I’ve been awake for 2 hours and I’m already on the verge of failing. What say you my Sup Forumsrothers...
I’ve been awake for 2 hours and I’m already on the verge of failing. What say you my Sup Forumsrothers
And just like that I no longer feel the urge. Thank you, you colossal fucking faggot with your cartoon animals.
I owe you one and I also hope you get mauled by a puma IRL when you attempt to fuck it you furry degenerate.
But again, thank you very much for helping me.
Trips. You can do this. At least a day.
fucking lol
Who needs to fap when you got muff to dive in.
i blew like an ounce of cum like 20 minutes ago and now i feel ashamed
do you feel pride in the man you've become user?
Newborn in the house. Wife ain’t letting me near her for a while. And I’ve never brought home a girlfriend that my wife has approved of...
Soo...nice one Elon
My trips destroys OPs octrips
Op sure is a faggot old chum
Pride... like a pride of lions... oh you incredibly clever little rapscallion. How do you contain yourself?
i don't need to user, do you take pride in asking for help in a board like Sup Forums?
I didn’t ask for advice. Re-read my original post. I’m just bored AF and wanted to start a post
what an incel you are, please head to /R9K/ and dont head back.
nice trips.
also, did you fuckin know that nofapping strictly demands noporn? if you watched porn until yesterday evening, then it's statistically possible you failed nofapvember in less than two fuckin fuckedup hours
>TLDR: clean your mind, STOP with porn
You may need to fill out one of these first you soppy cunt.
why are you so mad my little incel?
you want to touch your peepee?
Fuck it man i failed too
How can you be so weak? Are you addicted to porn faggot?
>uses incel as a offense
Are you a women or a faggot?
I honestly just want to stop the cooming. It's not gratifying. It's not making me any favors. My dopamine receptors are burning out. It's eating away at my time. It's affecting both on a mental, personal and social level.
Going from flaccid to nutting in three minutes flat isn't normal.
just get to November 2nd and you'll be in the 1%, congrats.