Abortion is baby's being killed and that's a fact
Abortion is baby's being killed and that's a fact
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thanks for sharing
I hope that fetus has a soul
so it feels pain when I eject it from my hole
brap-brap pew-pew
Everybody knows that, some people just love killing babies.
Maybe that exact baby will suicide in 16 years of having a really shitty life...
bojack horseman's like one of the greatest show i've ever seen
Post-birth abortion should be a thing.
I know plenty of people that deserve a 163rd term abortion
We are overpopulated by 6 billion people. Who gives a fuck?
It's also a fact that a woman has bodily autonomy and that a fetus doesn't override that.
And ...??
Would you rather have a retarded niglet being loud in the line behind you at Walmart?
I don't get you fucking retards that oppose abortion. You guys often hate other people, let it be niggers, lefties or assorted. And then you somehow also want more of them but at the same time, you don't want them. Are you genuinely retarded?
So if a woman doesn't have bodily autonomy and someone else can use her body for their benefit, then neither do you and someone can rape you and you can't do anything about it.
what the fuck are you trying to say retard?
Yes. It's more satisfying strangling them
This exact shit is what changed my stance on abortion YEARS ago. "It affects niggers and lefties more than other groups? Fuck. I am pro abortion now."
Not even joking. I told my pro life parents this while drunk and visiting one time and my dad made that "hmmmm not a bad point" face. lol
Yeah but it's not her arm getting ripped off in an abortion and that's also a fact
This. People also need to stop worrying about other people. Its not going to affect them if somebody who isn't ready to have a baby has an abortion.
Inb4 hur dur just don't have sex then
The woman's rights supersede those of the parasite she's carrying. Do you cry about tape worms too?
It's cute that you try to use emotional phrases like "arm ripped off" to argue in support of enslaving women to their own bodies.
>hur dur
No glove no love
Someone should abort OP, it's never too late
> (You)
>It's cute that you try to use emotional phrases like "arm ripped off" to argue in support of enslaving women to their own bodies.
But that is what happens user or do you not know how an abortion in performed
Trust me I know how abortions work, they get me fuckin rock hard just thinking about it
all these christfags whine about abortion,but they'll happily elect a president and support him even though he's never been to a church in his life
Good less niggers on Earth
Don't worry one day you'll grow up and get over your insecurities
I know exactly what happens. It's irrelevant.
Not according to the U.S. Supreme Court in Roe v Wade. We have decided as a society that the rights of the mother outweigh the rights of the fetus.
Abortion is NEVER used to kill "babies":
it is merely used to remove damaged or
unwanted fetuses.
Society has come to trust the consensus opinions of Professionally Qualified:
Doctors and Lawyers; and the judgement of
Democratically Elected Political Representatives,
rather than some deranged Sup Forumstard that wants to stick its uneducated oar into the muddied waters where it is not wanted
Another life isn't her body fucktard. When you get pregnant it is your responsibility as a human to give birth.
It's not since the baby's body is very relevant to the procedure
I find it funny that conservatives want more democrats having tons of kids. That will do nothing but ensure the impoverished classes become the vast majority and ensure democratic party rule for the rest of eternity.
Are you a vegan by the way? If not, shut the fuck up about life.
dumbest thing ive probably ever read on this site, im dead serious.
I care about the woman's right to her own body. I don't care about the fetus that's 100% dependant on her body.
Some parts of America you can drive for hours without seeing a soul. Overpopulation is a myth, as long as animals are breeding and there's soil beneath the ground humanity will not starve
Why should that make us care? You think we're going to suddenly change our views on abortion because of a random nitwit who can't spell "babies"?
That's not my angle. Poor people tend to be democrat. Blacks have the most abortions. White conservatives desperately want this to stop, so they want more of what they hate. Which makes no sense.
Truth anything else you want these stupid cucks to know
Also, you have to think not just in terms of space, but infrastructure and supply, which we are always pushing the envelope of. Waste management, water, power, medical care, food supply and production, transportation, etc.
Killing animals and killing humans is false equivalence
Only a few countries have a population issue even then its only in a few cities as they to stupid to leave. Therefore they cause themselves issues.
Cities have the jobs. Hard to move to where there are no career opportunities.
Feel free to explain how that's so.
Humans and animals are both living beings who feel emotions and they cry, hasn't your pet animal cried before?
The user was right. only vegans have the right to complain about life being killed because they try to stop it
see this meme
>their own bodies
So you think psychopathic women should be allowed to have their sadistic desires quenched by legally concieving children time and time again and then having a professional babykiller rip them all to pieces and dispose of them for you?
You’re literally criminally insane.
That’s it. 100% agree. If most conservative evangelicals are white, and most people who get abortions are poor and black, what the fuck do they care they want to control their own population. I mean, even if that’s not a reason and the real reason is they’re lazy pieces of shit, wouldn’t white people be okay with them aborting their babies???
Are you the pot or the kettle
Yes, that's right. And they should get a fucking medal for not having unwanted children, not adding to surplus population and not going on welfare.
