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Cuz I ain't gay
*because trans women aren't real women, they ARE men
FIFY faggot op
>98% of straight men are unwilling to date a MAN because of hatred
Because they aren't gay you fucking retard.
Where are these transwomen you speak of?
It is ridiculous! Trans woman must think about his market of a couple before be trans
98% of trans women don't want to be called men because of hate towards that gender.
I could say the same thing about you idoit
I agree with this picture.
Change my mind.
No one has the right to get laid.
Just date an incel? I mean come on trannies can find plenty of faggots out there. Also most trannies I've seen says they're "lesbian" so this is fucking meme tier
Imagine dating a trans "woman" lmfao nice meme
I'm married to a trans chick.
Sorry to hear that
you dont have a right to demand other people date you thats slavery
this is just a more pathetic and looney form of “please fuck me! please pay me attention!”
No, you're married to a man.
Disgust is not hatred. Things that smell like a man are not sexy, ever.
"no one is forcing you to date a trans person".....that slope keeps getting more real
Hey,give me one millions dollars,a jetpack and one of the Polynesian islands
Why illustrate with a drawing of a sad little girl?
>trans rights are human rights
>trans rights are human
Pick one!!
No but in all seriousness why /b of all places, we are pretty friendly when it comes to alternate lifestyles (well kinda we are all fucked up)
My only issue comes with LGBT far left ideologues who claim any pushback on mandating preferred pronouns is trying to deny their existence annoys the shit out of me, just because I don’t agree with your political opinions doesn’t mean i hate you or that I want you to live differently which is simply not true we all decide how we wanna live and who we wanna be whatever makes you happy.
Just don’t push your ideology on me like the Catholic Church and treat everyone who isn’t “inclusive” enough as if they need to be enlightened. How condescending is the term woke, like you’ve awakened and we just don’t understand.
The thing is you can’t though, whether you want to admit it or not there is a difference between men and women (not our intrinsic value we all have value just as all life does) but we are different.
A person not wanting to date a trans woman is not hatred or bigotry (I’m sure sometimes it is) but a dating preference just like I prefer girly girls who wear sun dresses while some like athletic women. To try and deny biological sex as being very important when it comes to sexuality is like trying to say a gay man is heterophobic because they aren’t willing to date WOMEN this is like conversion therapy logic (well you just have to learn to like it)
K? Whatever. I'm still gonna fuck her.
Or maybe they just dont like dick? Or mutilated dick?
No fucking kidding
Double u double u double u dot
Fuck me or you’re a bigot
Everyone in your family except you knows that you're gay.
Well i am bisexual, and everyone i know knows that. So you literally couldn't be more wrong.
You're in a gay relationship.
Prove me wrong
Marrying a dude is pretty gay
98% of straight men aren't gay.
if you a guy n are fuckin or being fucked by guys, you gay bro. sorry.
Jesus christ. You guys are so stupid you don't even realize i am admitting that.
Jesus christ.
>98% of straight men
Because the other 2% is gay.
Change the number to 100%
Nice bait OP.
You know trannies don't count as actual women, right? You might just be gay and everyone in your family except you knows it.
Where do you admit it?
You just said you're married to a chick, and now you're admitting to dating a guy?
You should tell your tranny wife that you're happy to date a guy and see what happens.
Pro tip: this faggot will not deliver
would u date a trans man or woman?
Not the faggot you're replying to. I'm hetero as fuck. Is it gay to marry a man for insurance purposes or to get a green card? No faggy stuff .
also pretty sure being married to woman and fucking dudes is just being a closet gay who sucks cock outside marriage.
Trannies should be eliminated from the gene pool. Fuck troons.
they have the same rights as any other person depending on country theyre physically in.
go to the middle east dirt people town with this shit, get thrown off a roof.
do it in britbong land, they call you a wanker and move on
do it in africa youll probably be ritualistically sacrificed to appease the ebola gods
do it in the white part of south africa(different from previous african statement) you get called a retard and move on
do it in america, fuck off, you dont have the right to my dick
I said i am a bisexual. Gay falls under bisexual. I didn't admit she isn't a female. But i did admit i was gay.
