Educate me. Why does everyone hate this band. Did they sell out? Was it the dudes surgery? Was it that the drummer died...

Educate me. Why does everyone hate this band. Did they sell out? Was it the dudes surgery? Was it that the drummer died? Did they just get lumped in with bands like my chemical romance and have cringy fans? I like the 2001 and 2003 albums. They sounded like progressive pantera. Satellite radio wont even play thier jam's.

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I've always loved A7X. Saw em live a couple years ago and they sounded fantastic. In my experience the only people that say they hate them are the same people that call grindcore music. It'S nOt EvEn MeTaL iT's FoR pUsSiEs hUrRRRrRDrRR.

Fuck the haters, faggot. Listen to what you like and fuck the rest.

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Because they've been around for over ten years and they sound like every other Metalliknockoff band.

And I wouldn't say everyone hates them. They're an edgy teenager band and most of us found less faggy shit to listen to.

First album was dope.

Everything since has been utter shit

The Rev passing on was such a fucking shock for me. I vividly remmeber playing around with some friends in high school when one of my buddies showed us all the news article about his death, I straight up did'nt beleive it and one of my female friends collapsed and started fucking sobbing. I'll always have a deep connection to Avenged. I agree the newer stuff isn't as good, but shit man, they've cycled through a couple new drummers, of course it's not going ot be the same. Self titled album and Nightmare were KICK ASS. If anyone tells you A7X sucks, kick em in the balls and kill their sister, then fuck her corpse and marry it. \m/

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>fuck and marry a corpse

Ok edgyboi

Been listening to them since I was in middle school.

Love all of their work, even the new stuff. Probanly mostly nostalgia.
But I was the quinticential edgy teenager I liked disturbed too.

So my option is trash anyway.

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The Stage is their best album since Waken the Fallen. New drummer is a badass.

That song was a joke from the beginning dude.

Sounds like something you would put together for Halloween parties and stuff. Pretty damn sure it was edgy on purpose it's a parody.

Honestly the rest of their stuff is nowhere near as pretentious as disturbed or ffdp.

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They're pretty fuckin good OP. Dont let the faggots on Sup Forums get to you. It's just like all the faggots on Sup Forums trying to convince us Outer Worlds is a bad game and they haven't even played it.

OP here. I saw them live 3 times. Before his surgery once. Before the rev died once and after he died and rob portnoy was drumming for them. Best shows I've ever been to. Set pieces, sound, effects and lighting where mint every time. They actually wanted to be there every time I saw them. Twice in minniapolis and last one in phoenix.

Yeah me too. It was the first time a musician passing made me have a fucking wierd day.

Sure, when you compare them to a couple other edgeboi bands.

Same. Mac Miller was the other one that fucked with my head.

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Listen to their music and you'll get my joke.

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OP here. I saw disturbed on thier uproar tour. Best sounding live band I've ever heard. That said they where assholes and wouldn't even play a encore for a hella hyped crowd. They never left thier mark on stage and just played song after song not even addressing the crowd once. But it seriously sounded as good as thier album.

I guess

Idk music taste is such an oddly specific thing.
Different people get completely different impressions.

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its a good joke lol, a little piece of heaven is what I would call fucking and marrying a corpse ;D lol

Yeah wtf is wrong with people. I'm gonna go home today and listen to a7x and finish outerworlds. Cause I'm enjoying the fuck out of that game right now.

Me too again man! How old are you? I'm 26

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I'll be 26 in a week. Deadass.

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Oh yeah they have great sound, but their up there with MCR on edge bs

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I know the song. Even if it's a joke it's still edgelord tier.

i don't hate tis band. don't be prejudiced, assuming that everybody hates the band.


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I listened to it for halloween. Haven't heard it in a few years. It's better now that I'm older even. They got a ton of instruments on that track.

Shits crazy man.

All of you niggas should hop on youtube right now and search A7X Live in the LBC.

And lyrics meant for teenage goffik chicks to giggle at and pretend they're scary.

Yeah.. used to fucking hate MCR and thier fans... this is another band that as I grow up I've learned to appreciate. Good music written by a couple band members just jamming to thier own thing. Yeah they got cringy groupies and too much makeup but solid group. Talented even.

Then we get to see them big ol goth tities.

The lyrics were actually written by The Rev. Locked himself in the attic with a piano and had this song when he came out a couple days later. The rest of the band were totally fucking weirded out by it but just ran with it.

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So basically everyone can agree the reason this band isn't as popular as they should be is because a good amount of people precieve them as edge lords? Interesting when you compare thier lyrics to other metal band of the same time period though. It makes the other bands look like try hards, not a7x. I dont get it and I'm going to continue to support and listen to them.

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I will when I get home for sure

No. You go to Nightwish shows and the like for those. A7X gets you underage emo training bra titties and the saggy middle-aged fake biker bar wench boobs.

They always sucked.

they're corporate rock bullshit and they suck ass

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Sounding the 7th Trumpet was shit and you know it.

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The difference is authenticity. The bands A7X are ripping off are genuinely badasses who write about rebellion because they mean it. A7X is a bunch of screamofags that figured cosplaying as Pantera was more profitable.


Waking the Fallen is the only time they sounded good.

Afterlife is a sick track though.

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Definitely my favorite album of theirs as well.

cringe edgelord

Because they're edgy faggots pretending to be metal. The metal scene is already pretty gay so these guys have to really be trying.

Who are they ripping off? Cause Metallica megadeth and Pantera dont have a progressive sound at all. It's just metal through and through. A7x came in and made thier own sound influenced by other musicians of course because you know, after all, all music is influenced by other music....

This is exactly what I mean. You cant even bring them up without half of people saying this. But I dont really see it. They look like a normal heavy rock alt emo scene whatever the fuck band. Thier drummer died when he ODd. Isn't that metal? They partied like rockstars they look like rockstars they act like rock stars and they sound like rock stars so why cringe?

How does one pretend to be metal?

A7X fan since 04

When the Rev died, they lost their #1 songwriter, and one of their best friends since childhood. That was the end of the band, imo.

Hell, the Rev even wrote a song about him killing himself before he killed himself, and had it put on the album about him killing himself

he was a beautiful twisted genius :(

I love A7X, always will, but their new stuff is ass lol

RIP Jimmy. Thanks for teaching me how to drum.

it's a reference to one of their songs, go away boomer

>heavy rock alt emo scene
There's your cringe and edge.

Nah that definitely isn't enough for me. you can say that about every rock band in the early 2000s. Youre just fucking wrong. Sorry

Oldfag. Love this band. The Rev was a beast . RIP. The stage was a great album.

+1 like

Now this made me cringe