>these women are psychopathic!!!!!
source: you
>these women have sadistic desires!!!!!!!
source: you
>concieving children time and time again
a woman doesn't decide when she get pregnant, dipshit. you seem like a virgin, no surprise there since you want to enslave women.
>professional babykiller
actually they are professional women's rights enforcers.
Because animals are food. Wow that was easy
Yes and yes. Women should abort kids they can't handle. its that simple. Many people tell actually autistic people they shouldn't have kids, why not non-diagnosed women as well? they can't handle it either
and then dipshits like this guy
go and scream about having to pay taxes that support welfare.
Asserting something doesnt make it true dummy.
I'm more of a nuts and bolts conservative. I want a strong military, strong economy, a lean and efficient government. Unfortunately people who are obsessed with controlling how others behave (christians) have hijacked the party. They will cause their own demise with this outlook. Conservatism needs to be more about forging a strong economy, government backed scientific research (like we had in the 40s-70s) and a smaller government that encourages individual growth for citizens.
Ok nice bait you got me
Forcing a woman to give birth is slavery by the most conservative definitions of the word, retard.
Not bait. I'm a parent, and this job is hard enough when you want the kids. Forcing anyone, ever, to have and raise a child against their will is fucking insanity and condemns the whole family to misery. Kill the fetuses.
humans are animals you fucking retard.
also this
no, its not, cuz its not a baby
We wouldn't say that about any other decision a person makes: you reap what you sow, and you should be held accountable for your actions; that's what you get; if play with fire you'll get burned; etc.
Ok good! i hope those kids of yours you cause great misery to your entire family.
Pls believe me when i say i genuinly want you to suffer greatly at the hands of your own creation, im not just saying this because this is an user-ib.
If you're retarded anything can be a fact.
Humans are animals dipshit. It couldn't be more equivalent.
Nope, not the the mentally healthy.
You can only judge that in hindsight though
Humans are mammals you fucking sick fucking retard fuck
>you reap what you sow
1. consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy.
2. consent to pregnancy is not consent to birth.
>and you should be held accountable for your actions
so the next time you get into a car and someone in another vehicle hits you and puts you in the hospital with life threatening injuries, the doctors/surgeons should throw you out on the street because you know, play with fire etc.
Nice logic, dummy.
>The condition in which one person is owned as property by another and is under the owner's control, especially in involuntary servitude.
Since the life of child is woman's control, she can either adopt out the baby or raise it or kill it by consuming harmful chemicals, wouldn't the baby be the slave?
mammals r animals
We don't eat humans for protein. Also, they are us
so? no1 gets to use other persons organs without consent
How is an organism that forms inside someone elses body without their control and or consent a slave?
Fuck off if you call someone an animal fucker everyone knows what you mean
You also don't eat non-human animals for protein.
Protein comes from plants. You just filter it through another conscious being and kill them for it.
Open a book some time.
just cuz u distinguish humans from animals doesnt make it true
The planet is overpopulated.
Most abortions are niggers.
I couldn't care less what you want, kid. My children were wanted, they're happy, and I support abortion. Your moronic views on the topic are irrelevant.
This is the point every child killer seems to not understand. Were not cumming into your rotting pussy, YOU are allowing men to cum into your rotting pussy knowing a child might be concieved. Its selfish and embarrassingly lazy not to take those very small precautions.
You've never been in any pussy so why are you even commenting on it?
Problem solved staying solved abortions lead the way
> Consenting to sex is not consenting to pregnancy
Yes it is you know the risk l, what if she got AIDS instead.
>Getting hot by another driver
I didn't actively choose that though this would be more along the lines being a Nascar driver or Doinf demolition derby
> Doctors should throw me out
Yes I am a DNR type person
No, you can pretty much predict the outcome for the person that would be born based on genetics, socio-economic status, the history of the parents, epigenetic factors, etc.
Nah, some kids need to be aborted and fuck you for lying because you know it's for purely political and personal reasons you refuse to support abortion. Very few people are crazy enough to believe it has a 'soul' and those who do want to believe that as an arbitrary justification.
They're either concerned about the birth-rate, spiteful about people sex, enjoy spiting children and seeing them suffer as they did or others do, etc etc.
>Yes I am a DNR type person
Uh okay lmao so ill just change it to serious yet non-life threatening injuries. You should still be thrown out because you played with fire.
You do realize that the arguments in favor of abortion are exactly the same arguments that were made in favor of slavery back then, right?
>It's my property, so I get to decide whether or not you are a person or not.
now replace "property" with "body" and there you have it.
> your views i came here to read and debate are irrelevant
Double kek
I believe life starts pre-conception. Everytime a woman menstrates thousands of pre-babies die and every time a man masturbates thousands of pre-babies die! Stop killing babies!
We should have mandatory abortions. There is no reason a child should be born like on pic related. Abortion is mercy.
So why care about a kid being killed if its not your kid? children don't belong to everyone. we live in a society but people make their own choices. Would your force someone you know irl to give birth?
We finally have an actual false-equivalency! Your own body IS your property. Holy fuck youre dumb.
Oops flip those two #