I let my friend fuck my wife 2 nights ago. AMA
I let my friend fuck my wife 2 nights ago. AMA
the only thing I can think to ask you is to KYS fucking faggot, take your fetish with you to the grave
Here come the diapers you faggot fuck
lying faggot
not a fetish. First time it's happened, no cuck bullshit here.
looks like a boys ass, sure you're not just letting your friend fuck you while you pretend to be hotwife?
you might as well suck his dick and let him fuck you too. I'm sure you fucked her right after so why not just go full faggot on him?
Not a lie.
Damn, you sure are triggered by this. Maybe we should make this thread about you.
>I let my friend fuck my wife 2 nights ago. AMA
Can I be your friend?
Depends on how cool you are.
>Not a lie.
and you have proof?
I'm posting a response to an obvious bait thread on Sup Forums. I think you know exactly how cool I am.
What proof do you want? I didn't take pictures, but I can tell you how it went down.
You'd think it's bait given the usual shit that's on b but it legit happened. I've talked with my wife about it but we're giving the friend some space for a few days. Just wanting to talk to people.
You know this is gonna be problematic long term for your relationship, when she starts fucking him without telling you, or sucking some guys dick at work because she’s in an open relationship. Try to get a few female/female/male sex while you can take advantage of it, your marriage days are numbered.
You wasting time to convince us, is your downfall.
not worried about convincing anyone. This isn't bragging, just bullshit to procrastinate on other shit i have to do today.
pretty sure that's not going to happen, which I know sounds stupid.
92% of open relationship end in divorce.
Maybe you guys will make it, you have kids yet or own a home?
we're not really in an open relationship either. We've literally only ever been with each other, high school sweethearts, married for 12 years. 4 kids, home. Perfectly happy with our sex life too, we fuck constantly (at least 3x/week, usually more).
Only reason it went down is because this friend came by two weeks ago, wife was a little drunk, got a little handsy with him after I fell asleep (i'd worked that day) and felt bad about it, told me about it. I kinda pointed out that if he had been uncomfortable he woulda bounced.
She's always had self-esteem issues, and the fact that he was interested back is good (because let's be honest, we've been married so obviously and so long, even if any of her coworkers/friends/etc find her attractive, it's not like they would ever even think of making a move on her, so she never gets any sort of reinforcement like that short of the occasional person being skeezy, and they're usually then the type of person that hits on anything with a pulse).
I told her I was cool with things going further if she was interested, and when he came by the other night, she kinda felt things out, and when it seemed he was interested, she asked me for five minutes alone with him. She made out with him, led him up to the room, and went from there.
did you get her checked after for worms?
I don’t know how you are able to let that happen, but I’m a jealous man I guess (and so are most guys). Is she gonna let you fucker her friend when you get a bit drunk?
"86.4% of all statistics are made up." - Vic Reeves
Right afterwards (gotta love post-nut clarity) he was kinda freaking out a bit, worried that he'd fucked up our relationship or our friendship. We haven't had a chance to really talk to him very much, but he had texted and said that he didn't want it to happen again because he was worried about crossing barriers and breaking boundaries.
nah, he's clean.
I'm not worried about it because i know that emotionally, she's mine. I don't know how to describe it without sounding fucking stupid, especially because yeah, a lot of other people and a lot of other relationships are train wrecks. I just trust her 100% and know her so goddamn well. I'm not a jealous person, personally... She's the jealous one, although that comes from her self-esteem issues, and she's always felt bad about it and worked on it. As for reciprocation, she said that on that night, and I think she means it, but it's not something I'm going to rush out to do. Gotta be with the right person.
Yeah with 4 kids, you guys are stuck with each other anyways. Who wants to date a women with 4 kids, and am sure you would hate to pay child support. It’s probably gonna work our for you I guess
The amusing thing is that if you were to go back in time and ask either of us, shit, even a year ago, if this would ever happen, the answer would be no, mostly because of her. She's not a prude, but again, we've only been intimate with one another.
not too worried about a breakup. We've literally fucked 4 times in the last 2 days, and talked about it pretty completely.
She also was more hoping for a threesome vs just fucking him, but since he kinda was freaking out, that didn't wind up happening. Seems like the thread is dead. I'll wait a few more minutes, then y'all can enjoy the rest of your day and hopefully get of Sup Forums and be useful.
Applying as friend too !
Seriously, how did you felt ?
Curious to compare feelings.
i mean, it's certainly complicated, but i'm a pretty pragmatic dude. He was obviously into her, she was obviously into him, and i thought it would be enjoyable for them (I mean, fuck, I was hoping to be in there too, but that's for next time). It doesn't change anything about us, so I wasn't/am not worried about that.
>no cuck bullshit here.
Keep telling yourself that
Cuck is watching, humiliation, all that nonsense. Fuck that. The appeal I get out of it is my wife having a good time. Apparently my dick is significantly bigger than his anyways, not that it matters.
Not into cuck either, but more unsecure than you are.
Keep telling yourself that
Now that pandora's box is open, she isn't your woman anymore
She never was "mine". She's her own independent person. She's also my best friend (and vice versa) and the person I share my life with.
>She never was "mine".
Way to take the phasing purely literal you fucking retard.
>She's her own independent person.
Yes she is, as are you. But there are good reasons for sexual exclusivity in relationships, even beyond things like STDs. She will drift away from you user, statistically you've fucked yourself by doing this. Your kids will also think less of you if they ever find out.
Good to see this. Don't let anyone tell you how to have sex lol.
They just jealous your wife loves fucking, and they are either single, pay for sex, or married to a fat dead fish.
The problem with the phrasing is that western civilization has a purity fetish and it's kinda bullshit. As for the sexual exclusivity, like I said, we're a dozen years in on that, so I'm not too worried about it suddenly going to pot.
However, it's something we've talked about and worried about, and clearly I'm on here bullshitting with random people on the internet, so it's def something I'm thinking about.
As for my kids finding out, they'd probably be just as mortified to find out any of the crazy shit we do in the bedroom, so that's a bit of a moot point.
Your relationship is fucked. You don't know it yet but it will just decay from here. It's so easy--just don't be a degenerate fucking cuck--but you couldn't do it.