I love her but we would be better off as friends

she is an Italian cosplayer, stop LARPing faggot OP

>That's not a relationship, it's a hostage situation. Being trapped in a shit situation like that will slowly kill you.

Truth. I wasted 8 years in a relationship like that before I wised up.. you don't get that time back.

I'm going to coom in your nose fug head i never said she was

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break up with her and tell her that you don't want to disrupt the natural progression that was ought to happen

Nobody wants your fucking salsa you douchbag. Go home and cuddle up with all your jars of sauce and put a bullet into your head.

Ew. I dont want sweet salsa.

>salsa business
good one, OP

She definitely deserves better than you. Poor girls probably thinking your gonna marry her someday. Fuck fag. End yourself or the relationship. Whatever is easier for your dumbass

no one has said this yet, but ask her to move in with you. then you save! and you can have a naked hottie around all the time

You're just jelly I get the opportunity to pick between salsa and a girl

I don't know why but this made me laugh so much. I hope I see your Salsa in my stores one day Salsa user.

She said that she would have killed herself if she never met you. Didn't say anything about what would happen if you split up.

She'll be fine, Bro. That salsa ain't gonna invest in itself.

Really don't care about her? Post nudes then.

Kill her so she can't kill herself.

I'm very interested in your Salsa business. Now, is that the sauce or the dance?

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Imagine if you stayed in this relationship for her. Then in a few years she tells you she doesn't love you anymore and just leaves.

Its bullshit and she is manipulative

you shouldn't care. just nut 'n' go, nigga.

You’re an idiot
She’s the jug queen

who gives a shit, who's that chick?

She must be Catholic

Sofia Mina Delle Cave

Google image search is your friend.

Fags love tits