State you live in

>state you live in
>$rent you pay


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900$ for a one room apartment

You don't have to lie.

I know California has a reputation for being very posh and ultra rich, but we also have shitholes that we love very much ( I have a cabin by the smith river where i cosplay as a hillbilly). here's a link to a town i pass through to get to my cabin. It's considred a bustling Gotham by the MUCH more rural "towns".

Attached: 160987.jpg (400x227, 40K)

Why would you think I am lying user? You don't know my life at all

Canada, Ontario, Toronto, I live right downtown $1350 for a 900sqft 2-bedroom.

$1900 split between 2

SC, 2200 sq ft house $1100 with taxes AND insurance.

>870, 1000 with utilities
>3 bed, 2 bath, apt
>2 miles from a major university

London (UK) £800 p/m.

About $1025


$200 in CA? Do you live in a closet? My one bedroom in IN was more than that in 1981

I have a closet in my room, I even took off the doors and backed my bed into the closet nook to maximize space. It is a kinda near set up

NYC - West Village - One bed loft - $3950/month + utilities

200/ month? Lol wut. Niggers in dirt shithuts in Africa and south America pay more than that



2br condo


South Africa, about R3600/month, which is about $240 for a bachelor's flat.

Im in Iowa too. I just built a house. 1500 sq ft walkout ranch with a full finished basement, 3 car garage and a covered deck. Cost about $300k to build

That is fucking nuts. Id move

Texas. $1,400 mortgage plus ~$700 taxes = $2,100 per month

Its the fucking taxes that hurt.

it's not so bad. i move around a lot for my job and whenever I move to big cities they just tack on the cost of living to what is essentially my nominal pay. So while it "looks" like i'm comfortably within the 6 figures range, I'm actually just making 40k-50k bucks wherever I go. So when I lived in this town of less than 5,000 people in nevada I was making just under $60,000, but when I lived in San Francisco I was paid around $120,000.

Where the fuck do you live in California where you pay 200 a month?
Your mom's basement?

>Southern California
>1750 a month

It's adorable when people figure out california is actually a MASSIVE state with every lifestyle in it. See below.

I always see houses and Apts being built but rent keeps rising so much. Why?

Do they purposely not build enough housing so property owners make hand over first?

Depends on where you're talking about. Rent control fucks up some areas and makes developers not want to build anything because they wont get their ROI fast enough. Others is because people have too many kids, too many immigrants, too few immigrants, a new big employer, a big employer goes bankrupt, etc.

There are probably more rural communities in CA than most other states that consider themselves countryfolk.