anyone else feel like they cant open up to people because they tend to use it against you sooner or later?
Anyone else feel like they cant open up to people because they tend to use it against you sooner or later?
Its called Cynicism, everyone should be a little cynical. If you don't give them a reason to use it against you, but they do it anyway, Fuck em. Leave em behind.
Cause you are are slightly less of a faggot then people who follow overrated bacon. Stop eating meat, it's a scam.
Vegan Pussy.
if this is a generalization you're making about people, then it's definitely time to find and surround yourself with others who aren't like that, because they exist.
You can spend your whole life trying to protect your own vulnerabilities and victimization but that would be a sad, depressing life. So don't do that. Or you can harden up a bit and realize that some people just suck. When you start to realize that an individual sucks then you avoid them and break it off. This gives you the opportunity to find people that don't suck. These people exist but they're hard to find because they've got the same problem you've got. Harden up and find them or let them find you, be suspicious at first and allow them their suspicion, then it'll all come together.
My mother, fucking bitch.
Didn't shed a tear when she died 6 years ago. I have arseburgers, fucking piece of shit makes me fucking retarded not understanding simple shit like emotions, body language and struggle to grasp concepts unless explains specifically.
But enough of that, grew up from a loving boy to a 32 year old male who doesn't tell people how they're feeling. Reason? Because when I was ever upset as a young boy, i would open up to my mother about it and she would calm me down and reassure me. Only... months later she would use said insecurity as ammunition for an argument she started because I wouldn't bathe so she called me a spotty, no friend, no life, no gf loser because she knew specifically i loved that girl at school and she knew itd hurt me.
Nobody can hurt you if they don't know your insecurities. I didn't speak to her since was 22, and honestly people with mental illness like that don't deserve any oxygen.
If i ever become a dad, i won't ever make my child feel like that.
sounds like bullshit to me
I wish it was bro, i really do.
well anyways op is a pussy
No one deserves absolute trust. For the right price, anyone will throw you under the bus. That's just how humans are, even though many will argue otherwise. It all comes down to self-preservation.
Yep not going in for a scam = pussy. You drive a bug gay truck and "roll coal" on any non not an oil company's bitch?
Maybe stop meeting shitty people and/or stop sharing anything that could be used against you.
There's a Difference between spending $40 winning a $0.40 Stuffed Animal.
And not eating meat because your a PETA Wannabe Faggot thinking that animal cruelty doesn't happen anywhere else in the natural world besides a slaughterhouse.
what the actuall fuck man
my mom was mentally ill and used to tell me all kind of fucked up shit to manipulate me often.
not sure the diagnosis but the lights were on but noone home sometimes.
Really sucks to have your parents do that bullshit. gotta do a lot of unnecessary damage?
nah. i mean there's people out there that probably will, but i feel like i can navigate the social sphere competently enough to prevent malicious people from abusing me in such a manner. that and i'm typically kind of a loner anyway. but like in a go your own way, trailblazer kind of way, definitely not a gay, anxious, avoid eye contact and struggle to make even light conversation without fumbling awkwardly way
no no
nice try, actual degenerate
knew it, im starting to realize ive not been cynical at all
been friends with alot of them for yeeeeears
used to be able to converse easily, but i fucked myself a bit with drug usage so now im pretty dead inside alot of the time and cant even bother to talk to ppl unfortunaly.
hang out with white Catholics and maybe you will get the respect you want.
otherwise don't expect a bunch of ghetto ass people to not use things against you.
i think your ability to talk to people atrophies if you don't do it regularly, and i haven't for a while now so it's kinda crappy. i'm working on it though, and noticing improvements. even with the improvements though i can take it or leave it. i like my own company
>anyone else
and why the fuck you need to open up to people? keep your cards always closed
have fun with B12 injections and coke bottle glasses
If you are done having imaginary group think battles and poorly stereotypingly assuming, I hate Peta. If only cause of misprioritizing. Cruelty is my last concern. I'd happily torture a politicizing clanner like you for decades.
Try? I'm living not being a sucker.....
But you are a sucker, a dick sucker.
...keep waving you flag of indoctrination, you freeze thinker you.
That's meat, faggot. Project much?
>Vegan Pussy.
Hitler was a vegan are you suggesting he did something wrong?
He did love dogs. Suppose that makes him a fag.