Be me

>be me
>living under parents roof
>just turned 18 week ago
>gf says she didnt menstruate since the early days of october
>gf says she didnt tell me because she dont wanted me to be worried

I tried. I tried to live life, but somehow someday i'll do it. I'm fucking tired.

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kill her and then yourself.

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>killing the only girl that isnt a bitch where i live and i ever loved and consequently killing my child

thanks, but no thankz

I’ve had a few scares like that, OP. Mostly when I was a younger man around your age. I’ll be 26 in February though. Wanna know something? I reckon she ain’t even pregnant. Ladies periods are weird and it could be late for any number of reasons. Don’t freak out yet. Be an adult and get the money to buy a pregnancy test.

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Look at our dubs! We did it, OP! Now we know for sure that your bitch isn’t pregnant!

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don't think about the bad things in your life think about the good things that will happen to you and start working for earning them. i know i could sound stupid but you can use Sup Forums for outburst i understand your pain


what to do if it says she are pregnant

you are even young so don't act like a pussy and fucking beat the shit out of life!

She could have a long period and it does happen where you can skip a period and not be pregnant

Women and their bodies are bullshit


something tells me you already knew the basic equation:

i wouldnt be that afraid if i lived in merica too
but live in a shit third world country

you can try
but making me laugh my ass out arent going to make me less depressed

i live in a shitty place too. and yes that could be a problem but we have to fight them


Two real options. First option is to accept your fate and lean into it. Allow yourself to be thrust into fatherhood and work your ass off for the rest of your life to be a good dad and decent husband. Assuming you even want to marry this broad. Your second option is to tell her that you both aren’t mature enough to raise a child and that you want her to to try and have an abortion. It’ll be expensive, but not as expensive as raising another human being until it turns 18 years old. I guess you could also try and give up your kid for adoption, but I don’t know where you live since you said you aren’t in the states. What you don’t want to do is run. You can’t establish a pattern of running away from the big issues of your life. That’s a great way to fuck up your psyche. You’re in a precarious position, OP. It is very likely that the way in which you choose to deal with this problem will affect the trajectory of the rest of your life. Take a deep breath. Center yourself and for Christ’s sake, don’t do or say anything stupid.

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You're 18, so it's not the end for you. You can either man up and raise this child or puss out and pay child support and be finished either way in you're 30's. If abortion is legal where you live then definitely pursue that as it's the best option and there's too many of us anyway.

Worrying delays periods too OP. Shes been worrying alone for a while now. Get a test and also assure to her youre with her in figuring out what to do next. Also, i think the sooner you confirm the easier (and more discreet) abortion would be.

So it's been like a month? Why can't she just get an abortion again? If you associate with a bunch of people that don't have abortions why the fuck are you having unprotected sex?

i cant, i just cant
i'm not having a based genes like yours that dont make woman pregnant against your will

>"we have to fight them"
>too broke that i dont even have money to do a bday party to gf
>probably not going to the college before 30 as well

tell me reasons to keep going with this shit cuz as i can see nothing will change even with hard work

Dude, it's the first day of November. Calm the fuck down. Also, learn about the reproductive systems, ignorant fuck.

I knocked up e reverends daughter when i was 17 son is almost 18 now
I own a home and have lot of motorcycles now

Harden up cupcake children are the glue that keeps a marriage together

You dont want to be a nigger do you

>tell me reasons to keep going with this shit cuz as i can see nothing will change even with hard work
Most people that are 18 do not have very good foresight. Shit, I know I didn’t. You just have to keep the faith, OP. I know it sounds stupid and contrived, but you have to believe that the universe will work itself out. Remember, your point of failing begins where you concede.

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>First option is to accept your fate and lean into it.

dont make me laugh, i dont think theres a way to fix it

>Your second option is to tell her that you both aren’t mature enough


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i think that everything is important if you start thinking about the things that make you feel better like hobbies you can find a way. you don't have to go to college and even if you are 30 it's not a problem and one time something good will happen and you'll be happy. use us as a terapist

Jesus Christ, it's Jason Sup Forumsorne

We need pictures of this alledged girlfriend to provide accurate diagnosis

What you want? isnt the first time we said it would be "the last time"
i thought shit would be okay, and then now she says she's worried and shit

you could bring him in an adoption house or whatever the fuck it's name is

Chicks love giving you that "I might be pregnant" scare
My ex used to do it, sometimes just to create the drama and see if I would care. doubt she's even pregnant for real otherwise do pic related
gl user

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She was the first thing that changed life, for me, she was there when i was knocked out from life shit and she is the first person that actually made me have interest in having wife and kids.
We've been thinking to grow a child and shit, but not this way, we are too fucking young, i'm too fucking broken even to buy laffy taffys'. And if she is really pregnant, then all i know is that i fucked up in some way that i never did before that i can even go back or try to fix it, She probably gonna break up with me or shit or our relatioship isnt going to be the same. She saved me once from bad shit, and i ruined it all.

What I'm saying is that it's way too soon to be freaking out and moping like it's the end of the world. And you'd know that if you weren't ignorant. You don't have to be ignorant.

Your fine, just research the jobs in your area and find a place looking for apprentices and study to become a journeyman electrician. Tell the bitch to stay with her parents so that you can focus on providing for her, by the time the shitlord is born you'll be pulling atleast 50k. I'm sure if both both families see you trying to man up then they'll throw you a bone and help out. If all else fails go to HVAC school they'll turn you into a low-end middle class drone in a couple months

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I hope you’ve enjoyed your childhood, it’s all over user. Get ready to be a man. I wish I felt sorry for you but babies don’t drop out of the sky, shouldn’t have gone raw.

I'm freaking out now because i don't know a way to make shit less painful in the future, if i really fucked up

"I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened."

"Worrying is like paying a debt you don't owe."

- Mark Twain

not my case
im living the drama as the Cat of Schrödinger
im just anxious to open the box and know the answer.

get a fuckin job.
also tell her you'll need a DNA paternity test, just to be sure.

>Ah, good times when people lost their virginity soon after marriage.

I don't have the graphic, but You can make abortion smoothie that will make her miscarriage. Shell be sick for a day but none the wiser

Condoms, motherfucker. Ever heard of them?

is your girl usually very regular? If not you could be worring over nothing.

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