And 1 to 3 of you missed it.
>I'm hetero as fuck. Is it gay to marry a man for insurance purposes or to get a green card? No faggy stuff .
only if youre getting a fuck ton of money out of it. there is minimal benefits to marrying a dude if you are one, your car insurance will still be more than a womans in the same age bracket as you because sexism
I hate trannies because they're egotistical assholes, have no responsibility and want to be something they clearly aren't and get upset when someone states facts. They will not be missed when they go extinct in 50 years, either from suicide or other means.
no one is bisexual forever
so attraction and sexuality is not a choice for the lgbt, but everyone else has to change their sexual preference to help lgbtq fit in? isn't that a double standard?
>Be genuinely unattractive
>Decide gender politics is the answer
>Try to force someone via guilt into fucking you
>You're an ugly person with a terrible figure and fugly face, so it doesn't work
>Surprise surprise
>Tfw you either kill yourself or hate the world for it
>It's everyone else's fault, not me!
Love these incel rage threads, too easy for op
Not willing because 99% of trannies don't pass as women, I really don't want to date a women clothes wearing obvious dude.
Straight men don't want to suck your cock. Neither do lesbians. Get over it.
sage faggot bait thread for inhuman trash
While I know this is bait...
The most hilarious thing is that trans will not date trans. Both trans men and trans women want to date born women.
You have outlier freaks of the trans community when you run into a trans who want to date a trans.
"Why I Became an Evil TERF"
Lesbians are also transphobic for not wanting to suck cock.
this has to be holy fuck thats hilarious
Why do you care what i call her?
well in the interest of accuracy
its a man.
Bigotry has nothing to do with sexual attraction.
I'm curious about that too.
Reminds me of that shitshow of an exchange where a fat woman was complaining about men not finding her attractive when a fat dude asked her out in the next post and then got blown off.
I'm just sayin' trans women don't need to date cis dudes. They can date a trans man.
Are you telling me 2 percent of the worlds tranny fucking population surfs Sup Forums?
Why in the fuck would anyone fuck a trans woman if theyre straight. Please explain this to me. Why would someone go out of their way to feed into .5% of the population when 99.5% of women are actual women.
I like to fuck pussy. So much that my gf who actually likes anal and will give it to me at any time, I 99.9% of the time choose pussy.
Real pussy. A fake one will never feel like a real one. Ass doesn't even come close to comparing to a real, wet, tight, good pussy. I love fucking my gf's ass, but it's more like a once in a while thing rather than I want to fuck this nonstop type of thing.
So that's why I wouldn't date a tranny. They don't have a pussy. That's not hatred.
Yes. trans deserve the same rights as the rest of humans. So do psyopahts, squizofrenic people and old people with dementia. Nobody is denying your rights to attend a pshycologist and seek help.
Seriously, level with me here. Why do you care? And if you wanna do a no u here, but please don't. I care about your concerns because they puzzle me. I don't understand your position. And i don't mean conceptually or logically. I mean like emotionally. I don't get where the irritation comes from. I am not irritated by who or what she says she is. Like, i love her for her, i don't care what gender she is.
Also, chopping of your dick is not a right, nor is injecting shitton of hormones into your body, nor is forcing people to call you by some ramdom ass pronoun if they dont feel like doing it
100% straight men refuse to date a dude. There OP I fixed it for you.
Hatred? Hardly. It's more because straight men aren't attracted to other men. (duh) This is one of the most stupid and illogical flyers I've ever read. A guy who puts on lipstick and cuts up his weiner is still a guy. FFS
It's hard for adults to pretend something is X when it is Y. It creates even further problems when adults are then FORCED to pretend when everyone knows it's not true, for the sake of political correctness.
