Get the flu shot or not?

Get the flu shot or not?
I did a little research and i just confused myself even more. What do you anons think about vaccines?

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vaccines made me gay, trust me user its not worth it

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I have taken the flu shot exactly one time in my life.
I have has the flu exactly one time in my life.
I will never get another flu shot again

Vaccines work if the majority of the population takes them. Since the majority of the population takes them, you dont have to if you dont want to. Also, the second round of Hep B vaccine almost killed me when I was a kid. Hospitalized me for a while.

How about getting the more vital vaccines first, I'm fully vaccinated by my countries standards, I have however never had a flu shot.

Some woman at work got the shot then got really fluey after.

Then I got the flu before I could even think about getting the shot

I wonder if having the illness and getting over it is better/as good as getting the shot?

Get it. If you get the flu, and got the flu shot, recovery will be much easier and will be done in your own home. Get the flu without the vaccine and you'll be in the intensive care unit with tubes going in and out of you. The vaccine doesn't make you 100% immune, but it'll make you resistant enough that it won't make you want to an hero.

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that's not the way vaccines work retard

It is, some illnesses you just don't want to have to get first.

>Get the flu without the vaccine and you'll be in the intensive care unit with tubes going in and out of you

unless you are 90+ I don't see how what is basically a bad cold would do shit all

well you are a fucking idiot...

>has never had the actual flu

you had an upset tummy user, go find a FB/vsco thread or something

lasts a week, if it nearly kills you... nature trying to do its job by removing you from the gene pool

The flu shot is example of the abuse of vaccination because it's not a targeted attempt to purge a disease from a population group, which just means that it drives the flu into an evolutionary arms race that it will eventually win.

it's the hand sanitizer of vomiting your life away

you have the flu before you show symptoms, and the shot takes 2 weeks before it you're properly immune

it only protects against certain strains that are predicted something like 2 years in advance iirc

keep in mind it works by tricking your immune system into thinking you've got it, and many symptoms are in fact an immune response, so it's not uncommon to feel like ass for a few days while your body fights a pretend flu. same concept as birth control making bitches moody like a pregnant woman

Not understanding the analogy.

Smallpox would like to have a word with you

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Do it if you want, don't do it if you don't want to I'm vaccinated so i don't give a shit

simply put..anything that is "free" and heavily promotionally pushed is a major red flag. im not getting dosed or drinking the kool aid.

Vaccines in general. Definitely get. They are not harmful.

Flu shot. Take it or leave it. Doesn't matter. You get really sick from the FLU a lot? get the shot. You never get sick from the FLU. Don't worry about it.


contrary to popular belief the flu shot wont save you from a's also rather ineffective for its real purpose

i think the problem is how rapidly it spreads and mutates, as well as it's ability to jump species that happen to be abundant livestock. you could all but eradicate it, then somebody traveling through a remote farm village could bring it back to an international airport

only bible thumping retards care about the whole vaccine issue

either way,if your american.dont bother,your healthcare is shit anyways(thank the democrats for that)

Yup, sure is. 95% of the population being vaccinated is the same as 100% of the population being vaccinated. If a class of 20 children has 19 vaccinated kids, wont have it and cant get it. The last kid wont be exposed, and even if he is, he cant spread it.

What even is your point? Are you too retarded to realize that the vaccination effort made against smallpox was one that was designed to eliminate it from the world? Do you not know that it almost succeeded and that until a few years ago cases of it manifesting were so incredibly rare in first world countries that it was often misdiagnosed? I can't understand what you're trying to say because it implies a sentiment too stupid to be sincere.

There is that too.

the "free shot" is bullshit. every year they make up lies about oh its a diff strain now, a diff virus.. h1n1, the swine flu, regular flu, advanced new flu, yur momma flu, etc. such bullshit

bitch you been dosed already. you think on penis inspection day at school the nurse was really slipping her finger up your bum to "check your prostate?" you got microchipped son. also checked

Get the goddamned vaccine. You're a retard if you consider otherwise.

Your genes are weak. The doctor should have pulled the plug when he had the chance.

A: that's not how statistics work
B: there are multiple classes, the bus, the staff, public spaces
C: the more it is allowed to survive the more likely it is to mutate into a strain that can affect immunized people

bitch only thing gettin slipped in anyones ass is my dick in yur moms ass then in yur gf's mouth. so hows my dick and yur moms ass taste?

I am 62. I have never had a flu shot. I never get any strain of the flu. I also have never taken an antibiotic for anything since I was 8 years old. None my entire adult life. I also stopprd eating meat when I was 18. No meat for 44 years. Which means no antibiotics or hormones from poultry, beef etc. I have an extremely healthy, natural immune system. I don't get the common cold. Ever. i am not perfect. I do get pollen allergies and deal with them accordingly. The bottom line to all this, is - you need to know your own body and health. Of you get sick frequently, or for any other reason your immune system is compromised, get the flu shot. If you consider yourself to be an extremely healthy person who never gets the flu anyway, don't waste your time getting the shot.Only you know your own body. Make the right choice for you.

It is how they work it's called herd immunity and also the reason u are not crippled by polio

>I am 62.
You know this isn’t yahoo, right?

Statistically you have a higher chance of getting shot by a nigger on your way to work today, than have a serious reaction to the vaccine. It's takes 5 minutes, and can save you from the hell that is the flu. It's not necessary to get it, but considering how little it affects you to get it, and how much trouble it can prevent, i consider it worth it

Just answering OPs question.

I did not get a flu shot because I believe I'm healthy enough to fight off the flu (had swine flu and bird flu in those days) and I'd rather keep my immune system strong by letting it do it's job. And, I work from home so I'm not exposed to so many people.

I have had it in the past when I was already ill and afraid of missing more work.

I will take it again when I think I'm old enough that a flu could jeopardize my life.

I’ve been a functional heroin addict for 7-8 years I don’t get the flu just opiate withdrawals which seem just as bad lol. Just do heroin instead I swear

nagalase in vaccines
immune destruction deliberate
google it faggots

I don't think it was the vaccine that almost killed you. It seems a lot like it was your retardedness.

Get it OP. If you get 3 flu shots at once, you will never catch the flu or AIDS again.

That's not how rational thought works. Truth exists regardless of authority. Financial monopolies do in fact have a vested interest in reducing access to truth in many cases. Fuck off archonic stooge with your pseudo-authorative full stops, it's leddit tier bill nye dick sucking cringe

Imagine being such a will-cuck you farm out your thinking to other humans because you're too insecure to believe you can compete

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