Doctor prescribed me isotreitnoin (roaccutane), told me it was totally safe and everything I have read online is fake

Doctor prescribed me isotreitnoin (roaccutane), told me it was totally safe and everything I have read online is fake.

Redpill me on this safe vitamin a derivative Sup Forums

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You look like a pizza.

>this is not (You)

find this and use it

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the new Rocky Dennis movie has awesome special effects

I have mild liver damage from Accutane and only got decent, not great, results. But damn mine wasn't as bad as yours.

hahahahahah i put the wrong piccccccccc get thissssss

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I've actually been taking it for about 2 months or so now.
Doctor told me something similar, most extreme side effects are statistical outliers but the medication has a reputation as a result. Do your own research. I read a few papers and did my own homework on distribution of negative side effects given the popularity and decided I was comfortable talking it. If you aren't, don't.
Be aware of your mental state before and during the course if you do decide to take it and make sure to acknowledge and address any changes in thoughts or anything like depression. It tends to go away if you discontinue use, but like I said, make your own decision. If your acne is bad enough I'd say it's a very safe drug and worth it so long as you have good coverage for the cost.

this and get goggles

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just stop drinking fucking soda, energy drinks and eating fast food. Holy fuck you're dumb!

What's supposed to be fake? I took roacutane for a few years when I was a teen, got a face worse than death, it worked and now I'm fine.

what is mid liver damage for you exactly?
peoples having hardcore side effects n shiet

Just go back in time and make sure your parents have good genes because fuck all else will fix a mush like that

checked, will do

why pay a doctor if you aren't going to listen to them?

What's your diet OP ?

My brother took roaccutane when teen, it worked, no sequels

Just wash face with ice cold water every day, stop using soaps and use a exfoliator. Drink fresh orange juice. Also your pic related just need cum to clear it up.

I'm not pic related, my acne is mild but it's there since 10 years.
A good gut health is important for acne yes, so avoid the things killing the good bacterias.

These 'tips and tricks' work for people with superficial teenage acne, or fungal acne. Anyone with OP's cystic/nodular acne will most likely have to go the Accutane route.

Also, every scary story you read on the internet is a statistical outlier. Its also based on dosage, where some people get prescribed 120mg per day, while I myself used 40mg per day for 8 months. It kept my acne away for a decade, but it came back once i started TRT (had low testosterone BEFORE starting Accutane, but got fed up with it later on, high normal testosterone levels woke up my oil production) so now im on round 2.

It works, listen to your doctor, dont go with crazy high dosages if you dont want to, dont skimp out on bloodtests etc.

boof spiruline if you just have mild acne, will clear it

Man I would love to pop all those. Just thinking of all the whiteheads erupting gets me hard

>no sequels

Pizza face 2 electric boogaloo

I did it when I was 16. There are some side effects such as dry skin and nose bleeding. You must drink a lot of water and quit alcohol and smoking, and some veggies.

If you follow your doctor's adivice it's pretty safe and effective. I recommend it.

any side affect is worth not being a reject for having acne. just do it dude, youll get super dry skin, probably lose some night vision, and get super depressed but it's worth. 6 months is ez

It's a fact that 100% of males with acne are beta males

I was on it as a teen (16) and it killed my low-light vision, but I stopped taking it early because it started messing with my thoughts. Overall, I would probably still do it again because despite not going through the full thing I still had great results for my acne. Before starting it I had great night vision, but after and ever since I have needed glasses to drive at night, and in college in some of the less-well-lit lecture rooms I needed to wear glasses and sit as close to the front as possible. Again, I would still probably go through with it knowing all these things were going to happen.

Its a fact that you are a retard

Can't hurt to try.

That shit can't be normal. It looks like a fungus or a bacteria.

Thank God that's one plague that skipped me.

Honestly I got great results, not kidding I used it like for a year and it totally changed my look, my face was horrible before, the only side effect I got was a very dry face skin but that's all, you can always use facial cream

Yeah im aware this can happen to some people, its really about monitoring side effects and stopping when you feel it's not worth it. I also believe it has an effect to dopamine production in the brain, which could cause some mild depression. But all of this is personal, it will affect some people more than others. For me, I felt like I had no choice. Walking around with 10 bandaids to prevent bleeding on to my clothes and the pain and itching sometimes ruining a good night sleep is just depressing in itself.

I bet she has crazy libido/hormones. Probably could fuck like a wild animal!

Used it long ago.
Really sped up balding, heavily bald at 35.
Sometimes get eczema.

100% worth it

if you are on antidepressants be careful cause this shit can make your depressive symptoms worse. Also if you are grill dont get knocked up cause youll have to abort it or it will come out retarded as shit. other than that it srsly dries up everything and can fix ur fucked up skin so give it a try

>get professional medical advice
>ask Sup Forums instead

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I took it as a teen, shit is legit, no acne after a few months. Minor side effects like dry skin and nosebleeds.
Stay hydrated, monitor your dosage monthly with a doctor and watch out for mood swings or bouts of depression (happened with me but seems the exception rather than the rule).

