Creepshot :)

Creepshot :)

Attached: FDE19F2D-B010-47B5-886E-9080FC276972.jpg (1347x4032, 1.21M)

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You think that lifeguard is a rapist?

more please

Kek if I caught you in the act of doing that instead of calling 911 I’d make you physically eat your camera battery.

And then you’re gonna drown

you sound really tough.

have you ever tasted a camera batterie? don't write checks your body can't cash kiddo.

>t. manlet with napoleon complex

> tough guy
> uses "kek"

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Why? I can't get laid because I'm not fit and have a small penis, so when I see a hot slut outside I want to take a picture of her to fap later, because I'm not some chad who can take her number and then bang her on the first date.

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More! I live near there

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nice more

You're violating these women by viewing and sharing their photos without their consent; it doesn't matter whether or not these photos were taken by them, their lover, or a stranger on the street. A big part of what defines the act of rape is the lack of consent and there is clearly a lack of consent here. These images are even more appealing to you because there is an aspect of "forbidden fruit" due to the nature of the nude photographs being stolen and originating from celebrities. In addition, you find a thrill when you do these type of acts in hope that you will see something special. The fact that you have no morals or ethics is a sign that you have a deeper psychiatric issue going on inside your head. This is a form of sexual assault. You don't see it as such because you have been blinded by rape culture.

If I were to punch you in the face, you'd be in pain. If I were to shoot you in the torso, you'd be in more pain. Both actions cause you pain, but one more than the other; the lesser act of assault is not negated simply because you could be a victim of a greater act of assault. Likewise, the act of sharing and viewing these nude photographs is still a violation of these victims/women regardless of whether greater forms of sexual assault exist. The way these victims/women dress does not warrant any coercion nor negative criticism of their character. Their privacy is an object permanence that does not need to be expressed. With their clothes on it is recognized as a continuous implied "No" and yet you continue on with your acts. Men have been locked up for less than three "No's" in the act of rape by their victim. These people are not asking for it nor would any normal person under the same circumstances. If you sick individuals have a conscience, you will cease viewing and sharing these stolen/shared photos because you are currently no different than a common rapist.

Source: Cyber bullying survivor and advocate for millennials

Nobody cares

The third gayest copypasta I've seen, this isnt rape.

I mean...
It's a little extreme to compare taking candid photos to rape.

Both are wrong, but they aren't comparable.

Eat a dick.

suck a dick, nigger fag

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id argue if consent is important, is birthing a child also rape?

the child certainly didnt consent to being born.

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>the child certainly didnt consent to being born.

neither consented to being aborted

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imagine being this fuckin retarded to whip up this defense JEEEESUS

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Legally, rape requires non consensual vaginal penetration by a penis.

Anything else is not rape, especially this.

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>Cyber bullying survivor and advocate for millennials

Candids are not wrong and are completely legal. Ever heard of the paparazzi? Security cameras? Fucking grow up.


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No you wouldn't you fucking fatbody. Now go back to glug-glugging your diet soft drink.

And I've raped 4 women.

pictures taking in a public place are the property of the person who took the photo. there is no expectation of privacy in public. as long as the photographer is not using the photo commercially, it's legal.

(upskirts, downblouse, etc. photos may be covered by other laws.)


You are the problem

b-but they were j-just showing off!

Cool but nobody cares here. Public photos are legal and that's all. Surprise. This world is full of shitty people. You can do absolutely nothing about it

More more more Now!

>Carpeting in a public pool breakroom
Kinda Gross

Soo...he was behind that...?

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>Kek if I caught you in the act of doing that instead of calling 911 I’d make you physically eat your camera battery.
"If i catch you doing something totally legal I'll assault you"

and then apparently get very confused when I get arrested.

Fuck off


imig dot c/iGzQrRQ

It’s a lifeguard office, you imbecile

Same thing

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i'd shoot you then and everyone around will see that you attacked me out of nowhere, and since you were technically the only witness to my creepshot my secrets will go down with you


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Check this and thank me later

pastebin com/dpKYU9m8

lol nah

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more lifeguard candids??

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>You're in public
You have zero expectation of privacy. Anyone can shove a camera in your face and video, pictures, and do whatever they want with that. That's what the law is. Get over it. And kill yourself while you're at it.

50 year old co-worker

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gross, no one wants that shit

eww gross

That electrical work....... just wow.

any more lifeguard pics?

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This young babe caught on she was enjoying it though

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do you have videos too? any chance of getting a full upload to mega?

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One nude in the entire thread. Sup Forums I'm so disappointed.

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She's disappointed in you too, Sup Forums.

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She farted

I've been doing this for years, faggot. Fuck your bullshit, I'll keep doing it. I've been doing it to people you know for years, you live in a stupid fucking house too.

stfu faggot


Fuck that's good

More? Also, Dutch?

>She farted
How do you know that?

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It’s not rape though it’s just sexual harassment


those gums, tho

pic somewhat related

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I work in a.i. facial recognition development

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This seems not right lol?

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