Why are there no rekt thred here

Why are there no rekt thred here

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What did you contribute OP?
Three videos either Gif's or Webm's when you start a thread and you've posted a fucking 10-year olds nose-fucking-bleed.

OP is a cunt.

keep that shit off of b cunt

where is the rekt faggot

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Anyone ever use rekt thread to test their erection on Sup Forums?
Find that i am always browsing Sup Forums with dick in hand. And. i dunno. I see it as almost the challenge level, sometimes their is 'a-class material' on there so it's like exploring a cave to finding hidden treasures.

Dead girls make me coom

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>browse Sup Forums
>duh contribution
>muh rules

That looks like a "you can have all of my Halloween candy, just don't tell mum!" kind of pic right there

Awe, the nignog forgot nigger rule number one: always fight in numbers

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I was more on a bout the degredation of live women. But hey whatever floats your boat.

aww i pass that because is cute.

niggers really love stealing bikes

I thought that was just a meme

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when you dont have a sword in minecraft

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WTF is going on here

I dont understand why they wear masks they all look alike anyway


fucking niggers

Why do i think that he deserved it

>riding thru the nog neighborhood
as much as I hate niggers, this faggot deserved what he got

Fuck niggers, man.

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Sup Forums personified

omg, she got pregnant so fast!

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how is that rekt? he just got arrested, we don't know on what grounds... looks like yet another case of racial profiling... so are you saying the racist cops are rekt for blatantly discriminating against another human being on the sole basis of their race. K then

This is turning into a nigger thread

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found the jew

Hard not to

Fuck off, skin color.

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that's my sister wtf

Attached: jimmyj_19761383086820.jpg (535x401, 24K)

He was an escaped convict, he was on work release and had a warrant for not returning to prison after going to work.

That is a nosebleed.

This is the future. This is what liberals want.

Does anyone have the one where the black guy breaks a black cat's neck?


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*this is what jews want
fixed it for ya.
Look at it this way, kid. There are probably libfags in your own neighborhood, yes ? even if not, there are some nearby, or in other neighborhoods like yours. Some probably own businesses, or have them around their neighborhoods that they patronize. Do you really think this is what they want ? I think what they really want is to plug up their ears, cover their eyes, and pretend like this shit here doesn't happen. But you and I know it does happen.
So who would want this ??
More likely a group of people who have been booted from..109(?) countries thus far ?? Yeah, they fit right in to a shit society and you don't even notice them, when the chimpouts begin

kek i just asked for someone to post animal cruelty then i posted animal cruelty myself to make it look like i made a connection kek

Soo...he was behind that...?

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why is no one replying to my animal cruelty post?

wtf. give me attention you fucking faggots. i literally just posted animal cruelty. i've literally just triggered you, the fact that people aren't replying to me just proves i've triggered u lmao fucking idiots. I won.

>the cat is a nigger too

Do you want animal cruelty?
I'm gonna dump some

and God bless them for it

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kek i'm gonna post animal cruelty now and you're all gonna get triggered kek little white incels getting angry at me. WE EATIN TONITE

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Hi Brian

This thread is shit. How shocking.

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kek ur all gonna get triggerd, i post animal cruelty kekekekkek iM GONNA WIN. REPLY TO ME OR YOUR MOTH DIES FAGGOTS KEK IM WINNING

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>We are normal people!

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I fucking love that.

Attached: black friday.webm (640x360, 1.85M)

>and then one day, for no reason at all, Hitler rose to power

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Did someone say nigger thread?

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imagine the smell

kek@ people not replying to my animal cruelty posts.. kek.. you're just proving that you're triggered by me...

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kek you're just posting this bc i posted animal cruelty... what a fucking maggot, i literally wiped the floor with you... kek at you trynna salvage it by posting a black person being killed.. nice try bud but i've won, you've got mad & i'm in your fucking head rentfree i'm like the wind baby

Thas usually what pussy faggots hurt when they can't fight a person.

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because he did

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Is this a thing now? I've seen so many vids of cats being abused.

The 1st shot was pretty direct to the heart, if that didnt do it, the 2nd shot to the neck was donezo. But that third cranial shot, damn. Everything after that was just pointlessness. Anyone got story?

Kek hes trying so hard

Anyone got audio? Or story?

kek i made u reply to me i MADE u kek ur triggered by ME KEK!!!!!!!!

Hope she kept her bag.

Probably not a bad way to go...

They speak in spanish so i suspect they are drug dealers or cartel.
is2.Sup Forums.org/gif/1572626040146.webm

South American shit skins, that's all really. Just another day in Argentina.

>the liberal tutor blamed slavery for this
Those evil whites trying to teach that uncivilized monkey. How dare they?


those are some strong baghandles