I had acne from about 13-23. Nothing ever worked (I was in the military and accutane would have made me nondeployable)- antibiotics, diet changes, face washes, benzoyl peroxide, etc. After I got out of the army I went to a dermatologist and got a low dose course of accutane for like 2 months and never had a pimple again. Super simple, no side effects for me. It was like a miracle

I took it at 19. My face looked worse than your pic and it fucking cured that shit. I still have crater face scars like Edward olmos and occasionally get a zit or two like a normal person but fuck, I wish it would have been around when I was 11. My side effects were dry lips that would peel like they would in winter. No biggie. When I got it there was some hoopla about suicide but come to find out that's cuz it was some dumbfuck politicians kid nixed her own shit and the dumbfuck blamed accutane instead of his own shitty parenting.

Definitely be mindful of psychological side affects as I actually think it's much more common to develop depression and anxiety on this medication especially since kids taking it will likely already be in a bad psychological place from the acne.

The other thing is everything comes with risk. It's a risk keeping your acne like that, it's also a risk to not (i.e., by taking this medication). Weigh the pros and cons. If it was me, I'd probably take it. Physical appearance is so important for so many things.

The other thing is, long term, you need to look into creating a healthier lifestyle. Eat right, exercise, and get sun exposure. Take regular showers and gently wash your face at night (as well as brush your teeth and floss). Simple hygiene routines can go a long way not in ELIMINATING issues but making them much much smaller problems.

This medication doesn't make you bald. Lmao. I guess unless you had acne on your literal scalp and the scarring etc caused from it impaired your hair follicles? That seems like a stretch, though.


yeah looks like you got imbalanced humors, nothing a little bloodletting wont fix

I took it for two and a half months. They made me stop because it made me suicidal. I instantly stopped being suicidal, and my life was improved dramatically because I no longer got acne. pic related.

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You should prolly still kill yourself cuz you look like a real faggot

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Old fag here. I took Accutane back when it was still in its testing phase about 30something years ago. They gave me constant blood tests and I had no liver issues or other side effects at the time. However, many years later I developed Ulcerative Colitis, which is a literal pain in the ass. It's not definite that the Accutane caused it, but there is a fairly strong correlation between Accutane use and UC. Oh, and a few years after I stopped taking the Accutane, the cystic acne came back. So I'm not a fan of the stuff personally.

Suppose you are right user but those tips and tricks help a friend a lot with this, he did change his diet as well though cut a lot of shit out. Also he may have had to use accutane I’m not sure ( does it look like a roll on deodorant?). Hope you get it sorted.

I took it many years ago, no acne again. Severe side effects tho.
If you have no problems with that, take it.
A less effective alternative is to let your spots get opened and cleaned by a pro on a weekly basis.
I was so ashamed because my back looked like I had aids.
But the best news to me was that acne isn't a lifetime sentence.

Awwww did some acne ridden beta get triggered. Poor snowflake

Awww poor snowflake got triggered. Go play the switch that your wife's boyfriend bought you, itll be ok

Wow samefagging this hard on an acne thread. Your life must really suck.

use 10% benzoyl peroxide. drugs for acne is retarded. almost everyone has it as a teenager and it goes away in your early to mid 20s. i had terrible acne and never thought it would go away. now im 24 and my face is always clear.

Congratulations, you didnt have cystic or nodular acne.

stop eating all dairy

>told me it was totally safe and everything I have read online is fake.
I suspect you are overexaggerating but if he really it like that then you should definitely find a new doctor. Anyway, it really depends on how bad your acne is. If it's even close to as bad as in that pic, then the positive effects will definitely outweigh the negatives. One thing that will almost happen for sure is that your lips will get super dry. And in my case (took it like 3-4 years ago) the dry lips never went totally away after I finished the treatment (but they aren't as dry as they used to be during treatment).

i would facefuck her heartily

>anecdotal evidence
>hurr durr everyone else is just retarded



Soo...he was behind that...?

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It helps

I supposedly did too but it did clear me up substantially. Worth the trade.

It is not safe. Take it if you want, idgaf, but just make sure that your liver doesn't get fucked to hell.

Any other life problems you need to scapegoat away?

I took it in the late 90s. Had bad shoulder and back acne. I would take a linesman pliers to some of the cysts i would get out of pure anger. Took accutane, acne gone never to return, wish I would have had it way earlier.

ok pizza face way to be a cunt. i hope your liver fails.

Lol. Ya why didnt I just wash my zits. Duh.

I'm only one of those people, and not the OP. I took accutane at the age of 22 after nothing was working. Turns out that I had a hormonal disorder causing my acne that had no cure... other than just using accutane as it kills acne no matter how its caused.

>acts like a know it all cunt
>gets mad when people point out that he can be proven wrong just by listening to the OP himself

dumbest fucking shit i've ever read. many times, terrible acne is the result of a combination of factors, including genetics and normal flora on the skin (bacteria that naturally occur on this particular person's skin may produce extra waste that causes pores to clog easily leading to bad acne) or small pores or extra oily skin, or small sebaceous glands on the skin. it's more than just "lol its ur diet idiot"

Medfag here
Kill yourself

face mask your face with your own shit for 20minutes

I took Accutane as a late teenager in the 80s. It resolved my acne issues by about 99%, which changed my life as you might imagine. I'm 51 years old now and honestly haven't experienced any negative side effects. I only wish it was available earlier so I could have avoided a lot of the crap my serious acne caused. That's my experience