Daily reminder that white people are the most dangerous group in the country

Daily reminder that white people are the most dangerous group in the country.

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Mmm, OP i fail to see your logic here.

Sorry I mixed up my racial outrage templates.

daily reminder that proportions matter retard.
there's more white people in america thus a larger pool for retards to exist. but when a certain population is a minority, has a smaller pool for retards but produces more retards on average, that minority group becomes the most dangerous.

Which country?

>which country

But this crime was committed by a black gang.

So then why do FBI crime statistics show that blacks make up 13% of the US population but accounted for 50% of violent crimes?

USA are not really white people. More like inbreds. Rest of the world is totally different than those guys

Whites control the DEA, DOJ, BATF, etc. They set the laws which encourage gang activity. Lots of money being made in the prison/justice systems.

Wouldn't you want to commit crimes against your oppressors?

Actually they are mostly responsible for black on black crime.

Those statistics are from when Obama was president and Eric Holder ran the DOJ. Nice try.

That's what happens when you're forced into poverty - you lash out at whatever is closest out of desperation.

President has no power over how those agencies run. THEY control the actual government. President is foreign policy and signs laws into place that people tell them to sign.

>reminder that chicago is the most dangerous group in the country

One of the densest non-white areas in the country. Hmm

LOTS of whites there too.


Which one of you fags did this?

>while collecting candy in Chicago on Halloween

I bet the person who made that title was good at reaching that 500 word minimum in high school

statistics are god's way of saying white people are jews

nigga kept that shit real

A nigger did it? Well, seems my reading comprehension is fucking pathetic

First seeing a black supremacist here, is it rare ?

13% of the population commits 51% of all the homicides and it ain't whitey

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whites cans be niggas 2

*that white people are jews

No stupid fucking niggers are pretty common

how do you know its not a white person from SF, Portland, NYC, etc?

White supremacy is factually plausible.
Black supremacy is factually hilarious.

90% chance your woman has taken black dick and thinks about it every time you fuck her.

Hey, you misunderstood me.
I'm NOT a white supremacist.
My point was that white supremacy has factual validity.

Supremacy of any sort is narcissistic and, subjectively, disgusting.

I approve. we need to thin out the herds of undesirables without leading them into a gas chamber because that might be frowned upon

>They set the laws which encourage gang activity
How do they do that?

It's ingrained into human DNA. China thinks they are the master race. So does Japan. Japan fought in ww1/2 to overthrow white supremacists from asia and at the same time declared themselves racially superior. All ethnic groups have this at some level because it has been required over the millennia to be able to survive.

And you think white people were involved?

>the system is against us
>let's shoot a 7 year old

99% chance you're a cuck and enjoy soy

Tell cops to focus on blacks. Pull them over for anything. Blinker out? Huge fine. Can't pay fine? Take license. Now you can't work. Now you gotta hustle. Now you're on your way to jail. Pocket knife over 3 inches? Jail. Etc etc.

There is no scientific evidence soy is unhealthy.

that stereotype tends to be overplayed.
data suggests (attractive) white men are the most desirable.

You know it was a bunch of stupid nigs. A white guy wouldn't have missed his target

fucking NnIiGgEeRr die in diarrhea

Sort of like how you're lashing out for any excuse to blame everything on white people?

For relationships, yes. For party times and getting dick on the side? Not many women admit to it if they think there will be a backlash. Women have plenty of secrets.

Jews aren't white

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Hard not to take the blame when you control the country and continually fuck it up.

Black people are the worst oppressors. The oppress everyone

That’s a fucking strawman you fool everyone is responsible for his own decisions
How about getting a degree and higher education
Being a decent human being helping others in need
Being their for his community
Most black kids choose to be idiots and putting this only on the Government is stupid y’all are not slaves anymore
I was raised by a single mom of 4 kids and everyone of us kids made something out of our life’s and we don’t need to blame anyone for our misery but ourselves btw we are white

They look pretty god damn white to me.

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I love in the bum fuck of nowhere in the EU but even I know Chiraq is overrun by Niggers and is a very dangerous place at least something that can make you Americunts proud

Racial/ethical (and in general) supremacy is retarded.
Individualism should be the drive of all people.

Pride in the self for their merit, not something superficial like skin color or other physical traits.

The inner cities where crime and racial disparities have been concentrated have been almost entirely run by Democrats for going on an century.

Mediterranean white, but yes.

But that means the white retards would outnumber the minority retards.

What should be and what actually is are very different things.

They don't consider themselves whites

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Don't cops wear cameras?
What evidence do you have that suggests what you typed is reality?

not white

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When its convenient for them even jews deny being white.

Bet your ass we are, so step the fuck back.

Jews are Schroedinger's white

not white

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>white people
4/10 I replied

Cops with half a brain turn off the cameras before they do anything bad.

They're not breaking the law. There are enough laws where you can come down on anyone eventually. Listen to the Baltimore cop on Rogan. You think he's lying?

You must be joking ,right ?
Is that hard evidence or just the shit you fantasize about ,Kek .

That may or may not be true.
They can do what ever they want, it's their choice and being shamed for it is silly, and reeks of jealousy.


A cop can literally tell you and you won't believe it.


"They" =Showes a tweet from some cunt nobody gives a shit about
They are white that’s it

Nice try Russia

Either way it doesn't really matter because White Jews are always leftists and blame everything on the christian right.

Nice B8 M8

I don’t care that’s a fault in your justice department
Go on the streets take the power back to the people and change your fucking country or how it’s run .
And no just because one cop says that doesn’t mean it’s right

And that's a shame.
Seems like people are getting better in that regard, though, as we progress though time.
For example, war has dramatically decreased as time has passed.

> [Citation Needed]

theres a reason so many cops hate him - they love the power they have, and the blue wall of silence is a real thing.. why do you think they killed dormer?

found the jew

war has only decreased between major powers, and this is only due to nukes - were not any nicer, so we just wage war on those without nukes

So you used your white privilege to get ahead. We get it.

*jewish privilege

no such thing as white privilege

Minority retards out number white retards

I do not care. Your opinion has been discarded.


Both had concentration camps that did exactly the same thing. Wealthy Russians know this (the poor are taught what the state wants them to know).

Soo...nice one Elon

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Real 100% far right German dude that’s a Jew . Nice

Yeah Privilege I live in a country where most people are white
Where most people in poverty are white nice bait dude real Kek

Its even crazier when you figure that most of the perpetrators are males between 16-36. So in reality more like 4%.

Yeah when you live in an area with higher number of blacks you'll be jumpy too

>Notice how the Negroid attempts to parry any statistical evidence of his own bestial nature and inferiority with “muh dick”

Let him have his delusion. It’s the only thing he has left.

In other words Trump did nothing wrong

There are no laws that say anything about this. Considering you have no other proof this is really just conspiracy theory.

Lol you serious? The President has no control over the executive branch?

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but this says whites commit more crimes, stupid

>I don’t know anything about statistics; the post.

what do you mean then, idiot

look at the populations you dumb fucking faggot

You... you failed math didn't you? if 5% of a population group that represents 70% of the whole is retarded, while a group that represents 13% is 70-80% retarded (which is accurate when you talk about blacks) then there are more retards in the minority group by a fairly considerable margin. you're basically getting white retards at ~3-4% of total population, versus 7.5-8.5% of the total population being black retards. Meaning that there are, on a direct one for one basis, twice the number of black retards as white ones.