Am I a bad person Sup Forums ?

Am I a bad person Sup Forums ?

Daft cunt posted nudes of herself taken at the daycare center where she works while in uniform with company name and logo.

Sharing is caring so I passed them along to their employee relations department who replied to say they're investigating. OG Reddit post and her account have since been deleted.

Deleted the uncensored original but bonus of her below.

Attached: 20191031_154930.jpg (2048x2048, 765K)

Attached: dxa0otpgean31.jpg (2316x3088, 726K)

But y u snitch?

because its funny
are you new to Sup Forums?

Y cant you enjoy the free pussy

I can

but theres plenty of it out there and this one put some info in it to track her down

yes you are a bad person ; for not posting the uncensored pics. OP is fag

You must have a pathetic shit life and get off ruining others.

Trips chekd. Also

>ITT reddit faggot felt edgy and came to 4channel to get ultimate lulz and updoot

Are you new to Sup Forums?

>Deleted the uncensored original
OP is either faggot or liar

Stfu SJW newfag

you're a bad person. should've used the pics to blackmail her. moron

OP is always a fag

OP is a summer fag who thinks Sup Forums is full of anarchists trying to ruin peoples' lives.

Attached: aid492800-v4-728px-Cope-With-a-Bad-Dog-Step-5-Version-2.jpg (728x546, 54K)

Where is uncensored pic?

I don't even fucking know what sjw is you kike

Yes, that was a bad thing to do.
If your coworker posts nudes, that's free speech, let her do it.
Enjoy and keep it private.
Why did you instead ruin her life over it and delete the pics, ya dumb fucking snowflake?

Social Justice Warrior , a cry baby leftist Marxist who believes that non-white and non-male ,non-heterosexual and non-mentally I'll people are oppressed in the west, that there needs to be social justice, often in the form of promotion of women and coloureds to positions they have not attained by merit.

Great, now she'll never share nudes again. Well done.

Attached: zzzzindex.jpg (225x225, 10K)

This is why we can't have nice things.

Get fucked mate, I could give two fucks about whites in the west

Got a better quality image?

Hopefully you ruined her life and ability to get hired with children again. Best case scenario, she gets a sex offender tag for making amateur porn in a daycare center.

Well done.

Attached: Screenshot_20190930-194204__01.jpg (1080x1564, 284K)

she has hundreds of nudes online

sounds like you are an SJW then.

she will never send nudes again
she will tell her friend so they dont send nudes

soon no girls will send nudes and all we have is ugly traps sendiing dickpics

people like you should die u fucking homo.

girls are stupid as fuck , they will out slut one another to gain advantage.
have you not had a girlfriend before?

Sop in other words she would not share with you or wont fuck you because you're disgusting and repulsive so ya had to get her fired .....Good job fagmo ...Hope your proud of being a filthy fucktard tattling child ..Hope you die a virgin and never know happiness

Bad and stupid person. Now if you had been a bad a smart person you would have found a way to ID her yourself. Now some dude in corporate is going to get some private postings while you and everyone else gets shut out.

Good. Fuck whores and fuck all the white knight faggots in this thread desperate to worship the dirt she walks on because she has a pair of fucking tits.

Dumb sluts deserve a fucking lashing but in the absence of proper justice we have to do the best we can.