Thoughts on Pantera?

Thoughts on Pantera?

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"Audiophile" version of the fat comic guy from Simpsons. A one-trick show pony who many times doesn't know what he's talking about and hes just hyping the products to get affiliate link money from amazon. Were talking about Zeos, right?

RIP in peace Dimebag.

not the best shampoo but a pleasant fragrance

One word,ART
I love Phil so much

Top tier workout music 10/10

One of the best bands tbh

Based. Cowboys from hell still a top ten album.

The only metal band that isn't faggy suburban garbage.

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Walk on home BOY...

They make alright bread

can't forget Vinny too :(

Love em

Didnt appear to sell out
Playing to the biggest crowd in history at mosters of rock
Still dressed like deadshits

Rex is a legend dimes is a champ who stole a ton of prototypes from dean vinny died from a broken heatt
Phil ODed at hmv is brisbane while i waiting for signature

I still have my personally autographed Great Southern Trendkill 12" promo cover and cd case!

honestly they fucking suck, it's extremely generic stuff. good solos tho

Holy shit!!!!! LMAO LOL KEK HAHA MY SIDES ARE IN ORBIT! This shit is beyond funny!! Omg I can’t breathe from laughing sooooooooo hard!!! LMAO ROFLCOPTER KEK LOL HAHA

This immortal song.

Gtfo faggot

The ONLY metal band? I’m not saying there aren’t plenty of shit metal bands who are “faggy suburban garbage” but to say pantera is the only one is absolutely ridiculous.

mY oPinIoN mATteRs mOrE tHaN yOUrs

whatever anyone has to say about these guys is irrelevant, your opinion doesnt matter...the metal community has spoken. their music will live forever RIP Dimebag and Vinnie

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their bread bowls are pretty good


any thread about pantera in 20goddam19 needs all the help it can get. trolls and shitposters are just as valid as fanboys in keeping it alive. uh oh better watch out for the thread limit

Slow, garbage, simple, generic metal for hillbillies who still think wrestling is real. Pantera were never good. Phil Anselmo is a fucking joke of a human and an even more pathetic singer. Groove metal makes about as much sense as thrash funk. Stupid genre for dumb rednecks

I think their bread is pretty dope.

They had some of the best riffs of all time. RIP Dimebag. Phil’s a dipshit, though.



Damnit pantera, this beer is warm! Get me another one!

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Beat me to it based user
I was gonna do firewood

In the this love music video he didn’t tell pantera to get firewood

What did the whole band fuck your girl or something? You seem to hate them on a personal level.

i like them

Goddamit pantera go cut me somefirewood

Lol it's never had a girl

isnt that another one of those bands who turned into a bunch of liberals because they realized that heavy metal isnt popular anymore?

pantera are for real men,not liberal soyboys like yourself.go listen to some more nickleback fag

I'm not a huge Pantera fan, but what's your opinion on Lamb Of God then (aka like their first four albums)

I used to like them when I was an edgy 10 year old.

Pantera is slowly, but surely making a reunion.
I thought Phil was gonna go after Dime tbh.

LoG was great up until their last 2 albums.

this, it's not meant for adults

nah dude they started sucking with wrath


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