I snorted 1 mg of alpraz and 1 mg of loraz in the morning is this gonna kill me
I snorted 1 mg of alpraz and 1 mg of loraz in the morning is this gonna kill me
your habit will
no, 2mg of zanax and ativan will just relax you and maybe make you sleep if you have a low tolerance
I hope so, but probably not. You aren't cool.
>Hey guise am I kool yet?
>I did some pills old women take and I have some mumble rap on
>Lol will I die lol
My gran took 10 diazis and had a litre of vodka and she lived. Had a mint time. Stop being teenage.
Op here
I meant I already snorted in the morning would I od off what’s in the pic
A fucking Easter egg?? This place is not for kids.
we all hope it does
You're a retard for snorting alprazolam in the first place. Fuck off underage b&.
A friend gave it to me I use it to hold it
>mint time
I’m going to use that
Agreed just don’t want to die yet
it's easier to find empty pill bottles literally fucking anywhere than one of those obvious as fuck things. no wonder it's so easier for adults to find children's drugs.
You will never have enough benzos to kill yourself or even get a buzz. tell your friend to go back in his parents medicine cabinet and find some opiates.
As someone whos been on zany bas or years,dont snort that shit. Too much fillers.Heres the best way-put the zannys under your tounge for a good 15 mins,doing your best to not swallow your spit. Its called sublingual. The burn from snorting is not worth it
benzos aren't meant to be snorted
I have 500mg I stole I’ve never done this shit before I’m only using it for today so I don’t have to waste plastic rap
I take alpraz all the time. It can’t kill you. It’s xanax
I mainly like the feeling of snorting
I used to do that I can’t get past the taste
The withdrawals can dummy...
Alprazolam isn't that active nasally. Lorazepam probably as well. The only effects you will get will be from drip.
Eat them next time.
Also benzodiazepines have super low toxicity. ODing on them is actually a challenge.
>it can't kill you
get the fuck out of here
It really can't, unless you mix it with opioids or booze.
Coming from a guy who used to OD on benzos for fun.
I think eventually your drug problem will kill you
im not sure i ever oD on xanax. but i was taking upwards of 30mg at once. abused that shit for years. pretty sure it triggered epilepsy that i started having at around 21~ 10 years later after trials with diff meds i have finally not had one in almost a fucking year, im still wary of having one but if i never have to deal with an epilepsy again i would be thankful. also if i could go back and not take xanax like i did i would.. 10 years of my life with epilepsy and shit..
I snorted 1 mg of sugar and 1 mg of salt in the morning is this gonna kill me btw I was playing Gucci Gang in the background to let people know I'm not the little nerd boy anymore no no I'm the badass who will take risks and do drugs N' shit and I forgot to mention I had a shot of beer on the rocks yeah I'm pretty much the baddest of ass, or as my mommy calls me, her Pooby-Bear. basically my rap name, call me poobs. I'm the coolest kid in the 7th grade, and my mom said, if I'm good and do my homework, we get to go to McDonald's. h*ck yeah.