Sup Forums does she have any legit nudes or are they all fakes?

Sup Forums does she have any legit nudes or are they all fakes?

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I have alot I like to share privately, what's your current location ?I can send you some today

Attached: Chips_Handon.png (170x255, 45K)

wait, theres fakes of her?


if there were even any legit ones it’s not like any site would host them

Seen two legit ones. Extremely hard to find and source usually goes down in minutes.

We all know you have them saved lmao.
Definitely don't put them in a vola and share the link though, for sure.
Would be bad!

who is she?

Billy eyelash

Wrong, this is foreign film actor Cashme Ousside Habboutdat

not underage anymore so shoo dateline nbc

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This is true
And we all know the real nudes were taken on her 18th birthday

isn't this girl like 16??

How bad is it i always thought she was super hot.

Yeah she's 16 now.
She was hotter when she was 14.

Naaahhhhh, she 18

Damn who is this slut?

get help

Found the newfag

She is a fucking ugly attention whore

vola plox

If you got any of em, or fakes , show me on wickr . Zimbio

> q1xy5h9w

nothin yet but hoping a hero will share the eighteen queen


I did work for the agency that helps manage her. They got her on birth control and make sure she takes it. They also got on her case for showing cleavage on social media and live streams.

where the fuck do I paste these

Just search on Bing, they're out there

do it for me plz, i cant find them bre

where the fuck do I paste these


Just drag an drop you feggot

Quick question: When was the last time each of you had a shower? How about brushed your teeth? I'm going to guess it's been more than 24 hours for the vast majority of you. This is not the only reason you can't get a real live woman to come anywhere near you, but it's one of the biggies.

2 minutes

you are utterly fucking retarded beyond any help

is she paying someone to make these threads?
she's so desperate to stay relevant.

I'm kind of doubting that. If you have any interest in this vapid child at all you can't have much respect for yourself or self esteem.

>FBI OP trying to catch pedos
Fucking boomers


I posted one thing and got banned for 12 hours for "grey zone content" lmao, what?

Fucking millenials

She’s got Khazar milkers and she’s pure hedonistic trash. There’s No shame in being attracted to that, just shame in marrying it or giving her money.

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