Everyone knows the sky is blue. If I claimed it was green over and over, and people started following me saying the same thing, and suddenly it became politically correct to refer to the sky as green, it would be quite annoying for the average normal well adjusted adult to pretend the sky is green when they can see with their own two eyes it is in fact, blue, in the real world we are living in.
I think that's the problem.
why do you care that people call them a man? i dont care what you call them. but, 'why do you care' doesnt make them a woman. sorry. it's still a man. not a concept, only logic n biology. you can call them whatever, but gf if you think that's gonna influence what i think they are or science. if thats hard to understand, well tough shit.
If you genuinely wouldn't care you'd go with something that's accurate and call "her" a him.
But you care. And you want to go along with the fantasy.
If you both got horribly burnt to death you'd be identified as two males.
If there's any DNA evidence at a crime scene you two were in, you'll both be ID'd as males.
That's reality.
You can go along with ANY fantasy. You're free to do so. Just don't drag other people by force into it. THAT is what people don't like.
It’s wild thinking that if you told someone you were going to cut your finger off and you’d be thrown in a nut house but apparently cutting your dick off is normal
I explained why i care. Did you read that far?
Yeah, exactly. Even worse, the sole mention of transexuality being something even close to a mental illness will get your life destroyed if heard by the wrong people. Which is disgusting.
>98% of straight men are unwilling to date gay men.
I call her a her because she asked me to. If she changed her mind, and reversed the surgery and became a man again, i'd still love her. Or yes, at that point, him.
It's actually something that puzzles me slightly about trans people. I care even less about my gender than she does. If people used female pronouns for me i wouldn't give a flying fuck. But they care a whole lot about it. I don't really get it. But fuck it, makes her happy.
People just need to cut the shit and treat it like what it is. A minority group of "different" people. I want to see what happens once the novelty wears off.
So, lol, really, i'm the odd man out here.
Trans people are like: "It's terribly important you use x pronouns."
And i'm over here like "If you made up a gender for me and used it, i still wouldn't fucking care."
Can you understand why it's a slippery slope? When you love someone, you sometimes have to do what is right for them, even if that's difficult. Which might mean not indulging them in self destructive fantasies which often indicates mental illness or a path to destruction (suicide).
If my gf wanted me to start calling her "dumptruck millie" I would immediately be alerted to the fact that she needs mental help - and I would do that for her, even if it was hard and she resisted and kept telling me that she is, in fact, a dump truck.
It sounds ridiculous to you, but the reality is it's the same to most normal well adjusted people. Calling a man a woman or a woman a man is not natural and you're only furthering the disease by enabling it instead of helping the partner you claim to love.
Trans are incels user
Oh, as i said, i understand the concept. You guys aren't being illogical, or unreasonable. The flaw is you've got bad information. But i am not asking this question because i want to start an argument with you guys, i am not trying to change you mind here. I am just asking why you care what gender my wife says she is.
Mind you, i didn't weigh in on the other subjects in this thread. All i said was "I got a trans wife". So none of you know what my position is on shit like lesbians who don't want girl dick. So please don't assume i'm irrational either.
This is why nobody likes trans people. It's either a mental disorder or a nonsensical niche kink at most yet they demand change and acknowledgement, political status and benefits. In other words, they're only digging their grave.
>98% of straight men are unwilling to date trans "women" because of hatred
>98% of straight men
so 2% of straight men is not straight ?? wtf kind of logic is this ?
100% of straight men is not willing to date a crossdressing fag. otherwise ur not straight.
Do you understand how dick goes into pussy? That's the take-away here. Genuine dick having men want to fuck real pussy and have kids with someone who doesn't trip up and wants to kill themselves every time someone notices their jawline
>you've got bad information
lol my sides
No. I really do not want to start an argument. I am not trying to change minds here. Please. Somebody on the internet is asking for not an argument. Let's just marvel at that for a while.
This is just one of the many incel options.
1. Eat gun.
2. Shoot up school then eat gun.
3. Go trans then eat gun.
After any of these 3 you are still an incel but one who did the right thing.
Seriously has anyone met a trans "woman" who wasn't an incel to begin with?