Convince me to become a left-winger, Sup Forums

convince me to become a left-winger, Sup Forums

Attached: 4chan esquerdista.jpg (750x600, 77K)

Well, here's a question to see where your head is at

Free rider problem: Would you rather:

Have many people have a better life but also have a small number of bad citizens
Have many people suffer in order to ensure that very few bad citizens exist

Choice 1, you're a left-winger, Choice 2, you're an right-winger

denial is a wonderful thing op. makes you the brightest, the strongest, the most physically fit, even if no one else realizes it.

course it's a bitch when reality catches up with you. and it always does.

With what I'm seeing from the modern Left, that's option 2.

its called the gays only party for a reason period

>Implying living in a modern 1st world country is suffering in any way
99.9% of the people in the west suffering are doing so as a result of their own choices or vast stupidity

also lets post sum cp

>removing the bad citizens won't make the good ones feel safer and happier
Ok faggot

to be fair, over 10+ years ago, Sup Forums /was/ far left.

the capt'n is always welcome.

Attached: CPWin.jpg (720x691, 32K)

great cp post

LOL, no one answers the question because they don't like the results

in the middle of the XX century fanatical religious zealots were responsible for the rising of the hippie movement that lead future generations to reject conservative ideals, and now woke culture followers are the reason why zoomers are rejecting left-wing ideals. It's a cycle that will repeat every once and a while.

"those that do not learn their history are doomed to repeat it."

No, your question is flawed and unrealistic that's why we aren't answering it, it assumes that people will suffer without bad citizens and be happy with them

We pointed out that your question is flawed you nigger dick breathed extra chromie stocking retard.

No, no one answers the question because what you claim the results are is wrong. But I would expect nothing less from a smarmy and arrogant lefty.

You are all literal communists

kill yourself faggot

I can't speak for the other anons but I'm more of a national socialist than a commie

nigga can you read?

The popular notion that all politics and social science can be divided into two precise opposite sides is retarded. There is no "left" and right".